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About reapz88

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dude im not a gaming expert i have a life, i dont even know the diffirence with pre or alpha all i meant to say is that maybe i should accept that cheaters are going to roam free for some time now. But that still makes it very anoying. They knew that cheaters were one of the biggest problem in the mod and now its happening all over again. I really hope they spend some resources on this.
  2. its pre alpha i could have better said i wil waid untill its a deascent game. After running for 8 hours getting all the stuff you want it just sucks to get shot by some 12 year old dickface ruining the game with shitty hacking software.
  3. I already noticed a few weird things but just tributed them to glitches. But now i know for sure. The SA already has plenty of cheaters. I was at balota when i heard a lot of gun fire. I was hoping to kill some bandit scum so i flanked where i thought the fire was coming from. Hopping from bush to bush, tree to tree i finally saw a group of players. 2 fully geared guys on the ground and 1 no gear was teleporting around them. Playing with them. i was a good 100 meter aways looking at them from third person so no way that any of them could see mee. I stood still behind this fence for a good 5 minutes when the teleporting guy executed the 2 other players. Than from the middle of the field he just teleported away, within 10 seconds he was standing right behind me with his gun up and shot me. you can tell me whatever bs you like but i now know with a fact this game has cheaters. 10 seconds googleing for it also proves anyone can download hacking software for it. So this game is just like the mod over for me!