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About daisho

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  1. Hi all, I've been gone for a long time, mainly because I was busy studying and also was a bit "pissed" as I got KoS'ed over and over again right after spawn by fully geared guys. Now that semester break is coming soon and I actually love the game I downloaded it again so I can start over playing next week. I'm pretty sure there has been a lot of changes so I would highly appreciate a short summary of the most crucial changes and additions to the game. Some questions: 1. how is the team/ group play nowadays? Is there any game mechanics that encourage something like that? I remember there has been some ideas/ projects to establish player controlled savezones (for trading and the like), clan camps, paramedics, bandit hunting and so on...are things working out like that or is it still mostly people lonewolfing and killing bambis out of boredom? 2. are vehicles (cars, choppers) introduced yet? 3. how is the graphic optimization going? 4. I know it's still alpha but I wonder how much fatal bugs are left? Anything else I should know/ be aware of? Tks in advance everyone, I'm so excited to start over playing.
  2. daisho

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    any talk about the PS4 version and possible DLC policy in general? Have a nice day everyone, I've been somewhat M.I.A. as I was busy with college and frustrated over my crappy laptop not being able to run the game properly, but kept checking the updates every now and then when steam was updating the game. I did get my brothers PS4 he wasn't using anymore so I was super hooked when I heard that DayZ will come to the PS4 as I love the game and would enjoy it even more with more than 10 fps. Questions: 1. Is this true or just vague rumors still? 2. Will the release date be the same as on PC? 3. Will there be a beta (open or announced/ invited via forums?) 4. ...and most important: has there been any talk about potential DLC policy? 5. are there clans recruiting already for the PS4? Regarding 3. : I personally don't mind spending money on purely cosmetic stuff and done it heaps of time to support games I love to play, but the DLC policy that is present in most modern games is a HUGE turn off for me to an extent, that I don't get the game in the first place when there is day 1 DLC content, as it always feels like I have to pay even more to get the full game (or content got removed from main game to get some extra money respectively) Anyways, I'm super excited for the game to finally get released!
  3. @ Alyngwen_C: That's exactly my point, I don't hink people just packed their personal belongings and left. There must have been riots and chaos all over and I'd love to see the leftovers of that when running around the area (especially in the cities).... then I might even enjoy and appreciate the peaceful appearance of nature outside the cities.
  4. daisho

    mysteriuos weapons

    now...now...purses down ladies. Just because someone acted like a douche just doesn't mean you have to counter him the same way...just ignore and move on, nothing to see here. Just like this old saying goes: don't feed the trolls. On topic: Just think about symptoms some people show who suffer from stuff like dementia, alzheimers, cerbral tumors or see how people act who are under the influence of certain kinds of drugs. These people sometimes change their character to the complete opposite who they were before. I've been working as a nurse for some time, mainly in a ward where people with cancer got treated. I've seen people that were married for 40+ years attack their partners (and everyone else) and turn full violent out of nowhere because of cerebral tumors. There already is quite a variety of parasites infesting animals brains and turn them more or less into Zombies. Of course this isn't quite spectacular or apocalyptic as it might sound as it just is a way for the parasites to reproduce and keep alive it's own species. There are a lot of parasites who don't have any proplem to pick humans as host, and there also is germs/ bacteria we're having a hard time to fight off, either because mankind has developed resistence on the designated treatment over the years (like MRSA) or there are viruses that simply outsmart us (like HIV). Now combine these facts (because that's stuff, that already exists) and rethink: I'm quite sure mankind doesn't have to fear to deal with a supervirus or superparasite within the next 10 year, nor the next 50 years, but I'm pretty sure we - at some point in the far future - will have to deal with stuff like that, be it nature just being an asshole or mankind will mess up big time as in: creating some kind of biological/ chemical weapon (like: create a new virus by mixing rabies with HIV for example) and will use it or simply will lose control over it. I'm not saying it will happen for sure and I'm not a biologicst or would have any knowledge in related sciences but there imho is a possibility of stuff will happen at some point. /edit: (isn't it always like that?) give it 3 more pages and we'll be exchanging baking-recipes...
  5. This is exactly the reason I'm on a break until next update will hit stable to see if things will be more interesting with Zeds being a maybe bigger threat. I personally find the situation just ridiculous. This game could have so much to offer and people just play it like any kind of offline singleplayer FPS (like you say: shoot kill loot). It's just tiresome at the moment. I hope things will look different once more content will be implemented.
  6. daisho


    Why so angry? If you've read my post you'd have noticed that I mentioned that on 2 occasions it could have been a bug/ glitch. On a side note: people abusing bugs and glitches for their own personal entertainment are just as bad as cheaters and no-clipping through walls into a 2nd floor of a building from outside or teleporting right in front of me over a HUGE distance is what I consider cheating.
  7. On the other hand, meanings of words (can) change over time. Like, the word "nice" did mean "foolish" or "silly" in the middle ages, while the word "gay" refered to someone being joyful and light-hearted and only developed the way people use it nowadays hundreds of years later. So I'm pretty sure people will adapt the word "bandit" for whoever kills them on a server, no matter if they robbed them or not and there's noting we can do about it.
  8. daisho


    I've had freshspawns teleporting in front of me and 1 hit punch me, people shooting through walls on point (this could be due to wall-glitch though if they haven't fixed that yet), people running through walls and axe me... The first time I lost my fully kitted character in Elektro, when some fresh spawn popped up out of nowhere in front of me and 2 mates, OHKO'ed me, then shot my mates (both fresh spawns) with the M4 he took from me. I came across that teleport/ speedhack thingy 2 other times near the coast, I was totally fresh spawn with just the starting gear/ equip (flashlight) and got OHKO'ed again by another punching freshspawn. One time I ran directly into Elektro on a low pop server to maybe get some clothing or weapon (yea, I'm that low), was looting, some dude runs through the wall and axes me. Another time I did get the "your are dead message" while standng in the school building in Elektro and was eating beans, without having a Zed around, not hearing any shot or any melee-combat-sounds, nor footsteps of any kind...just plain instant black-screen out of nowhere (this could have been "killed by alpha" though). I know, this is not massive ammounts for cheaters, but this all happened within the last few days and a basically every time I started a new life. Further I don't seem to be the only one that comes across cheaters more often recently. Just add this annoyance to the normal KoS-circle-jerk going on on the servers and I feel like "nope" ...
  9. Well, that's a good thing actually, because the rest of us can play the game like it's intented to be played then. I'm on a semi-break from the game at the moment and rarely log in anymore because I'm kind sick of having to deal with all those server-hopping and/ or dupping kids that shoot me in the face the moment they see me and only use their mic afterwards to call me "n*igger" or "f*ag" or whatever creative insult they might come up with.
  10. daisho


    I've got a 360 and am thinking of maybe getting either a PS4 or xbone when they are a bit cheaper and/or will be available in a nice bundle. I was mainly playing on the 360 and rarely on PC the last few years...I kinda enjoyed getting back to the PC gaming as I'm a huge fan of steam actually....but seeing all this post's complaining about cheaters and having come across some more often myself recently I feel like going back to console gaming, because you hardly have to deal with that kind of bullshit there. Would be nice to have DayZ released for the console at some point but there's heaps of other games to play and I prefer to play some random game in a cheater-free environment rather than a game I actually pretty much love but can't enjoy because cheaters are running wild on the servers.
  11. I would like to have more civilian chaos instead of just more military stuff, especially not in the regular cities. Maybe barricades (made of dumpsters, cars, shopping carts, wooden plates and stuff like that) made by people at some point in the street where they tried to fight off Zeds This dude has quite some nice ideas, tks for the link.
  12. Well, fresh fruit grow on trees and cloths and weapons shouldn't lose quality too fast when they're in houses and not exposed to the weather. I get your point, the map design should fit the lore but I'd love to see more wilderness and less tidy areas all around, and it imho would suit the whole survival setting better if you would feel like being in the wilderness and nature (environment and weather) would be a real thread (or at least feel like it). As said, I don't want any setting that people have to fight their way through fully grown jungles with a machete or chainsaw, but a tad more vegetation and "nature taking over" would be just aweomse imho, as it would feel more like a survival-horror game rather than a hiking simulator with guns. On a sIde note: I personally would love to run through a fully grown cornfield without looking like a crying pufferfish after 5 minutes due to allergies.
  13. daisho

    This Is DayZ... (funny)

    This is as funny as a rotten Kiwi. :(
  14. I know it's alpha and such and music and sound effects in later versions will/ can make a hell of a difference regarding the creep-factor. That being said, I personally don't feel threatened by the environment at all, running/ sneaking around more feels like being on a hiking trip during the holidays: clear blue sky, the sun is shining, backpack full of tuna and water. The grass looks like freshly mown and just recently fertilized. You can have a nice overview over the area most of the times. Everything just looks so neat, "polished" and tidy and feels more like you're in some kind of holiday resort rather than in the wilderness. Cities and houses look like there just have been people in it 10 minutes ago and they cleaned up everything before they left. I'd love to see a bit more chaos, especially in the cities, scrap vehicles in the middle of the road, dumpsters on the roads...this wouldn't only grant some additional cover and hence would add a higher variety for tactical approaches it would look more real, more threatening too, the city would look more abandoned. All houses/ fronts look just too tidy, I'd love to see more crashed windows, stuff sprayed to the walls, maybe burned down houses and stuff like that. Is the environment actually destroyable or planned to be so? If not, wouldn't it make sense to implement this if possible? Maybe this would be an option for dynamic content on the maps, so areas change a bit on server-restart and never look the same. The whole atmosphere is not threatening at all for me, I don't feel like I'm left alone in a desperate situation, I don't feel hopeless, I'm not scared, thrilled or paranoid. I know this game is not a single player and doesn't have any super creepy supernatural animals or mutants in it, but I'd love to be a bit more challenged when wandering around as in: the grass, bushes, vegetation would make it harder to have a real overview over the area and you wouldn't have any idea what or who you'll run into in the next Moment or minutes. I want areas and situation less clear, manageable, less predictable. I wouldn't want to run around in a fully grown jungle but things should look a bit more abandoned and like wildernes.
  15. daisho

    Rethink Reloading

    Is this thread going slightly offtopic?