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About teeasy

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  1. I dont play experimental too much but my experience is totally different, mostly met talkative and friendly guys, maybe it is because most of them were swedes^^
  2. teeasy

    New Char everytime on experimental?

    I didnt want that discussion once again to come up, justthats what it is like today. Actually i hope you guys are right and we dont get f`**** by the "industry" which is (to me) whats gonna haapen to this game.
  3. teeasy

    New Char everytime on experimental?

    Nothing big. I guess thats the problem of Dayz SA these days, only big thing is the money they made by us buying that game.
  4. teeasy

    New Char everytime on experimental?

    well thx then, for my excuse, seeing this warning since 4 months doesnt make me read it every time ;) Nd im sure it was different before that patch, cya. Edit: Plus i dont see anything about that in the warning message, whatever experimental servers seem to never restart anyway, how am i supposed to test anything new when all i find is rotten fruits?
  5. Hey there, I just gave the new experimental a try, my last char wasnt there anymore, i dont care too much abiut my loot anyway, just to make clear. BUT i get a new char on every server change? is that normal now? (and yes i did lock out in safe locations on low pop servers serveral times now) always at the beach :/
  6. teeasy

    This is crazy! KoS my ass

    i like
  7. teeasy

    1 fact 90% of you didn't know before.

    still, no one cares^^
  8. teeasy

    Dayz and RL impact, my top 10

    saw a rotten apple on the streets today thought"not worth picking it up" :)
  9. Same here and it is realy frustrating, yeah sure it is alpha, but i mean come on what in the world was the experimental for? Not to mention the internal testing, i seriously would like to understand how things can get so messed up damn it i wanna play :(
  10. teeasy

    Reason why Bandits rise and heroes die.

    you can post as many funny pics as you want to, but this men is just right and it sucks hard, even harder with all these hackers and bugusers and dont come with the "alpha" thing. Nothing changed since months and i cant see anything coming since they already have our 24 euros, didnt thought this would happen but i can see it coming, that game will die if the devs keep going that way. I can totally understand dean to quit by the end of the year. My promise: nothing will have changed till then and he knows it. Seriously i hope i'm wrong tough.
  11. teeasy

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    this!! i know in the us of a you are a bit "loose" when it comes to nazi signs and stuff but plz can some admin do something about that? btw im german.
  12. its the HD 7800 series, i guess that what windows told him, but ofc you are right. however the temprature should be ok as long it is under full load. Edit: Ok for the cpu 78 is way too high, check if your cpu cooler is correctly mounted and not covered with dust, same for your case.
  13. i suppose he is talking about the newer amd 7800 series, but who knows....
  14. There are 97 different cards of the 7800 series, which one do you have? Your temperature is ok as long as its not above 90 (in general for that chip). Edit: is that 78 celcius under full load or in idle?