Greets, Looking into the game for myself and a half dozen friends. I was told to buy the arma 2 and use the mod versus getting the SA. Anyone care to comment on any major differences/benefits or hindrances buying either or may impose on our group? After reading several threads I am noticing after looting an area, said area will not respawn until a server restart? Alos noticing folks hop servers to check on spawns. so this means if one group gets everything apon server restart say in a morning then your sol till next server restart which could be how long? We have been playing rust so the thresat of restarting isn't all that big but not being able to do anything for "x" amount of time because you cleared content does not sound appealing. Anyone that can set me straight on this aspect? How are the hackers at this point have they weeded enough of them out to give new players a fighting chance? I know with valve and cheatpunch I still see tons of obvious hacks, but it is livable atm. I want zombie apoc and some pvp, how does this game compare to say "nether" or "7 days to die" in terms of what you can do, evolving aspects and ofc graphics. Never would have bought Rust had I known Zombies were getting 86'd. Thanks for any advice, opinions.