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Everything posted by Sirwarriant12

  1. Sirwarriant12

    The lone wolf

    Ive been a lone wolf since I started playing. Then my friend picked up the game and we decided to head to berinzino for some sniping the bam hacker kills the toon I've had alive for 2-3 months. Since then I've just been running around on the coast collecting books and hats.
  2. Sirwarriant12

    Guitar, fire and dance animations

    I'm all for this, especially the guitars. Some for my best game memories are from games like Lord of the Rings online and just sitting around with friends playing all the instruments you had available to you. Some sort of abc file system would go along great which would let you play your own songs along side the preset ones. However if this was added it wouldn't be until much, much later unfortunately.
  3. Sirwarriant12

    Paramedic Clothes Spotted and Maybe More

    Oh my god that's freaking amazing if that's real I am never touching another gun again.
  4. Same here, whenever I'm there I don't really notice that many at first but when i decide to stay for a while I end up encountering 20 atleast if not more.
  5. Sirwarriant12

    Is this how I die after more than 50 hours surviving?

    I just died after 3 months with around 75 hours to a hacker I feel your pain lol. There's a reason I tend to play solo. I had a bipod on my mosin to boot.
  6. Sirwarriant12

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    It wasn't desync my friend who was just down the road has his guns be put away then next thing i know a guy in full tkso with an m4 with all attachments pops out of no where my guns get put away and bam.
  7. Sirwarriant12

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    That part was intended to be sarcasm lol
  8. Sirwarriant12

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I have no problem dying in the game but when some ass hat teleports up to me, forces my 3 month old toon to put his gun away then shoots me and laughs about it it stings just a little. Love to see Battle Eye doing its job.
  9. Don't be a turd, throw it out. If you use it knowingly your pretty much as bad as the people who spawned it in. Play fair.
  10. Sirwarriant12

    New NE Airfield Thoughts?

    I regularly travel from the coast to NWAF. I've made as many as 4 trips back and forth from the coast in one play session. It really does not take that long to get there. 25 mins top, but i usually get there in around 15. The amount of loot is worth the small walk. Not to mention gunfights in the tent city are fantastic.
  11. Sirwarriant12

    Flame throwers

    I would be all for it honestly as long as it was balanced and could blow up and only gave you a few bursts of flames. I can see multiple uses for it in the game such as people being barricaded inside a building, sneaking up on people in cars burning them out. They should be a hazard to everyone though, the operator and his pals included. If some idiots stand too close to someone with a flame thrower and the flame thrower tanks get shot they better all be flailing around screaming and burning. They need to be very dangerous to operate as well as difficult to maintain.
  12. Sirwarriant12

    Airfield tent loot situation

    Ya I pretty much used to use NWAF exclusively to gear up since people almost never went there. I've gone back a few times since the patch hit to look for ammo and a pristine LRS but the tents seem almost empty now. Finally ran into a guy out there though, he popped up in the little bunker/tower things, shot like 10 rounds with an SKS at me an my friend(completely missed all of them) then ran off into the woods and logged
  13. Sirwarriant12

    Awesome "Secret" Sniping Spot in Svetlojarsk!

    oooooooooooooooooooooo lovely thank you for this.
  14. Sirwarriant12

    Goodness me, that was bloody amazing.

    Nice story, forgot the AF got changed. I'll have to head up there and find some new firing positions later.
  15. Sirwarriant12

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    If any sort of system was implemented i would prefer it to be like a few people mentioned earlier. Something like increased heartbeat or a message about how your uneasy or something or different body language and such.
  16. Given the games engine and well, quite frankly, over all clunkiness of the game play, I think the game would be much better off with shambling, possibly slow jogging zombies but huge numbers of them. Noise is still an issue, stealth would still be more viable and so on. It would be easier to balance the zombies. Simply make them hit hard and make them slow with large numbers and roaming hoards. Lately I've been seeing more and more issues with them. Getting hit from really far away, invisible zombies killing you and so on.
  17. Sirwarriant12

    How would you combat player suicide?

    I'm all for this as well. It's stupid how low you can jump from and die in this. It would fix the suicide issue partly as well as the stupid death from fall damage.
  18. Sirwarriant12

    Song about the gasmask KOSers

    I wear a gas mask and i'm not a bandit :(
  19. Well seeing how pretty much all the spawns are near a city or small town, it shouldn't be all that hard to find one instead of screaming on the forums like a 2 year old because your lost. Heres a novel idea, figure out which way the sun is setting, then run the opposite direction and would you look at that, you found the coast. Congratulations, now run either way on the coast tell you hit a city.
  20. Sirwarriant12

    Incapacitation/ Kinectic knockdown discussion

    I am 100% for this, except for the zombie knock-downs and what not as long as they are faster than us. I would prefer slower zombies in the game, although I've heard Dean wants them to be more like 28 Days/Weeks zombies instead of World War Z styled ones. On players though, go right fucking ahead, I would love it. Would love it on the zeds too as long as they were slower, I don't want 900 super zeds running after me tackling me.
  21. Sirwarriant12

    is the longhorn really useful?

    Have yet to find one but doubt i'll grab it due to the single shot. However on the bayonet thing a few posts back they could just make them function like they do in Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars. You simply press X and it switches to the bayonet and you click to stab then a quick press of X and your back to shooting. I doubt it would be that difficult to implement something along the lines of that.
  22. Sirwarriant12

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    I decided to head up there for the first time with a friend today. Nothing eventful really happened while we were there other than a few zombies pretty much spawning on top of us. However it did start raining shortly after we got there and stopped very soon after we left. There is something just eerie about it though, not some place I want to stay for any length of time.
  23. Sirwarriant12

    Since when are binoculars 4 slot

    Logged in 2 items where gone including my pristine LRS D: and the binoculars where taking up 4 slots instead of 1. When was this changed?
  24. Sirwarriant12

    Since when are binoculars 4 slot

    I'm probably just going to drop mine after i find an LRS. Main reason i would always grab them was because they only took 1 slot.