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About bushgator

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  1. I aim for chest. When in the heat of a firefight, most people back off/run for cover as soon as they take a round. A leg, or center mass is much easier to hit than the head. Although, when someone is down, I put one in their head.
  2. bushgator

    AXIS Dayz Server

    Bump. We've been having very heated 5+ vs 5+ battles at the NEAF nightly. Sometimes Multiple ones. Having a great time, come join the fun! (On a side note, in every fight, we've yet to come across someone with a LRS. So most of the fighting is done within 200m of your enemy)
  3. bushgator

    Getting killed by groups only.

    Find a group. Join them, trust them. I know it's hard to do, but you'd be surprised.
  4. bushgator

    The most intense thing ever.

    Another example of moving paying off big time.
  5. bushgator

    The Gun of your Choice

    I prefer a Mosin with LRS. My favorite gun by far is the FNX with RDS. I've yet to try the new pistols though, we'll see about them.
  6. bushgator

    Zombies Ruining Gear in one hit!?!?!?

    @ OP. I heard this happened to a friend of mine in vent. He then logged off and whined about it. He left his two friends to fend for themselves and they starved to death. IT WAS YOU.
  7. bushgator

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    Same thing has happened to me, before the damage nerf. Point blank, sawed off, right to someones back, 10 feet away. Nothing. No damage.
  8. bushgator

    AXIS Dayz Server

    Hello, I'm posting about my server. The title is --ALWAYS DAYTIME-- 2HR Restarts--LOOTS Axis Server (Regular) 11 We're a daytime server with admins almost always on. We invite all clans, bandits, heros, whatever you consider yourself to come join in on the murder, and bean and bacon searching. We're currently ranked 52 on dayzserver.com, and we're climbing the ranks every day! We're always up for recruiting teammates, getting in gunfights, and with today's recent patch, running from zombies! Feel free to ask any questions you might have, as I'll be monitoring the thread. Hope to see you running in my cross hairs someday!
  9. bushgator

    Killing Bandits for fun

    Feel free to Filer search "AXIS" We run rampant on our bambis, killing them for fun. Please, I beg you, come and stop us.
  10. bushgator

    Why co-operate if you're gonna get shot anyways?

    I'm assuming you're stopping people in Elektro?
  11. bushgator

    Why co-operate if you're gonna get shot anyways?

    Yeah, I'm not going to put my hands up. If I'm a babi, I'm going down screaming and fighting, If I'm kitted, I'm taking someone with me. Plus, chances are it won't get to the point where I'm in a position to get held up. If someone yells at me to put my hands up, I just say no. Go ahead shoot me. I'm not going to sit there and let you stuff rotten fruit and disinfectant down my throat. I'll die before I lose my dignity.
  12. bushgator

    [Challenge] Clan v. Clan

    My guys will fight you. Sounds fun. Currently, there's only two of us on right now, but we usually have 4-8. Most of us work full time, but are on in the evenings. Our server is AXIS. Steam ID is BushGator, feel free to add man.