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Everything posted by Sirwarriant12

  1. Sirwarriant12

    DayZ confirmed for xbox one at E3?

    By vastly you mean having a worse CPU than the xbox and only having a slightly stronger GPU and faster ram? Wouldn't hardly go with vastly, majority of multiplats perform better on the xbox because Sony is a bunch of idiots that pushes 1080p over solid frame rates. The "power" of the PS4 is so grossly overrated it's pathetic. and no I'm not an xbox fanboy i hate consoles more than most things. xbox=potato ps4= slightly more powerful potato
  2. Sirwarriant12

    10 FT fall = Death

    There was also a Bomber pilot/crewman one of the 2 during WW2 that was blown out of the plane and fell however many thousands of feet it was and landed on a glass roof that broke his fall, was then captured by the Germans and then later released so ya weird shit happens.
  3. Sometimes I find alot others I find nothing. The last time I was at Vybor base 2 of the 3 were for the most part epmty aside from random odd things that worth useles to me and then the final I found an AKM, 1 mag, ammo, canteen and a sposin backpack.
  4. Sirwarriant12

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    The round itself is capable of penetrating a steel plate at 500m that is only 0.08mm thick. Thats your standard infantry helmet, nothing all that special, however the gun is almost always used from under 400m, because that is the max effective range. Sure if you can hit something from 500m it will penetrate but that doesn't mean its a good idea to try to shoot people from that far with the 9x39. It's a very niche gun that was designed almost exclusively for covert operations. The only thing the gun will be good for is counter sniping if they manage to get the ballistics of the round even some what right. Good luck hitting a moving, even slow moving target with the amount of drop the round has.
  5. Sirwarriant12

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Except its effective range is only about 300m with alot of bullet drop due to the subsonic round, full auto fire was put pretty much as a last resort, as the gun loses alot of it's accuracy and can damage the internals if done too much. If the devs implement it correctly it will not be an all purpose wins in every situation kind of gun at all. Most people will still prefer one of the AK variants for all around and things like the dragunov or other designated long range rifles added down the road for sniping.
  6. Sirwarriant12

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Oh sweet jebus I will use nothing else now. Now just let us go to Pripyat and my life will be complete.
  7. Sirwarriant12

    Your favorites OSTs / songs while playing DayZ

    Either Stalker Or Metro
  8. Sirwarriant12

    Why snipers aren't going away

    Not bashing their shooting abilities but most if not all of their kills were within 500m not clear out to 1000 with a gun that was never meant to be used as a sniper rifle. The mosin is a solid rifle for what it was made for, being dependable and getting the job done as a mass produced standard issue infantry rifle but thats about it. The only gun that should be even remotely able to reach out that far some what accurately is the M4 and thats a pretty big stretch. The mosin should be restricted to the PU scope and used as an early gun tell you get something better.
  9. Sirwarriant12

    Zombie Kids

    Maybe you should do a little bit of research before making yourself look like an idiot. The Z in DayZ has no connection to undead zombies of any kind. It stands for zero, meaning the day that the outbreak happened.
  10. Sirwarriant12

    Zombie Kids

    First off we do not have zombies in the game, they are still 100% alive just infected with a rage type virus like the one in 28 weeks/days, secondly if a kid was infected they would most likely just die because their bodies and immune systems couldn't handle it as well as someone who was lets say anywhere from late teens to 30's.
  11. Sirwarriant12

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    To me they do it for the adrenaline rush that everyone who plays DayZ knows and loves. However if they want that rush due to the possibility of losing gear etc they could just go play wasteland and other mods and what not. Theres alternatives to bloating the game with it and I hope that as this year progresses the difficulty of the game both from a survival standpoint and an increase in infected numbers and intelligence skyrockets hopefully helping alleviate the amount of people treating this like any other run of the mill shooter. I know it will never be completely eliminated but a decrease would be fantastic. I don't want PvP eliminated in the slightest, it's one of DayZ's strongest features but I want the group kos arma mentality to go away or atleast be toned down. I don't see the fun in running around in a group of 4+ people mowing everyone down simply because of larger numbers.
  12. Sirwarriant12

    WW2 Flame Thrower

    Good luck finding a functional one and good luck getting the right fuel mixture. Seriously, i'm heavily against any from ww2 etc being added simply because of how rare they are however if we could rig some crappy one together that had a chance of exploding on use or something then sure I guess. I just don't see it as something we need and theres a hell of alot of other, easier ways to clear out a building/ bunker then running up to it with a bomb strapped to your back. Not to mention some civilian one rigged from a propane tank or gas tank or whatever isnt going to have the power or range to clear much of anything.
  13. Sirwarriant12

    Average Lone Wolf Wouldnt Survive

    Ya thats exactly how I feel although my care for my gear doesn't go down in a group but what I loot does a bit. I will look for blood bags and iv its more etc than I would solo.
  14. Sirwarriant12

    Player bases you found

    but but its so purty
  15. Sirwarriant12

    Player bases you found

    Do I see a smersh vest
  17. Sirwarriant12

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    That would be the greatest thing ever, but apparently The studio is back and they said they are bringing back an old fan favorite then later mentioned how alot of the work for the new stalker was finished. Ples God be a new stalker oh and the next metro is going to be open world. I NEED MOAR METRO AND STALKER
  18. Sirwarriant12

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    Old Soviet uniforms should already be in the game lol and I wouldn't mind any German uniforms either, lets face it German ww2 uniforms and outfits looked damn good. and add some metro tunnels have nazis live in 1 part and soviets live in the other have them fight we now have online metro
  19. Sirwarriant12

    Please Revert back to the old running animations

    I've been trying to figure out why they changed it in the first place. I quite liked the original ones it looked solid, now we have this stupid flail your arms around like a chimpanzee crap that looks so unbelievably stupid.
  20. Sirwarriant12

    Jump and Grab Mechanic

    There is a mod for Arma 3 which pretty much just enhances the movement in a few ways. The biggest is the ability to clamber over walls and being able to get ontop of roofs if there is a way to get up there like crates on the side that you can use to get up onto the roof from. It also adds a sort of jump that is pretty much the running vault that is in this and lets you jump over short gaps, etc. You can then of course climb back down off of things. It works surprisingly smooth as well. I really think something like that would be awesome for DayZ and possibly even an assisted climbing ability like from warface where one person boosts the other up ontop of something then that person pulls the other person up.
  21. Sirwarriant12

    Average Lone Wolf Wouldnt Survive

    While I enjoy playing with people, my life span drastically goes down. When playing with the people I play with my bandages get used up extremely fast, loot has to be shared, it's harder to stay undetected etc. Had a toon alive for like 3 months with playing pretty much everyday, then my friend wanted to go shoot some people in Berinzino, 5 minutes in a hacker ports over to me puts my guns away and bam is kill. I tend to be less alert when playing with a group because I feel like I don't have to with the extra eyes, so I am definitely more paranoid alone but again I live much longer. Playing solo, if you know what your doing enables you to live much longer than in a group but it can't beat dicking around in the game with your friends. When I play solo I stay in the wilderness more and head into towns and what not when i need loot and thats about it. I enjoy the woods and fields and the small little towns where no one is at, then with friends its to the larger towns etc. Both have their challenges but solo lets you focus on yourself only so is better for long term by far.
  22. Sirwarriant12

    Krasnoe and Kamensk are great additions.

    Haven't seen them yet but they sound cool, might have to open it up in arma 3 and fly over there.
  23. Sirwarriant12

    Trading posts/NPC (guards) Hear me out. Thoughts?

    I would never want NPC's other than zombies in any shape or form. I do however love the trading post/zone sort of thing but I would want it to be 100% player controlled, ran and built. Like for example go to one of the castles, close off as many gaps as possible once building and what not is in and set up a trade hub. You would have good line of sight, a well defensible position and could have a sort of little tent city going on inside where you could trade, safely log, a possible make shift hospital, a mechanic for vehicles etc all player run. Just have it to where weapons are confiscated by the guards and kept in a safe place like the keep until they leave. The guards would keep watch and keep the peace and it would also give bandits an interesting thing to try to raid and giving them the ability to ambush player caravans and giving people the ability to protect players heading to trade and so on. The possibilities are pretty damn endless with they deliver on the final game. I would much rather have players set something up than have a "safe zone with NPC's.
  24. Sirwarriant12

    Strength of Prison Door Locks

    Ya high caliber and lock pick for me. I doubt something like a .22 or 9mm is going to do much to them especially the .22.
  25. Sirwarriant12

    Why does the game hide everything cool from us?

    Do you know what needs it's spawn rate upped and more spawn points added to it. THE FREAKING SMERSH VEST LIKE WHAT 5 PEOPLE HAVE FOUND IT TOTAL