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Everything posted by ig-rage

  1. ig-rage

    Projected .60 patch notes

    Personally, right now, I only want the new Infected Spawning system, Renderer, New UI and lots of bug fixes. When the game runs at a playable and stable FPS ratio, then I'll look beyond the horizon to bigger and better stuff. P.S. I really like the new Forum.
  2. Decided to mess around with the new content and core mechanics being added/modified, came across a lone zombie so I engaged in combat with him to check out their new moves, needless to say, I got my a** whooped.
  3. ig-rage

    Be a hero...

    i think i may have saw such a practice in cherno a couple of days ago, Also i've seen an increase in friendlies lately, and so i have deducted from my banditry ways and resorted to being a survivor just to balance out my humanity a bit more.
  4. ig-rage

    My first shooting kill

    At the time, I didn't really want to take a chance since i had just found a few clothing items i was hunting for, which took a while to find (olive assault vest, olive tactical shirt and gas mask).
  5. ig-rage

    My first shooting kill

    i have killed other players before, but my first ever encounter with 2 whilst being on my own came to pass today, i was on a server that originally had around 13-15ish players, that dropped to maybe 8 by the time i made it to the NWAF, i was looting the military building which has that 1 cage door room to the right of the entrance literally as you walk in, i went upstairs to check the loot and i heard gunshots coming from further down the AF, i take a quick look out the windows before i continue with my looting. after about 5 mins i hear 2 shotgun shots, they where very close to the building i was occupying so i go out the room i was in and look down the stairs, i hear them walk to the door and come inside, they started looking in the rooms and then waited at the corner of the building straight up from the door near the stairs so i pop my head around to get a shot and my bullets hit the floor i was on, i reload and hear him say "there's 2 of us and we have a lot of ammo!" i remained silent, after about 7 mins of nothing but footsteps and a horde of zombies running through the door and getting killed by these guys they came out of their room and one waiting in the corner i previously stated, the other started to make his way up the stairs so i run around and shoot, hitting him 4 times. They both then ran back into the room and started bandaging, eating, drinking and reloading, they come out again and i shot at them again killing 1 of them (without knowing i did immediately after the attack), another 15 mins or so go by without so much of a whisper and i just glimpse the second dude looting his friends body, i slowly made my way down the stairs and shot him in the head. They ruined a lot of my gear, but it was all replaced with theirs so it's fine haha, my character once again prevails in surviving another day.
  6. ig-rage

    Hostile Gaming

    wheres the IP and port?
  7. try and re-install it all.
  8. ig-rage

    Newbie and Vehicles

    or find a fuel barrel which hold 210 litres instead of a 20 litre jerry can.
  9. why does the server take forever to come back Online after a restart? also it restarted after 3H 16M not 4H, awesome server so far though, only played about 37 mins of it
  10. ig-rage

    Knight Stalkers gaming dayz epoch

    At least put some effort into the thread...
  11. ig-rage

    Bambies and Helicopters

    Bitch please, I got this...*BOOM*
  12. I bought the mod after playing SA and I also play Epoch as it has more in it :), never regretted it.
  13. ig-rage

    The first 3 dayz in DayZ - my story.

    Test, or be tested.
  14. ig-rage

    Searching for Standalone Partner

    I'll join you, I don't have a mic at this moment, but I'm getting one soon, (within next 2 weeks) add my skype ig.tranquility
  15. ig-rage


    just had my first gunfight with a bandit (only got the mod couple of days ago), I think it lasted 50+ minutes, I won in the end but it was awesome, he seems like a nice guy as well; we agreed to only get each other when we are both logged on...lets see if he stays true to his word. I've played as a bandit on SA, you just need to remember it's a game and they will get there shit back relatively quickly.
  16. my perfect server, helpful players, great Admin, and more :)
  17. ig-rage

    Is the DayZ Mod better than Standalone?

    I bought it yesterday after a long debate with myself, I have no regrets.
  18. ig-rage

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    i don't care who dies on the walking dead, I was generally pointing out that you COULD survive using a crossbow/bow; if you know what you're doing.
  19. ig-rage

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    only if you're an idiot.
  20. ig-rage

    Why no killer tag

    would you rather we die once and then the game is unplayable to us?
  21. ig-rage

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    It will be dealt with later, if people need to server hop to test things in game then so be it.