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Everything posted by daisho

  1. I'd rather see more zeds than OP zeds. They are just infected people, no super mutants or something. Their strength in numbers hopefully will give us a a real challenge.
  2. well, realism is something that never can be really matched in a game. Like: no need for sleep whatsoever and being able to run 2+ marathons per day every day fully geared up doesn't sound that realistic either, does it? ;) But yeah, I wouldn't want to see some kind of skill-system in the game either, once you start with stuff like that people soon will be demanding more skills, perks and whatnot.
  3. Might be stupid question but I'm a bit confused as I remember reading something that this content would hit servers on march 5th, or was that the release-date for experiemental? Can't wait to see more zombies and be able to go hunt.
  4. Because guns/ gears are too easy too find, especially if you are a vet and know all locations/ distances/ places to go or a server hopper, so there's no point at all to actually stay alive, as you can gear up in no time whenever you die. There is another thread going on discussing spawn-points of guns/ gears and there's some people (including myself) who'd love to have a complete (!) randomized loot-spawning system, what would have quite a few advantages: * server hoppers would be forced to play the game rather than just server hop to farm gears * more thrill as people wouldn't focus on just military bases, airfields, Elektro etc and would be forced to move around to gear up, hence you would face the risk of meeting way more people while travelling less popular plasces/ paths * the whole survival experience would get a huge boost imho as you would have to prepare for constant danger (see point above), and looting would be way less predictable and you never know what a certain location will give you. I personally would be all excited like a 5yr old on xmas if I would get some good loot at some point, rather than running around, skipping almost all houses and just heading to the key ones. Not saying this would solve all problems but it would make surviving a lot harder (especially for those who just go the easy way and hop servers for gearing up). I don't see their point of "military guns should not be found outside military bases" as this would not be realistic Given the setting with the whole end of of the world and apocalyptic atmosphere I doubt that all soldiers did stay in their barracks waiting for their deaths or did leave their bases unarmed. I hope things will change (at least a bit) once more content will be implemented and zeds will be a bigger threat and see how things will develop from there. Further, I really hope it'll turn in a direction where KoS'ers, Heroes, casuals and hardcore-PvPers alike will have a lot of fun as every playing style should have it's legit place. If the devs will be able to find that thin line, this game gonna be more than a blast.
  5. oops, I meant it would be an advantage for the badmin and his crew, huge disadvantage for everyone else.
  6. daisho

    A Little Ingame Humanity?

    Every single CoD-game is 18+ and most people playing it seem to be between 8 and 16, also: this is not something the Devs should care about it's the shops that sell games to underage kids that don't fit the requirement and the grandparents that buy this stuff for their grandchildren for christmas without even knowing what they actually are buying. I really would appreciate if people would enforce age-restrictions when it comes for gaming, not only it is annoying to have internet-tough-kids shout slurs with their squeaky voices into the microphone but also: some games just are not meant to get played by kids due to their content. But that's a whole different discussion.
  7. You can get lucky when picking a group and finding decent people you actually have fun with but I still prefer to actually get to know people before joining any clan or group. At the moment I'm just playing on different server trying to find one that has an actual community forming around it, what would be a good way to actually get in touch with maybe like-minded players. Time will tell and I'm pretty sure pretty good communities will form up. It's all good and I'm quite relaxed, enjoying the game now that I am able to defend myself if needed and don't keep getting gangraped by fully geared up squads while running around with some some beans, one or two Pipsis and fancy sunglasses at max. Wasn't complaining in any way, was just trying to to tell my point of view and explain why I run alone as it might be the same for other Bambis/ lonewolfing players who haven't found a group yet.
  8. daisho

    Friendlies are plentiful in DayZ- At least, for me

    50-60 hours of gameplay, met 2 friendlies, died multiple times a day being a bambi getting hunted down by squads of fully geared people. Tried to communicate with them, they didnt either respond or just called me names. Guess I was just unlucky. Would love to have more friendly encounters, not to beg for any kind of equipment or protection, but just to have my faith in the playerbase restored. I'm havent been killed for days as I just stay away from people. I'm geared now, took me days, because I don't hopp servers and would find it utterly boring. Maybe I now will shoot first ask questions later as well whenever I come across another player. I haven't decided yet. I just keep trying to stay away from people so I'm not forced to kill them. Call me a carebear or crybaby for all I care, I wanna play this game because it's different from all the other shooters on the market. If I want to show off a high KDR, big score I hop on a Battlefield server and show people their place. Things will look different once Zeds will be an actual thread and maybe server-hopping is fixed and weapons and ammo will be harder to find so people can't go the easy way, then we talk again. I'm kinda looking forward to all the posts complaining about how they actually have to PLAY the game then. /edit: typos
  9. daisho

    Hardcore gasmask

    Oh, I didn't know that. I've found a gasmask yesterday and found it kinda silly that I kept wearing it while I was eating my sardines.
  10. No matter what game I've played I always wanted to get to know people and their attitude before joining some kind of group I might not feel comfortable with for whatever reason and I've always found groups/ clans to join that way without any problems. Not to speak that I just dont want to "apply" to any kind of recruitment thread, where applications seem to get accepted no matter what and stuff seems to turn into some kind of mass recruitement, I personally would prefer quality over quantity. I'm no kind of clan-hopper so I prefer to chose wisely before dealing with a lot of bullshit. Yes, that might be why I have problems finding people to game with in DayZ, while I never had any problems finding dedicated, mature and fun groups to play with in any other game. Yes, that's my own personal problem, I'm a social player, I want to interact with people before I team up with them rather than just "joining a clan" to "be in a clan".
  11. Well, I don't really have any friends on steam who play the game. When I started the game I went on populated servers, tried to interact with people, maybe team up and have a good time...and got either shot right away or got handcuffed and mocked, got called names while getting tortured for being a fresh spawn with just jeans and t-shirt. Now I don't approach people anymore if I can avoid it as I'm sick of this kind of crap. I go on low pop servers and mind my own business. How to make friends to team up with when everyone you meet is shooting you right away and if using the mic and communicating only to insult you? That's why I run alone. So far in like 50-60 hours of gameplay I've met 2 people who didn't kill me right away, one was a fresh spawn asking for help to stop his bleeding and the other one was a fully geared dude I ran into in Elektro as fresh spawn who gave me a helmet and a pistol. I'm not crying or complaining nor saying KoS would be wrong in any way or that players who KoS would be bad at the game... I'm just saying there should be options other than KoS and that teamplay should get encouraged, especially given the fact most people just server hop to gear up and then go on a rampage and I don't think that's what DayZ is meant to be.
  12. daisho

    Hardcore gasmask

    Just a small thing I'd like to add: people should not be able to drink/ eat while wearing a gas-mask.
  13. Actually a good idea, the problem I see is the restriction of logging off in a certain area: if RL is calling I wanna log out no matter what and not first run around looking for a green area, especially not when you're in a hotzone where gundfights are happening at that very moment. Also: badmins could abuse the system in a way that they could kick their members/ teammates in a said building and could respawn at the same position on a different server, then go back to private hive, get kicked again and move to another server, it would not be as easy as server-hopping without any restrictions but it would be a huge advantage and most likely would get abused. I'd find it better to be able to acutally login outside of a red zone, even when logged out in it. The problem I see with this is that there maybe would be different fixed spawn-points to avoid people getting auto-assigned to areas they cannot move out to (spawn in a wall or room withouto doors/ windows) and these spawn-points could get camped.
  14. daisho

    Loot spawning idea - an idea that makes everyone happy.

    That's just splitting hairs: what would be the difference between M4 lying on the kittchen table or dead soldier with M4 lying on the kittchen table? The outcome would be the same, just with different looks. Same request should apply to military bases then too, as there is heaps of equip lying around and no dead bodies around at all. ..and (in case you haven't read my post) what's with all these dead soldier Zeds wandering around with no gun? These Zeds are in the city without any weapon, so logic tells me their gun must be somewhere in the city too. Again: having weapon-loot having the chance to spawn anywhere on the map would * be more realistic * be more thrill * make people to actually play the game and not just camp/ server hopp airfields and military bases, try to be one-man-army, rinse repeat /edit: I'm not saying the number of weapons should get increased, not at all I'd even prefer to have WAY less weapons in the game (or at least make them harder to farm). This game should be about survivial and not server-hopping airfields.
  15. Slingshots, would somewhat easy to get build by any survivor in a given setting, ammo could be found eveywhere, would be a nice tool to fight off Zeds, would be a good and decent alternative to bow usage and maybe even pistols as they can be somewhat effective.
  16. daisho

    Loot spawning idea - an idea that makes everyone happy.

    But ...speaking of realism...is it realistic that no soldier ever left the military base? Or didn't they cary any guns when leaving the base? And after they got infected, they ran back to the base, dropped their gun there and then ran back to the cities? There already is vehicles damaged by accident in the cities, there is Zeds in military clothing int he cities, where are their guns?
  17. daisho

    Realism & Terminology in DayZ

    Can't say that I really cared in the first place, just tried to be snarky. As long as it shoots bullets I don't care if its a mag, a clip or a banana.
  18. daisho

    Realism & Terminology in DayZ

    I'll just teleport to the same military base I'm in in a parallel universe and look there for more mags, as I've heard, looking for clips would not be realistic. Today I've learned.
  19. daisho

    Loot spawning idea - an idea that makes everyone happy.

    True that, but still: it's the apocalypse, people, maybe even some military people tried to save their asses as hell is about to break loose and nothing really matters anymore anyways, left their bases and tried to hide in abandoned cities, or some convoy trying to pass a city got charged by a group of panicing residents who took them down (edit: there IS military vehicles in cities already that look like they had an accident). Maybe soldiers got infected themselves while en route to some destination... Having military gear only in military bases is somewhat logical but on the other hand, it would be logical to have that stuff somewhere else too. I'm not saying M4s should to be found everywhere like rotten fruit, but I totally like the idea of having everything randomized. It would make me look every single house in every single city, it would keep people from server hopping, and it would add a constant danger on every place as people wouldn't focus anymore on areas like airfields, military bases, elektro and so on. More thrill, more fun, more paranoia and last but not least: much less predictable looting wise and hence more happy faces when people actually find a decent gun. And again: THIS would reduce server hopping a lot imho.
  20. daisho

    Loot spawning idea - an idea that makes everyone happy.

    I personally would love to have everything randomized. It would make the journey and gearing up much more exciting and less predictable and would be a good way to keep people from farm-hopping servers.
  21. You serve us the deer BBQ, I bring the booze. When playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R I totally loved sitting next to the dudes on the campfire with the guitar while having a short break and smoke. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=By1b2GLzDUA#t=21
  22. daisho

    DayZ feels American

    I personally don't care where this apocalypse is taking place as long as the setting and atmosphere are full of tension and thrill. I'm not that much into weapons so it doesn't matter to me which gun it is I chose not to use. I'd love tough if it would take place in Australia and I could ride a kangaroo, I've always wanted to ride a kangaroo. /edit: typos
  23. daisho

    server rating tool

    Inspired by the the post of LaughingJack in this thread http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/178274-problem-with-getting-kicked/ I was thinking about the possibility to implement some kind of server rating tool for the server browser. The server rules say: You may not perform the following actions on your server : Restart server to farm loot Restart server to protect your character integrity after dying Kick players without just cause Lock / Password the server I don't even know if there are any intentions to actually enforce these rules yet the ressources to control this kind of stuff. Beside the option to "report" servers I really would appreciate some kind of server rating tool, just simple + or - option that pops up when you disconnect from the server, so you can rate the server you just played on (you also can change your vote as often as you like) This would be an awesome (more or less) realtime indicator for the community to check servers before joining to a ) reduce the risk of joining servers with abusive badmins b ) reduce the risk of joining servers you get kicked from immediately and hence reduces the risk of getting the cool-down Votes should be limited to 1 possible vote per player per server so people don't abuse the system and vote for "their" server 10 times per day. There could be some indicator in an additional column in the server browser that shows the overall server rating > 75% positive votes: golden star > 50% positive votes: silver star 50% postive/ negative votes: white star > 50% negative votes: orange star > 75% negative votes: red star Stars should show once a server has collected more than X votes (until then it shows that rating is about to get generated), to try to minimize the risk of abuse. I'm not qute sure what a good value would be, maybe 100 votes? 250? 500? People could decide better what server to join when browsing the server list as well as whoever is meant to enforce server rules could have a closer look on servers that keep getting negative votes, check their logs and take actions if there is any indication that badmin is abusing his admin status in any way like restart-looting, kicking people to kill them and so on. The advantage definitely would be that the community/ players can decide what servers they play on without having to wait for someone to take care of abusive server-admins/ servers (if ever). A golden star most liekly indicates that this server has active admins (= less hackers), responsible admins and is actually fun to play on while a red star indicates that this server most likely has either abusive or inactive admins (higher risk of facing a hacker) or is a server you get kicked from immediately for no obvious reason. Server owners/ admins would (hopefully) try to get a golden star to attract more players and hence would be active and act responsible, if they don't I wouldn't care anyways as I personally would never join a server with a bad rating. Opinions?
  24. daisho

    server rating tool

    @ pilgrim: as said, you would get the rating-window once you disconnect from a server, so it would pop up automatically. @ Karma-Coin: changing votes should be possible, so when you maybe played on a server, enjoyed it and gave positive rating (maybe no admin was on) and then (when admin is on) keep getting kicked you should be able to change your vote, same goes other way 'round of course when maybe one of the admins was abusing his powers but the actual server owner is a GGG and got rid of that admin and everything is fine then. I personally would find a simple + or - rating better, 5 star system would it make too complicated. Either I enjoyed playing on a server or I did not, so (I guess) most people would either give 0 or 5 stars anyways.