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Octavian (DayZ)

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About Octavian (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Octavian (DayZ)

    Protest against the new update for night/day being added

    this is true. As a simulation dayz should acknowledge sleeping time at night as a fact. During a real apocalyse most people would just sleep at night, so nighttime is de facto shorter than daytime
  2. Octavian (DayZ)


    well, actually this can happen. Every punch can knock you out in self defense situation. That does not mean every punch does, but it CAN happen. A professional fighter might have a much higher chance to knock someone out, but even a small and untrained person can knock someone out if he is a little bit lucky.
  3. Octavian (DayZ)

    Day And Night, Night and Day.

    you can go to experimental servers. They have en enabled day/night cycle wich is I think 40 or 64 times faster. I really like the idea in general as night should be an inevitable factor in a survival game. However, I think this should be for hardcore servers only. And they have to improve the night as for now you are literally helpless when you don`t use game settings. The problem is, visual sense is the only sense which works in a video game nearly as good as for a real person. That makes it very difficult to play when the light is gone.
  4. Octavian (DayZ)

    getting wet: visual effect instead of text messages

    I agree that it can be very obvious if you are getting wet. But in a video game, i would like to have some kind of Information as I want to know if I´m really protected by the tree next to me or if I have to be closer. It`s also usefull if you don`t know if a certain object protects the player, e. g. bushes of different size. And honestly, I want to have a comfortable reminder and last but not least: both a visual effect and a sound effect make the game more authentic to me
  5. when it rains, you get a message on your screen which tells wether you are getting wet or not. Running through a forest, it can be a bit irritating because you get dozens of messages. What about replacing the text messages with a visual effect? When you get wet, you see some water splashes on your screen. When you are no longer getting wet, they disappear. Of course the water shouldn`t be static, but streaming down. It can look al little bit like this. http://www.pcgameshardware.de/screenshots/759x569/2012/02/Far_Cry_3_Launch_2012-new-00051.jpg http://media.smashingmagazine.com/images/video-visual-effects/rain.jpg We already have visual effects for low blood or for getting hit, so it would fit good if getting wet is also shown by a screen effect.
  6. Octavian (DayZ)

    gesture: thumb down

    it`s a more atmospheric way of communicating it as it refers to roman cruelty. And you can tell the vivtim the decision before he gets shot. So he knows it will happen but you can delay the execution it self for more tension. For a Group of bandits it`s also more fun, because with such gestures there is an easy way to make a poll. Of course the victim has to watch this poll.
  7. Octavian (DayZ)

    gesture: thumb down

    What do you think of a gesture with the thumb pointing down? Some bandits force their victims to fight against each other. When one of them gives up, the bandits can decide if they have mercy or not by using either thumb up or thumb down. Just like gladiatorial games. When you make a deadly quiz (wrong answer=death), you can also use the thumbs to show if the answer was correct.