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celticwarrior06 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by celticwarrior06 (DayZ)

  1. celticwarrior06 (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    fast zombies are grand yesterday i was in a house upstairs and 5 of them came through the walls and were jumping at me like someone turned on the turbo button. it would be great if the didnt come through the walls so you could hide but in time. next update lol
  2. celticwarrior06 (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    did the update fix the zombies or are the stil doing superman jumps
  3. celticwarrior06 (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Can anyone confirm that the hotfix is out this morning as I wont get to go on till later Cheers
  4. celticwarrior06 (DayZ)

    new to dayz and not sure what to do

    Again I am really new to this game but I was in a few small towns when I found a barn I walked up the stairs and found a rifle mosin with 9 bullits could not believe my luck and also found a box with 20 rounds. I then was in a house when I opened the door there were 2 zombies outside they didn't see me so I took out the gun took aim and the gun just clicked when i pressed fire I was like wtf the zombies then seen me, I kept trying to use the gun but it was too late.i then seen on a post you need a mag for the gun is this true and were would I have found one?? also the med box in a house do you need to open them or just press inventory when facing them if someone could advise me I would really appreciate it
  5. celticwarrior06 (DayZ)

    new to dayz and not sure what to do

    thanks alot that should help me get round
  6. celticwarrior06 (DayZ)

    what is the best approach for entering small towns?

    Again I am really new to this game but I was in a few small towns when I found a barn I walked up the stairs and found a rifle mosin with 9 bullits could not believe my luck and also found a box with 20 rounds. I then was in a house when I opened the door there were 2 zombies outside they didn't see me so I took out the gun took aim and the gun just clicked when i pressed fire I was like wtf the zombies then seen me, I kept trying to use the gun but it was too late.i then seen on a post you need a mag for the gun is this true and were would I have found one?? also the med box in a house do you need to open them or just press inventory when facing them.