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Posts posted by BRCojones

  1. People are incredibly bad at looting then.... I keep finding long range scopes, akms, ammo, generally stuff one would pick up if your bothering to loot something. I swear I saw stuff spawn in that wasn't there before about 1 hour after a someone had looted it.

  2. I believe I had read on one of Rocket's posts that loot respawns are in game. Does anyone know what the timer is for the loot to respawn? I know its more than an hour for a fact but most servers are on one hour restarts so you can't really see them take effect.

  3. I mean.. its sort of hard to argue against hard numbers (programming code) that states the M4 is the most accurate weapon in game if you have it set-up properly.



    That's why its a bambi gun (with the MP handgaurd/buttstock) by allowing horrible players to land every shot.

  4. Am I the only person who immediately just hides the bodies when I see suspicious ass shit like this?


    Gear isn't worth perpetuating this crap, have some integrity.

    I hide the bodies regardless. All I really grabbed that I wanted were the AKM's and ammo for them. M4s are bambi guns only good for spraying. If you ever manage to kill a hacker hide the body, log, and quickly switch servers so he can't speedhack his was back to you.

  5. Today you picked up a container inside another container.


    Tomorrow you will come back and say "why is there sooo much desync?"


    Always remember not to the above, as this is the cause of massive Desync and sometimes that you can't even login anymore on your character.

    I wasn't too desycned at the time but I have seen it get pretty bad as a result of the massive amount of gear. They need to make haste and prevent stackable items like that.

  6. Wait that was you? Lol you guys didnt even kill me ive still got my gear, you killed my friends though then shot me but i just went unconciouse for like 1 minute then managed to get back up and gtfo of there lol.

    Also it kinda makes sense, in real life i could put small items in a med box or ammo box other then meds and ammo, though not another ammo box


    If you were at the southern industrial (with the small hanger) then yes lol we wiped you guys out. One of you tried logging by a wall and I popped you before you disappeared.



    Nice to see you have a hacked MAG, shame we don't have your real steam name to get you ban. I'm sure you hacked the ammo box as well.

    Kill all the scripters and hackers.. You guys are totally fucking up the game........................


    Side note they should make you use your in game the same as your steam name since you have to have steam to play so us admins can ban

    your cheating asses..


    Just because I have it doesn't mean I hacked it in I picked it off one of the bodies didn't notice the attachments until we were sorting out the gear. Either way I don't believe these are a hack they are a glitch but nonetheless it still needs to be fixed.

  7. Me and a buddy did a squad wipe at NEAF just now and we got a ton of loot. Now while searching through the stacks and stacks of protector cases I stumbled onto this ammo box.   http://imgur.com/bZkzgWH neat trick but man is it broken....




    edit: I thought they wiped the mag glitch guess not I just noticed my m4 has infinite ammo =\ drop time

    • Like 1

  8. They need to implement a system where a certain percentage of an ammo pile gets ruined. The old method (only 1 ruined round) and the new one (all ruined) are ridiculous. Your damage system isn't precise enough at the moment to warrant destroying everything. Fix it.

    • Like 2

  9. You're all wrong, most of these scripts don't get activated until the game is already launched, that's how 90% of the script hacks work to avoid the launcher, they just modify live data and send that in place of the original data, there's not a great deal they can do against it other than installing certain algorithms/language that VAC and stuff can detect server side and just straight up auto ban on detection.


    ^Exactly but since most of the guys at bohemia aren't good programmers (arma 3 engine is horribly efficient) I don't expect them to have know how to add complex algorithms like that.

  10. So once again I got killed by a hacker, repeatedly. A once a week antihack from battle eye sucks get another company to handle that stuff. Global bans are useless I had multiple hackers claim that they are getting multiple functioning game keys in .zip files. Is it so hard to write a script that prevents abnormally fast movement and player detection?

  11. 28 days later weren't zombies they had a kind of rage inducing rabies.


    How would it limit people if anything it'll encourage them from not camping buildings and actually going out and surviving.


    I don't know where you are getting that spawning on the shores is lore it was a mod thing they happened to keep but it won't be missed especially once we start getting 70, 100, and eventually 200 person servers.


    Only real things I can argue thanks for the comment.

  12. Please support the thread by commenting on it regardless of whether its positive or negative feedback it'll get the thread noticed by the Dev Team.


    -Location based damage for gear should be dependent on where the bullet hits not the article of clothing it hits in order to damage the gear inside. For example if I place something at the bottom of the backpack and get shot just once in the middle/top of the backpack it should turn into the Kennedy Magic Bullet and ruin all the gear.


    -Food should not be ruined, ever. If I were to shoot a can of food just once I guarantee there would be some edible stuff there.


    -A headshot on a zombie/exposed player head with most of the melee weapons should be a one shot kill. Also zombies shouldn't die with a bodyshot with any gun. They should also have a limb system like players so we can shoot them in the leg and make them crawlers.


    -Zombies shouldn't be able to do leap attacks/sprint. I know they said they are closer to WWZ "creatures" but if that's the case don't call them zombies.


    -When you enter a building the game should automatically revert to first person. This will prevent people from camping walls.


    -Players should spawn across the map. I know some may complain about those spawning near a high weapon yield spot but it'll be luck of the draw. The game is literally a deathmatch in berezino/NEAF atm (its a little better on experimental for now)


    -Rag+stick+(kerosene?) = Torch


    -I believe they fixed players getting into walls but you can still see through them by looking up into with your weapon drawn and alt looking.


    -Craftable arrows from stone/deer antlers + sticks + feathers?


    -If I'm using a pistol from my inventory shot where I'm storing the pistol it shouldn't ruin my drawn pistol.


    -Players shouldn't be able to change direction so quickly while running. For a company that emphasizes realism you have the most agile avatars I've ever seen. Too easy to dodge a would be shooter by constantly changing directions.



  13. I would agree except that this problem just started I have 50 down and 10 up playing a local US server (ping ~100). The problem is that they improperly passed this patch through experimental. I'm not the only one having this problem my whole squad is as well.

  14. Well they truly broke the game with this current patch its unplayable lag is worse than its ever been takes me 2 minutes to interact with gear used to be instantaneous pre patch. I don't understand how it was pushed through experimental its almost as if these devs don't play on their own servers and notice the problems.

  15. Me and my squad got wiped today on the stable branch by a guy that TP'd next to each of us in  quick succession. We manage to sneak back to our gear, got on another server, only to be killed by a different TP hacker. They knew where we were even though we were in bushes. The Dev team needs to send out a wave of bans to make an example out of them.

  16. The owner of the server came on over side chat, called us all server hoppers, and kicked everyone out. This server is obviously being used for his own benefit and is detrimental to the player base.


    Name of the server is:  <Salvation Army> The Day After Obama 


    I have video proof if any of the devs request it. Thank you.
