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Everything posted by Sirwarriant12

  1. Sirwarriant12

    Since when are binoculars 4 slot

    le sigh* now i have to venture out of the woods to get a new LRS and some matches
  2. If they put any form of anti-material rifle in the game would much prefer something like the PTRS-41, it seems much more fitting for the setting. Make it rare, the ammo even rarer, awkward as hell to carry and have to be prone or setup somewhere to shoot it, oh and no scope. Make it more of a vehicle ambush weapon. It's stilll being used in places like Ukraine and Syria.
  3. Sirwarriant12

    Dayz silent Knife Kills ?

    I don't want some super flashy fancy stealth kill animation like from battle field but i would not mind what Whyherro123 brought up. It would be nice to see melee weapons, atleast small ones like knives made viable as a quiet weapon.
  4. They should just add the spotter scopes that can pick up the bullet trail, make them rare though.
  5. Sirwarriant12

    Nuggets, Caged Zombie and Babies

    This is fantastic lol, but if your being serious, don't ever count on 99% of that being added lol
  6. Sirwarriant12

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Decided to hop on experimental, I hate night time in this and flares make it 100 times sketchier.
  7. Sirwarriant12

    Why is the Sporter .22 so underpowered?

    I think body shots should take a bit to kill people but people should really go down with 1-2 shots to the head from close enough and as long as they aren't wearing a ballistic helmet and so on. 22 rounds are powerful enough to penetrate the skull if close enough, however they lack the power to exit so they simply bounce around inside the skull, which essentially turns the brain to mush. The round is plenty lethal as long as you are within range and hit either the head or a vital organ, even then a vital organ may not kill. It is lethal from much farther out then people think but then accuracy starts becomes an issue.
  8. Sirwarriant12

    The Lone-Wolf playstyle

    I play solo 99% of the time and prefer it that way. I'm for the most part friendly, however I greatly enjoy stalking people from time to time, along with torturing people if i'm in the mood. I generally stick to the far north or west in the woods and only enter towns if I absolutely need to. After i've got my mosin with a pu scope, lrs, bipod and compensator and either a 1911 or revolver and my preferred outfit, gas mask and rice and a few canteens I almost never enter a town.
  9. Sirwarriant12

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    I would fucking love this, I would much rather see this than a modern 50. cal. When i think of survivors in an apocalypse i don't think of shiny modern guns, I think of worn down, older and possibly makeshift guns.
  10. I would love it. It would piss off all the little KoS COD tards, which in turn would possibly make them quit, which in turn would leave all the people who want to actualy play the game how it was meant to be played, a survival game that deals with a zombie apocalypse and human interaction, not run around, server hop tell you have 500 rounds for your m4 then shoot every living creature you see acting like this is some generic shooter where all you do is shoot people.
  11. Sirwarriant12


    Well the ones that are in the game are composite, so graphite or fiberglass or what not. I don't really see how we could craft them, they should change them to makeshift arrows made from sticks and stone or something so we can actually craft them
  12. Sirwarriant12

    If H1Z1 will have squads and clans at early access why ...

    I really don't see why people actually have faith that H1Z1 will be even remotely good. I guarantee it will just be planetside 2 with building and last time i checked planetside 2 is doing that great with what 3 or 4 servers, most of which are empty half the time. Sony is a shit company and will make shit decisions that will kill the game even if it is good just like they did with planetside 2.
  13. Sirwarriant12

    gas mask clipping with every hat?

    What confuses me though is why they only removed the gasmask/balistic helmet combo, pretty much every other head wear clips aside from maybe the boonie hat. So why not remove the combo for everything.
  14. Sirwarriant12

    Lots of Zombies

    Why on earth would anyone want to have 28 days/weeks styled zombies. With 3000 zombies on the server with very large amounts in one place especially big cities, it will be next to impossible to get out of a town or get away from them. That doesn't sound even remotely fun or enjoyable. Slow ones would actually be fun, I don't want to spend my entire time ingame running away from super human zombies who can run as fast as me. Slow ones would cause people to potentially lower their guard when entering cities thinking they have enough time to get in and loot taking their sweet time since they are slow. Next thing you know all the roads are blocked by zombies and your screwed because you weren't paying attention to how close they were getting to you. This isn't the smoothest of games so please elaborate on how you would go about dealing with tons and tons of zombies sprinting full speed at you with anything other than an LMG. Not to mention large mounts of fast zombies would be harder on the server and everyone's rigs.
  15. Sirwarriant12

    Lots of Zombies

    I would love to have 3000 zombies and roaming hordes but if there are that many they need to be much slower than they currently are. Half the time they run faster than the player. I don't want hundreds of zombies running around going faster than the players.
  16. Sirwarriant12

    What range are your gunfights?

    I don't like being near towns or people for that matter, so if I kill you it will be from extremely far off with most of my "fights", if you want consider me dropping you from 400m+ without you knowing where I am a fight. I don't do well in close ranges.
  17. Hey guys i'm currently stuck at the western most airfield with a broken leg due to a ladder glitch. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Edit: I have been helped. Thank you guys so much for this invaluable service. That would've been a month down the drain if it wasn't for you guys. Thank you again.
  18. Sirwarriant12

    Lots of Zombies

    I want to see towns heavily populated with zombies and hordes roaming around but not until the pathing for them is fixed and the hit detection for them is fixed. However i have had fairly large hordes, well large for this game lol. I had around 8 run out of the woods toward me after shooting one with my mosin while on my way to the airfield way out west. I have actually had more horde type zombie encounters the farther i get from the coast.
  19. Sirwarriant12

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    I really want to see something that is an alternative to the full military gear that would still provide the same amount of slots like some form of longcoat and more hunting gear. I really dislike how you have to get full military gear to maximize your carry capacity but then you are automatically labeled as a bandit if you have said full military gear. I want to see more makeshift things, I want to see more things that make this seem like and apocalypse not just a bunch of people running around in military gear. I want to look like a survivor not a soldier.
  20. Sirwarriant12

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I would love this. I really enjoy playing in third person because i like seeing my character and what not but i hate the third person camera exploit when it comes to fights and what not. This would be a perfect compromise for me.
  21. Sirwarriant12


    YES PLEASE, go play a game like LotRO were you can sit around smoking your pipe and get ingame instruments and either play them by hand with the corresponding keys or use abc files to play pretty much anything. I would love to sit round a fire in this playing a guitar with friends.
  22. Sirwarriant12

    Fog Inbound for DayZ? [Reddit]

    You've obviously never seen a coastal area, especially in the mornings. I wasn't aware only silent hill was allowed to have a very natural and fairly regular weather type.
  23. Sirwarriant12

    Saw this floating around. Yes please!

    I wouldnt mind gore as long as it was realistic, like a larger exit wound from bullets, deep gashes and what not. But that is borderline over the top. I can't think of any weapon we currently have access to that would do anything remotely close to that. I'm sure grenades and what not would have a better chance depending on how powerful they are though when we get them.
  24. I'm sure this isn't the first topic about this but seriously this was after just heading straight to NWAF after spawning, aside from the running it took me a total of 5 mins to get pretty geared. Military bases need their loot nerfed just a bit. I can go and loot a town and get maybe half that if i'm lucky and looting towns takes much, much more time.
  25. Sirwarriant12

    Military bases have wayy to much loot

    It's not hardly my first gear, I'm simply pointing out that it's too much gear in one location. The game is supposed to be about surviving and having to look for gear. All this does is encourage deathmatch and server hopping.