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Everything posted by amikron

  1. amikron

    Urban Camo Pattern for Military Clothes

    I would be very happy if they implement at least one type of urban camo pattern. I do not really care which one.
  2. amikron

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I will check it again next week, ty 4 the reply
  3. amikron

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I played 5 hours last day in a group(3) and i would like to write about my experiences. + : farming hoe, pitch fork, sickle big winnew clothes like wool coat(with canvas pants and usanka made my day, played the hobo for hours :D), boonie hats are big win also, I'm looking forward to hearing about somekind of hunter jackets, vests,hats (baseball caps, boonies, bandanas) with the existing realtree camo pattern implemented as summer/spring/autumn/winter like the hunter pants (brown also)new food love allEat All option had to be done, thank youSporter seems to be working fine.Thanks for the painting additions and fixes. tested: firefighter axe, mosin, sks, ballistic helmetThanks for the rain and the related stuffThanks for the ability of catching rain with canteen and water-bottle but the procedure is a bit annoying. It's just me but i think it should be changed (click-1%-getting wet-click-1%-getting wet) or the players won't use it because of wells and sodas.Thanks for the Police stations replacing some officesKhelm became a nice villageI like the fact that the zombies respawns but i think the respawn time should be increased a bit(just a bit like 3-5 min). I clear a 50 sqm area in a minute and i can't loot a single building.neutral: new look of the existing cans-: I'm experiencing network issues mentioned by other players like lags "wait for host" "please wait" as mentinoed in the changelog. Keep monitoring it. tested: more than 20 servers, 5 different european countries(less than 50 ping). I guess the problem correlates with the number of players but i'm not an expert.cannot collect berries from bushes. I'm a noob maybe. Tested with various bushes. I was not even able to reveal the option for it.cannot collect blood from other players tested with damaged and badly damaged bloodbags, 3 different players every combination. The message : "There is nothing left" :|cannot check the pulse on a dead player. I think there should be an option for it and return a "no pulse" message or something like that.Summa: Devs, I can feel the effort. The game is improving keep up the good work :beans: (sorry for my bad english :blush: )
  4. amikron

    Backpacks sugestion for the game.

    Schedule. Ofc i will not cry if they put these on a low priority. I really know that feeling when you are front of a ladder and check your gear to be sure you have wooden sticks and bandages for a splint ...
  5. It's just me but i think more kind of military weapons especially assault rifles will not make the game a shootemup until the spawning quantity stands on the same level. It will actually harden the game. If you are eager to get an assault rifle right now the only choice is the M4(i know that is a carbine ofc). The only thing you have to do is to stockpile ammo and parts of it during your scavanging. Once you reach a military installation with expected fat military loot you can almost be sure(on a fresh server) about there will be an M4. You can use the stuff stockpiled before. The Ak-74 is a confirmed weapon. Even only this one will face you hard decisions. You need more slots you have to balance your food, water, medical stuff because you have to stockpile 2 kind of ammo, and maybe uncompatible attachments. Just imagine the situation when (for example) the G3A3 comes in with a 7.62*51mm cartridge. 3 kind of ammo more more attachments even harder decisions. If you do not increase the spawning rate of this 3 gun(ammo and attachments also) and keep them in military bases it will be even harder to find a gun and feed with the right ammo. Imagine that you reach a military base and lucky enough to find some ammo, clips and a military gun. If there is only one type after a succesful run you will have M4 with some bullets and clips. But if you keep the rarity of the guns ammo and stuff after your succesful run there will be a bigger chance to find an AK, clips for M4 and some rounds for the G3A3 and you still don't have a working assault rifle. High-tech modern sniper rifles ? Almost the same. Still really hard to get a long range scope for the mosin. Btw there are many ways to balance the military loot to avoid the feeling of common fps games. I think the worst one is only 1 or 2 weapon. sorry for my bad english
  6. this thread is not about suggestions? i will do as you ask. btw i love all of those :D
  7. amikron

    Backpacks sugestion for the game.

    I think i like most of the suggestions here especially the yellow bee shaped one. Btw here is my suggestion: It would be lovely to hang around with this(or something similar) and the current TTsKO pants/jacket
  8. Anyone suggested the AA12 auto shotgun? If not then let me be the one.
  9. Hello! I'm new to the forum but have some suggestions. I read the whole thread but so much information. So i decided to post my suggestions but if any of those were mentioned or discussed before just ignore it. I think a mid-eastern-european-russian mixed zombie apocalypse cannot be complete without ice hockey items. So first meele weapon suggestion is Ice hockey bat goalie and other players. Related items: Helmets goalie and other players many different colour like black, blue, red, white, green, grey and so on... Just imagine hanging around half naked with a chainsaw wearing a goalie hockey helmet. Knives: Swiss army knife with can opener, saw and stuff. Survival game without this one? Knives with built-in compass. I think there should be at least one kind. These knives are really common in every country many kind of desings. It's just me but I think some of the hunter designed knives fits better but i do not take seriously the design if there will be a knife with compass in the game.(and of course there can be a compass in the swiss army knife) Leg pistol and knife holster and/or combined. Belt pistol and knife holster and/or combined 2 sides of course. There are leather designed pistol holsters which are really cool. Should be in the game. But I strongly suggest to be open minded. There are some really good looking modern pistol holsters with various colours like olive, brown, black, green, even woodland or urban camo and are really common in almost every counrty. If I can carry a sidearm in a belt or leg holster without sacficing slots in my backpack or else I would be very happy. Black Colt Python. It is beautiful. I think we should not bother the present design when it spawns. There should be some way to paint it black if you like it better. Using the black spraycan maybe? So here are my suggestions shortened and some random pics for example: Meele: Hockey sticks Swiss army knife: Knives with compass: Modern combat design example Somekind of hunter design example: Black Colt Python: I think this is all for today, i wont fill this thread with pics of hockey helmets and holsters there are tons of pictures everywhere :) Sorry about my bad english.