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Everything posted by daisho

  1. True that, I completely forgot the testing-thingy. I personally can't wait for the next update, things hopefully will be more interesting again. Did you have more friendly or more not-so-friendly encounters?
  2. I'm also pretty sure in a real survival situation groups would not take the risk of losing even a single member of their group, of course there would be a lot of saber-rattling in a lot of stand-off situations but people would back off to save their comrades (and themselves) and wouldn't risk a shoot-out, unless really necessary. I'm not even sure if there is a possible fix for this, the goal should be to make people care for their characters more, but how?
  3. daisho

    [Hacker on DE1-10] Noclip Death in Berezino

    Don't try to justify your actions by saying "everyone is doing it anyways", there's people in the game who don't hack and are not that so desperate to abuse exploits/ glitches. And reading "you'd only have done it because there was a hacker" kinda made me giggle like a little girl. Don't fool yourself.
  4. I guess everyone got a different definition of PVE, but in my definition, PVE doesn't necessarily have to include quests, as it simlply means player vs. environment. I personally would count Zeds as PVE, together with weather and animals, while the survival aspect would be include more character related things like food and hydration, having meds ready, finding the right items, even though PVE and survival is linked to each other the same way PVP and survival is, but PVE is more related to the given setting/ environment while survival is more related to your personal choices/ actions/ decisions and gamingstyle.
  5. I just find it way easier to see "real" numbers than read through lots of pages where you might want to answer to people but there's so many topics discussed at once that you basically lose track to easily. Also, like that other dude already stated: we germans love staticstics <3
  6. Gidday folks, There's heaps of KOS-threads around and most times it's a lot of emotions coming from both "sides" and you lose track of stuff too easily. Let's try and keep conversation civilized in here. I've made this survey to try to understand the basic mechanics behind KOS, there is no need to judge people for their personal gaming style and there might be reasons why they do it and beside the way everyone is getting along in the alpha at the moment the question is: how does the community expect/ wishes this game to turn out in the beta and retail. I'd love to see a lot of people participating in this survey to get a quick overview as in concrete numbers how tings look at the moment and what people love to see in the future. Multipiple answers are possible, if none of the options above covers your intention/ playing style: feel free to state whatever reason in the comments. /edit: typos
  7. daisho

    KoS's Updated KOS Reduction Topic for DayZ SA

    I didn't think that I EVER would actually give you beans for any of your posts, but this is genius. You can have all my precious tuna too.
  8. I'd love to see all those female characters run around with beards!
  9. daisho

    Missing gun: Found :)

    This exactly. I didn't play the mod so I can't tell if things were any different there. I'm an avid FPS player but was bored of the games I've been playing as everything is just the same, same game, same guns, just slightly different map.,I've been playing FPS since the early days of Counter-Strike and simply needed a change, DayZ looked pretty promissing so I've bought it. So far, I've played like 60 hrs in the SA, in that time I came across 2 friendly people in total, one was a fresh spawn who needed help to stop his bleeding, other one was a hero who gave me a pistol and a helmet. The rest of the time? I got killed over and over and over again, 2 times by hackers, the other times by mainly fully geared players while I didn't even have a packpack or any other kind of loot other than my t-shirt and jeans. The only times people were using ingame communication was to insult me or make fun of me, while I was lying handcuffed (as fresh spawn) in front of sometimes full squads of 4-6 fully geared people. I then started to try and avoid the hot-zones and was lonewolfing, hoping I would find other people in the inlands who actually wanna play the game. I managed to stay alive for 15-20 hours, but didn't come across a single soul during that time, as everyone just seems to run around military bases, elektro and so on. Yesterday I've lost my charakter to some fresh spawn who suddenly popped up in front of me, punched me 1 time and robbed me while I was lying unconcious on the floor. I've got no idea if he was a hacker or it just as a matter of desync/ lag, he just appeared out of nowhere, while I was lying there with no idea what just happened I hear him start calling me "n*gger" and other kind of stuff and then logged out. I really hope devs will find a way to even things out, increase the survival aspect and somehow "reward" people who are trying to stay alive and are willing to play a fps-surival-horror-sandbox game...
  10. And with loot being so easy to collect by just server hopping = character has absolutely zero value at the moment.
  11. Then we will see a lot of posts of people who teamed up to clean an airfield together and then started shooting each other as they all love "PVP" .... It would be a good start though....
  12. I'm not too fond of a skill/ ranking system that effects gameplay in any way, I -on the other hand- would be totally fine if it only would serve aesthetical purposes, like a special camo for your weapon or gear, or special kind of gears (i.e. medic uniform, engineer uniform/ boiler suit, maybe some bandit gears if people wanna show off their individual playing style/ job or just some very rare clothing you only can find in the game when having survived for a certain time). It wouldn't keep fresh spawns from charging into geared players though. My current character was alive for quite some time and it took me like 15-20 hours to get all my gear, I killed 1 person only in that time as I'm trying to play a survival horror game and not just a different version of Battlefield. So as much as punching is a legit way to defend yourself, I'm not sure if any kind of skill-system would keep people from running around and trying to OHKO everyone, as fresh spawns don't have to lose anything and are not long enough alive yet to feel like they will miss something when they die while playing Street Fighter.
  13. Just happened to me in Elektro, some guy popped like out of nowhere in front of me and 2 mates (both fresh spawns), punched me 1 time and I turned unconscious, then apparently killed my mates with the M4 he stole from me and started calling me/ us "n*gger" and stuff like that...was a matter of less than a few seconds. None of us actually has heard or seen him coming. I was wearing a balistic helmet and it basically was my first contact with a punching fresh spawn. Didn't know they can take you out with just 1 hit. /edit: I got no idea if he was a hacker or it was just an issue with desync/ lag.
  14. You said people wouldn't be able to handle perma-death and it would be their own fault when they die, thats what I refered to, saying, that people actually don't care when getting killed and it isn't necesarilly their fault when they get mowed down by full squads as fresh spawns near the coast. It isn't the fact that they got killed but rather the way it happened, considering the fact all those PVP heroes camping the coast most likely just did server hop to gear up. Maybe I did get offtopic (regarding the context of your post) a bit though.
  15. daisho

    Handcuffing people to something

    I like the idea A LOT but voted for "no" though. The reason is simple: If people would use it for some roleplay (not the kinky kind) or tactical maneuvers I'd be totally up for it, but judging the community from the experiences I've made ingame I only see people handcuffing other people to some object, strip them, and then run away laughing, leaving that said person behind, maybe fully hydrated and fed having to wait hours for the charakter to die off dehydration or starving. Unless there ever will be a "suicide" button (what I really hope never will get implemented) this would fuck up peoples gaming experience a lot, because some people just might not want to have to wait hours to play the game/ for a respawn because they are handcuffed to some object and can't kill themselves and no one even bothers to free them.
  16. daisho


    I feel somewhat sorry for the sneering comment, I appreciate every user who wants to contribute ideas that might improve gameplay and game mechanics as well as I appreciate all those brave gamers hopping on experimental servers to try out stuff and report bugs. But please for the love of god: don't forget what this game is about and try to have a vision what this game could become. I'm reading so many suggestions that are either about imporving the FPS aspect to an extend, that it would make the whole survival thingy obsolete, as well as I really "hate" reading stuff like "give us backstabbing because BF4 has it". No offense OP, BF4 might be a great game, I was a huge fan of the Battlefield series until BF3 (skipped BC1 and BC2 though), I personally didn't even bother with BF4 because BF3 went down a road that made me think "as well can play CoD then". The possibilities this game has to offer are endless and I'd love to see people to step back from the FPS-(only)-aspect and put more energy in finding out and develop ideas how to combine different gaming-types and gaming-styles in one game, because the outcome simply could be a blast. If I wouldn't love to play a FPS game I wouldn't have bought DayZ in the first place, so be assured that I'm an avid FPS gamer, but this game could have so much more to offer. The complexity of combinging survival aspects with FPS aspect is just awesome, now add some human interaction and -generally said - the human element to it and it would offer a gaming experience like no other. There is no point to add elemts you have in every f*cking FPS on the market already (as well as there is no point to just run around and kill everyone you come across), these are/ might be great games, but our goal should be to participate in creating something new, something unique, rather than just copying other games. This game always will be a FPS, just try to make it more unique, make it better and make it more complex than just "add more guns", "add vehicles" , "add backstabbing" and whatnot. I really didn't want to be snarky with my last comment and I hope you didn't get me wrong. If so, I'd like to excuse for being a dickhead,...but I really am tired of reading such suggestions that go down the wrong road in my opinion.
  17. daisho


    Speaking of Battlefield and other shooters, would be very nice to have kill-streaks and perks too, because CoD has it... Also, what you guys think about having some kind of additional gaming mode like... in Counter-Strike, you can plant bombs and other people have to defuse them. I know the map is a tad to big for the bomb-thingy, so it would be pretty cool to make the map a smaller and there would be 2 teams, one has to plant the bomb and the other one would have to defuse it. It would be so much fun to plant the bomb and then sit there and eat tuna while the other dudes would have to look for the bomb and couldn't eat tuna.
  18. The sad thing is that some people seem to think that things would work out in RL like they do in a vidya-game. I've seen this argument in quite a lot of threads where people claim "people just would turn full violent" (hence DayZ would be totally realistic) and would shoot each other on sight in order to survive instead of banding together as everyone would come from different professions and could add different abilities to the group everyone could benefit from (medics, engineers, military personal, teachers, nurses, hunters, farmers, etc). Some point everyone seem to totally ignore simply is: social interaction. I wonder how long a human being would be able to stay mentally sane without having anyone around to trust and talk to, to share stories with and chitchat about better times. I'm not talking about some hiking trip in your holidays to get away from stressfull daily routine for a given timeframe. I'm talking about the end of the world knowing that you won't return to your house, friends and family, fridge, smartphone, radio,TV and PC in 2-3 weeks.
  19. Again: no one actually is crying- Avoiding any kind of discussion by just saying the other person would "cry", would be "butthurt" or whatever creative attributes and names some poeple come up with is just trying to step away from a productive discussion. (I guess acting tough ingame AND on the internets is even more fun). This discussion is not about playingstyles or KoS in any way, it's about people going the easy way, not "playing" the game in the first place and then go on a killspree preferably on unarmed players. Because with a lot of people running around like that, they actually force that kind of misbehaviour on other people. I wonder how many people who actually wanted to play a survival-horror-mmo-fps either quit the game or developed a "fuck all"-mentality themselves and turned into server-hoppers as well, it's a vicious cycle, and that's the problem. Gearing up the normal way might take some hours, and server-hopping or abusing admin-powers to bypass this process is no better than cheating.
  20. Maybe some people don't care about getting shot at all, maybe they just don't like to step in the KOS/ server-hopping circle jerk. People stated multiple times in every thread that no one actually gives a rats ass about getting killed but it's the overall mentality on server that seems to piss people off. There is a difference between gearing up like everyone else and then play whatever gamestyle fits you best and farm-hop servers and go on a killingspree because you don't have anything to do, even better to play near the coast, because more fun shooting unarmed players. I could'nt care less about getting killed, most times I didn't even have a backpack nor any equipment, but it gets tiresome. It gets tiresome, to get hold up - as a fresh spawn - by a group of 4 dudes in full military gear playing with you like a cat is playing with mice "follow our orders and nothing will happen, we just wanna rob you", the mocking you, calling you a [insert random insult here] and shooting you anyways. It's tiresome to try to avoid any contact because you know stuff wont end well anyways, and believe it or not: it's not thrilling at all, no paranoia anymore...because I know that every damn encounter with another player will end up with him starting opening fire on me. Everything is way too predictable. The argument that this is an FPS is valid, but it's a survival horror game as well...and server-hopping to farm endgame gear to go on a killing spree on the coast has nothing to do with either FPS or survival horror, it's just easy mode, acting tough and getting fun out of harassing people who has a real intention to actually play the game. To me, server hoppers are no better than cheaters, as they use unfair ways to get themselves an advantage over other players for their own personal entertainment.
  21. daisho

    I helped a guy out...

    BF2142 ...pure joy!
  22. First off: I'm well aware that a lot of people won't agree with me on this topic. Maybe we can get a productive discussion going though <3 ... The way the looting-system for military gears and weapons is working at the moment is not only pretty unrealistic but also favors those, who seem to have no intention to play a survival-horror game and rather farm-hop servers or run private servers to gear up fast and go PVP. This thread ain't about playing styles, heroes, kosers or pvpers, I guess we all agree that every single playingstyle is totally legit and has it's place in this game. The problem though is server hopping: Not only these people don't actually play the game, they make it even harder for everyone who wants to play this game "properly" (as in, enjoy the journey, play a survival game, dont rush to a military farm to gear up just to then start a killing spree because you are bored). I just can tell about my personal experience on my current character. I have 2-3 servers I play on on a regular basis, 2 of them are low pop servers, one is 40/40 most of the times and I don't hop servers, because it would mess up the whole survival aspect for the game for me. When I run to some military base or an airfield and stuff is looted already, so be it, bad luck, gotta check somewhere else for the stuff I need then. The problem is: on my current character, I hardly ever find anything in a military base whenever I get there, there's just 4-6 people on the server and server got restarted like 30min before, yet no worthy leftovers to collect whatsoever. Bad luck I guess. It took me like 10-15hrs to finally find a M4 (which I only got because the server was restarting the moment I've entered the base) and -oh look at that- everything I needed was available. Assault vest, meds, M4, some ammo...and thats not how the looting system should work if you ask me. I shouldn't have been so lucky to get fully geared just because I was at the right point at the right time. Possible solution: Make all loot random, everything can spawn everywhere, including all kind of military equip. I'm not saying to increase the amount of military equip in any way, rather make them more rare and harder to find. Those who actually play the game and wander around looking for loot in every city should get rewarded and not "punished" and those who decide to just server hopp over and over to gear up: well, tough luck now. Advantages I see: 1) server hopping totally will be obsolete when you have spawnpoints completely randomized 2) players can get found all across the map, so more thrill when roaming areas that are not the few hotzones like military bases, airfields, elektro and so on, hence more thrill and paranoia for everyone, isn't that what we're here for? 3) gearing up would be way harder, people would have to deal with the survival aspect and maybe would act accordingly even when they not fully geared up yet (i.e. try to stay alive because it would take way longer to get geared up again/ get pristine gears again) 4) it would have way more of an atmosphere of heading into the unknown as it would be completely unpredictable where you'd meet what kind of people with what kind of equipment on what kind of mission. Two birds with one stone and it would make stuff so much more exciting if you ask me. Realism Some people might come up with the "that's not realistic" argument and if you ask me, the way it is at the moment is not realistic at all, so don't fool yourself. 1) Given the setting, military must have been all over the place to restore order. There is no way all Zed'ed-up soldiers ran back to their military base to drop their weapons and then ran back again to whatever place they are roaming around. 2) whats with the crashed military cars and trucks in the cities? Soldiers operating these vehicles left their base unarmed? 3) I'm pretty sure some citizens were panicing that much when hell break lose that they overpowered any military personal/ convoy out of pure desperation. Where are these weapons? 4) not only mentioning all those soldiers that got killed in action while trying to fight off the apocalypse, I doubt they did it with their bare hands. Again: I don't want to see any more weapons in game, rather reduce the amount and randomize the loot-areas to make them harder to find.
  23. 1) I run around alone and find all places looted already and these places will be looted already if I run around with a group too. There is no loot because people (like you) hopp servers after server-restarts. Don't fool yourself. People don't give a shit about surviving at the moment at all, if they die, they just respawn, run to some military base, start server-hopping, how is this encouraging teamplay over lonewolfing? Again: you fool yourself. 2) the point of randomizing would be to stop people from server-hopping. If there is no fixed area where you can get fixed loot, there is no point in server-hopping. And again: the main reason people who actually play the game return from these areas with empty hands is because people (like you) go the easy way and hop servers. 3) when loot is random and spread all over the map you can server-hop as much as you want and deal with 5min cooldowns for some rotten bananas. 4) you say it would be unrealistic if M4s would spawn everywhere? Again: don't fool yourself and read OP again. Changing the loot-system would be way more realistic than the system we have at the moment. I'm fine with looking 15hrs for an M4, what about you? Don't act like I would aim for some easy way or would cry about how hard it would be to find an M4... you are the one who said that he server-hops to gear up in no time and then goes pvping. The point is: everyone would have same conditions and everyone will take same risks, the people who are playing the actual game and the ones that just want to pvp. Also: if there's so many areas to find M4s...why do you server hop? Because it's super realistic? 5) speaking of a real world scenario: Do you really think everyone would stay in the bigger cities where hell would break lose? I'm pretty sure A LOT of people wouid try and get out of the bigger cities and get to more rural areas to try to save their asses.
  24. daisho

    I helped a guy out...

    I was a huge fan of the Battlefield series until BF3 (skipped BC1 and BC2 though), BF went down the drain with BF3 as it turned too CoDish. Entertaining game nontheless... When I heard about the concept of DayZ I was like "wow, this is exactly the game you are looking for" as I was a bit bored of all the FPS on the market that don't differ from each other anymore - at all. It's more or less the same games, just different names and slightly different weapons/ gears. I still can enjoy a round of CoD or BF every now and then, I just was looking for something else and -in theory- DayZ would have fitted my needs perfectly.. DayZ isn't even deatchmatch at the moment, it's people abusing the system to gear up and then go kill ungeared players. It's a shame.
  25. daisho

    The first time i started up the game...

    welcome to DayZ. Not complaining or anything, I personally am on a break from this game till next patch for this reason in particular. 2 of my mates who were new to the game stopped playing too. I've played like 50-60 hours in the SA, met -so far- 2 players who didn't kill me on sight (one was a hero who gave me a pistol, other one was a new player asking for help to stop his bleeding). Rest of the time? I either avoided people and played on low pop servers what mostly is quite boring or had to deal with multiple deaths and respawns near the coast whenever I played on a server that was not empty or low pop.