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Everything posted by daisho

  1. I've voted for yes, adding defecting would maybe force people to go aim for a balanced diet as just feeding of sardines might make you getting diarrhea at some point, being forced to aim for a more balanced diet might encourage trading and reduce KoS-mentality. Toilett paper could get added as item what also - together with desinfect spray - could be used for cleaning up wounds before you bandage them or maybe you would have to repeat to clean up wounds in regular intervals to not get infections (as wounds actually need more medical attention than just bandaging them one time). Nuditity? I wouldnt mind it but I guess we all know where this would be going, what I wouldn't mind that either if people wanna play around with it a bit just for the laughs but it imho is not really needed and adds nothing tot he gameplay.
  2. See, I'm far from saying that this game should turn into some kind of carebear online, if you ask me, it could become a tad harder even (less ammo, more zombies ...but it's alpha, time will tell how this turns out). My only point is: that running around in endgame gear, being able to provide you with everything on your own and not having to be afraid of any consequences of any kind is nor hard, neither challenging. Also: I'm a social player and I want to be able to interact with people, but despite my actual attitude gamewise I've reached a point that I'm like "fuck it, I shot first just so I don't lose gear to someone else" ...it's not that dramatic atm as you keep losing gear to bugs and glitches all the time, but I'm afraid if there wont be any fix of any kind, DayZ -at least at the beginning- will just turn into another shooter like CoD with people running around trying to act badass. To repeat myself: in a RL situation you wouldn't waste ammo on someone you robbed, you would be forced to interact with people to either trade, get medical help or get some update on what's going on in the area or any other area you might plan heading to and let's be honest, even the most badass human being at some point would want to have any kind of social interaction with other humans, be it, just travelling together for some time or simply joining some group sitting around some fireplace, playing guitar, having some booze and exchange rumors and personal stories (unless you find a volleyball in some abandoned house, give him a name and have nice conversations with him). Speaking of the rumors and people giving updates on area statuses: maybe some areas could get flooded with zombies at some point but not on a regular pattern and not predictable, people would have to work together to clean the area from the zombies aka talk with each other, organize resistance, cooperate and kill them all, rather than shooting anyone you come across (and who might have critical information for you about you running into your certain death if you keep heading in this very direction) I know a lot will change once more content is implemented but still: given the fact server hopping for looting, battle logging and 3rd party voice communication will (most likely) still exist and people always will find ways to get some kind of "unfair" advantage over other players it imho still would be too easy for those who decide to go rampage. You could harass a whole server (either alone or with a small squad) without any consequences as you just would hop to another "world" if the odds will turn against you...and this - imho - is not challenging at all, nor has anything to do with realism. updated suggestion: I now realize that some indicator on the head definitely is the wrong approach, but the idea ´(posted by Alcon) of someone literally having blood on his hands (cloths) after some hostile encounter with another human being (not zombies, given the fact they are dead run around with massive rotten wounds already and most likely wouldn't have any blood left in their body) would be a good start. Make this blood drenched clothing permanent, but add something like soap and washing boards (also could get used for cleaning bandages if you don't have desinfect spray before applying them so you don't get infections) so people can clean up their stuff if they don't have the chance to change their clothing... It would people take X slots in their inventory + would have little (!) impact on the equipments quality status and to clean it up they either would have to go to some pond or use their water for it (concequences). Further, if you find someone who got clothing drenched with blood and/ or is actually carrying around soap and washing board or is cleaning up his clothing in a pond you still can't be sure but odds are high he is a bandit looking for some trouble....or a hero helping someone out or just a "neutral" who had to defend himself. /edit: typos and punctuation
  3. I'm up for any discussion but please don't try and come with "realism" as in a real life situation in a given setting most people would group up instead of running around lonewolfing. Yes, people would try to survive, but as said their best way possible to survive would be to group up as no real life person has a master in medicine, hunting, military, crafting and engineering and is a pro athlete that on top needs no sleep at all and just warps to a parallel-universe when shit hits the fan or doesn't find any loot on a certain location. I know a lot of you are afraid that any intervention in this matter would take away the thrill. I don't want something gamebreaking to get implemented or everyone running around carebearing riding rainbowspraypainted unicorns but I would like to see people having to deal with concequences. Because realism is: actions have consequences.
  4. While I really don't like the KoS-mentality I'm totally against safezones of any kind, because a ) players will find a way to abuse them (for example: stand right in front of safezone, shoot people, step into safezone when they're about to shoot back) b ) the area would be packed with bandits what would make it impossible for people to enter/ leave the area I've played AION back then what was announced as super hard real pvp-MMORPG (2 rival factions) with no safezones and such, people kept complaining it would be too hard, safezones did get implemented, people were still complaining, more safezones got implemented and so on...in the end, there was no open world pvp anymore AT ALL as almost everything was safezone and the few areas people could pvp in were empty because once you've entered that area you got zerged and slaughtered by sometimes groups of 50 people at once camping there just waiting for a poor soul to arrive. As said: as much as I dislike the KoS-mentality (what most likely will change once more content will get implemented) I really hope there won't ever be any safezones and NPCs at all in this game. Trading and cooperation between players should get encouraged though, I think this will happen automatically once more content will get implemented and people will notice that cooperation will be more beneficial than KoS'ing 24/7. /edit: typos
  5. daisho

    Boot Camp

    I'm a new player and was somewhat confused at the start but I actually like the idea of improving with every mission and learning new things every time, instead of just getting flooded with information I will forget again pretty soon as it's just too much info and most of it most likely is not relevant yet. I today found a mosin and a box of bullets and was trying some time to arm the weapon what did not work out, I was experimenting a bit and at last learned that I have to take the bullets out of box to actually make them fit into the weapon. I felt like I learned something and improved my gameplay...and that's imho way more fun than removing the box automatically when loading the bullets or playing a tutorial for it.
  6. daisho


    I like the idea of different specializations but how are they supposed to get implemented? I'm somewhat new to this game and don't really know what is planned for the future but I dislike the idea of implementing some kind of some (generic-MMORPG)-crafting-system. One solution for specialization I see is that crafting certain stuff needs lots of different individual parts/ materials one would not be able to carry around alone, so either people would need some secret stash somewhere where they collect stuff or simply would group up with other people who basically guard him while he is collecting and transporting the parts, what additionally would encourage teamplay and cooperation. Either craft stuff for your group/ friends and trade it for free to strengthen your squad/ group or get "hired" by another player (that maybe pays you for your time/ effort with goods/ meds/ food/ weapons/ other crafted goods) or just collect stuff with your group and trade it for other goods that are needed but hard to find/ only can get crafted.
  7. daisho

    Bleeding attracts Zombies

    There is a suggestion that zombies will get attracted by gunshots (what makes much more sense to me as it would reduce the KoS-mentality) the way you suggested just it would protect the predator who attacked another player for whatever reason and would put the one who was getting shot at (if not dead yet) into a situation where he has no chance to get out alive. Might be a fun game though for some people to camp outside town with a high end sniper rifle/ scope, shoot people into the legs and then watch hordes of zombies charging them (as they most likely would be in a range where gunshots don't attract the zombies) /edit: typos
  8. sounds like a good idea to me. As said: I totally love the harsh envirnment of this game but there should be consequences.
  9. daisho

    A Little Ingame Humanity?

    I'm with OP and as said in another thread: in a RL situation similar to the the given setting most people would NOT KoS everyone they come across. In DayZ you basically can run rampage with some kind of one-man-army-attitude without any consequences really, if you see it realistic, you would have to team up and cooperate with people to be able to survive. Given the fact that you in RL most likely would not be able to do everything on your own like you are able to do in DayZ . For example in RL I would most likely not even be able to maintain or shoot a gun properly, neither would I be able to heal wounds properly as it would take WAY more than just dirty bandages to stop a bleeding, if you do that in RL you'll get an infection and at some point would be so weak that you wouldn't be able to do anything else than just lie somewhere and wait for your death. In RL, despite the fact that some people for sure would go lonewolfing caring for nothing else than themselves, people would be forced to team up as everyone would come from different jobs and could provide some benefits for the group. There would be people with some kind of medical training to take care of everyone's health, there would be people with some kind of military training to defend the group, there would be hunters that would have knowledge on how to hunt and get food for the group, there would be engineers that would take care or repairing stuff and/ or creating new equipment....and there would be some kind of markets where people would trade stuff, maybe a weapon for some food, or meds for some ammo and sometimes someone else would have to guard you as at some point your body just would demand some sleep... and so on, I think you get the concept. The situation given in DayZ we have atm is that every player is a walking cyclopedia of all kind of life-hacks and all wisdom of all humanity of any kind. We're just normal people after the apocalype but everyone of us seems to be blessed with full training in medicine, military, engineering, hunting and generally surviving in the wildness (as there s no wild animals at all and you can just run from zombies as they are not real thread) and on top of that we got more sporting skills than any competitive athlete ever, not to mention we don't have to sleep and can take care of ourselves 24/7 ...so we kill everyone on sight as we don't need other people anyways and if shit hits the fan for us and there is one of these rare occasions when there is an actual thread or a lack of supplies we just magically warp to a parallel universe where we just keep going like we're used to and will find all the stuff we need. Speaking of realism: In a real world setting you actually WOULD be forced to cooperate with at least a small group of people in order to survive as running alone would most likely lead to nothing else than death. /edit: typos
  10. well...I don't play for that long but so far EVERY time I came across another player I got KoS'ed (and this is no exaggeration)...only solution to that is KoS myself so I'm more or less forced to, there is no real other option imho. Maybe it's because I run alone most times, situations might be different if you run as a pack and people would have to deal with a full group instead of just one player but none of my steam-friends actually plays the game and so far I wasn't able to make friends ingame. Maybe it's just been bad luck and/ or the servers I've played on. I'm not even against the whole KoS'ing thing I'm just saying it should have at least little consequences (no gamebreaking ones, just a trigger to force people to make decisions,what imho would spice up the game A LOT more). /edit: typos
  11. Also: If I get a skype-call by some RL friends or family, take the call and am semi afk ingame hiding somewhere I really don't wanna everyone being able to listen to how the weather is or how much I got wasted (or not wasted because...DayZ) last weekend.
  12. * killing someone who has a gun in actual aiming mode = no indication as reason to defend yourself is given * killing someone unarmed or with gun on hold = indication for 1hr and you're free for all giving an indication for like 1 hour ingame time will not make that much of a difference but would at least be some kind of consequence. I personally wanna trust people, maybe trade items with people (maybe I have stuff they need and they have stuff I need)...if you meet someone without this said indication they/ their gameplay still can be not to be trusted but IF they decide to kill you while you are unarmed they for like 1hr would have a much harder time surviving. Especially trading would spice the game up but how would that ever be possible if people keep shooting each other just to not get shot themselves?