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About Brim1944

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    Just your average survivor.
  1. Brim1944

    Motive of the Cold War in the game

    I've only ever seen UAZ's in the standalone.
  2. Brim1944

    Motive of the Cold War in the game

    If that were the case I wouldnt care as much about finding US weaponry. I think they should represent that a bit more visually though, perhaps like CDF and US flags together at bases to show the alliance or going on the theory that there are US bases it would be nice to see some US vehicles lying around. I suppose for me it's just a case of having a little back story.
  3. Brim1944

    Motive of the Cold War in the game

    Maybe im wrong but I remember the CDF as having pretty much only Soviet equipment (AK, RPG, PKM etc) with the exception of one or two western weapons. The Arma 2 page says they still retain their original soviet weaponry. Imo as more weapons are added, they should have more eastern firearms than western ones. It just makes more sense to me that you would find soviet weapons in an eastern european country. For comparison, if the game was set in the US you would expect to find a range of American weapons in military bases rather than AK-47's.
  4. Brim1944

    Do you allow others to rob you?

    I usually just listen to them, unless they are poorly armed and there is a chance I can get away alive/kill them. I mostly just get shot after they get what they want, or sometimes I just get restrained and executed. Still better than being shot on sight.
  5. Brim1944

    What do I do?

    As Nex said eat and drink as much as you can, try and get to 'hydrated' or 'healthy' and your health will slowly come back and your screen shouldn't be grey. You just lost blood, if you loose quite a bit your screen will go greyish as you said. edit: bodybagger beat me to it.
  6. Brim1944

    My Very First Kill

    The first time I killed someone was a few months ago. I was in the NE airfield looting a jail building and stopped directly infront of a window to sort my inventory out. Two guys where going across the runway and saw me standing there, luckily they chose to go fully automatic and since they were also moving it just sprayed the wall and not me. I got my SKS out, shot one but only knocked him unconscious, then his friend shot me and I started bleeding. By the time I bandaged up he was outside trying to revive the other guy with some defibrilators, shot him and killed him and I suppose the other one bled out. I did end up using 20 rounds of my ammo due to me being a bad shot and new to the game but it was worth it because I got the dead guys ttsko gear.
  7. Brim1944

    Game Suggestions

    I think its fine, but it needs to be fixed so they cant leap at you and hit from quite a distance like they do. If you're in a city just run around corners or into houses, and in the country go up hills so they are forced to walk and you can loose them.
  8. Brim1944

    Game Suggestions

    I agree with the better melee sounds and mechanics, it feels like all my weapons do no damage to zombies. For example an axe stab to the face doesnt seem to kill them. Zombies do run fast but I think they should otherwise they would be too slow to be a threat. If there was a horde of slow moving zombies you could just outrun them easily and it would be no problem to you. As for maps being hard to find, you are pretty much guaranteed to find one in the police stations, they have at least 2-3 on most occasions. The cupboards being accessible idea is a good one, they should certainly add it. And imo the looting seems fine, sometimes a lot has been looted already especially in cities, and those little log cabins are mostly empty, same for some houses.
  9. Brim1944

    Primitive weapons

    I think your chances of using a spear or sword effectively without any real experience with them would be pretty bad, but im sure people would have the general idea of how to use it, even if its only basic knowledge. And if others weren't proficient either, then your opponents would be the same. And like Ashley said, a functioning bayonet would be very useful especially in close quarters.
  10. Brim1944

    where are the Amphibia mags?

    The police station sometimes has them (specifically the room with shelves on the 2nd floor) and there are usually some under/around the desks on the 1st floor of the jail building at airfields.
  11. Brim1944

    Primitive weapons

    Producing ammo and weapons is a cool idea, maybe using old shell casings to make new ammunition or using scrap metal to make an improvised firearm like one of those $10 .22's, with the right equipment of course.
  12. Brim1944

    Bandits ruin this game

    It sucks buggy, it happens to all of us at some point and is annoying. Some people cant play without killing anything that moves unfortunately, but they are a necessary part of the game, without them it would be boring and there would be no excitement or danger. As for non-pvp servers, it would just be for loot farming and I know a lot of players would not be happy with it, the entire process of looting would be too safe and players would only join pvp servers to kill with their fully geared up players. LIke Viking said, dont get attached to your gear, I used to do that and raged so hard when I lost my M4 and military clothes, but I dont care for it much anymore as I know it can all be found again, and again and again.
  13. Brim1944

    Primitive weapons

    Great idea, you have to start somewhere with your weapons. Imo firearms should be harder to find, because nobody wants a spear when they can get an M4 after 10 mins of playing. In a real situation you would have to grab whatever you could find and stick it together some way, better that than your fists.
  14. Brim1944


    You aren't wrong at all, but not all horses can live off grass alone. Some horses can get fat off just grass and some just dont get everything they need from it, so a lot of them would starve to death if they weren't killed for food or attacked by zombies.
  15. Brim1944


    It's not a bad idea, but would horses not have starved to death/been killed? (depending on how long it's been since whatever happened in Chernarus).