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Everything posted by kakysas666

  1. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    If people spent at least half of the time testing weapons in game instead of trying to argue on forums they'd quickly learn what I meant when I said that Ak101 is "x more times accurate" than AKM. It just shows how many amateurs post on these forums pretending to know everything. nobody said about flying bullets anything. Are you making a strawman trying to disprove ingame facts when you have no argument? Go back to DayZ and git gud for once. Next time you will be spouting "le alpha it is just a place holder" meme. The rest of your post is irrelevant.
  2. kakysas666

    Trading Post

    nobody wants your duped grenades. Trading combat knife (in babycore) for a black cowboy hat in hardcore.
  3. you shouldn't post your login anme publicly, OP.
  4. kakysas666

    M4 bipod users beware

    since when? It's fine for me.
  5. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    test both weapons at long range under same conditions. I specifically looked for ak101 because wanted to decide which weapon to keep, akm or ak101. Plastic stock, rail handguard, PSO and bipod, all pristine on both, AKM and AK101. With AKM I couldn't even see my bullets passed 500 meters, let alone seeing them at 860 meters, while I clearly saw hits on zombies with ak101 at 900 meters. All kids here only can point to stats but no one tested them both as it is obvious by their replies. So what else is there to argue? In game experience or copy pasting game file stats? I don't care that they are equal on paper, in a gameplay there is so big diference that I even don't bother with AKM anymore. That may or may not change in a future, but in .48 patch, AK101 is a clear winner in both, accuracy and less recoil, also the noise it produce is much lower.
  6. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    you don't have to do anything. Actually, it is obvious you don't even play game, just look at game files all the time. If any of you people spent at least 5 minutes testing both guns instead of copy pasting game files, you'd see I am right. If I was wrong I would say "sorry guys, I was wrong". But I am not. If I hadn't tested those guns at distances 600 and 860 meters, I wouldn't claim anything. I still prefer m4 all the way (especially in babycore).
  7. Too bad mosin is green... if I painted it to black or camo bipod would disappear. Even though it adds nothing to mosin..
  8. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    :) tell me about it.... when you test it.
  9. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    Being drunk is no excuse to posting shit out of your ass. All I care is truth about the fact that AK101 in 48 patch is way more accurate than AKM in actual game. I personally always preferred m4, though. In terms of accuracy at mid to long ranges, Mosin ~ AK101 > m4 > AKM.
  10. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    Arguing that it seems you never played the game. I am done repeating myself.
  11. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    Another kid who never tested guns and talks shit. I will use caps, since you have glasses and can't read properly: TRY THE AK101 AND AKM WITH SAME PARTS AND SAME DISTANCE. THEN TELL ME HOW SIMILAR THEY ARE, Outlock. It is not "supposedly lower recoil". Why show your lack of knowledge of the game when you haven't even played with both guns? I mean, why? It is not rocket's science, it is very simple to test it in game yourself. Another funny canard: "7.62x39 is 41% stronger than 5.56." whahahaha somehow I oneshot kill players with ak101 and m4 easily. Not one time, but everytime. Freshie, or geared, doesn't matter.
  12. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    Xbow, find AK101, find AKM, test them both like I did and don't talk out of your ass.
  13. kakysas666

    Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less

    M4A1 infinite magazine master race P.S. nah just kidding. My m4 is normal :)
  14. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    It isn't nerd rage, I am calmly explaining facts in this shitty game. I just don't like people who lie. You can prefer AKM over 101 with any reason you want, but if you say that AKM is more accurate than 101, then it is lying. I prefer m4 over AK101 despite the fact that AK101 is more accurate than m4, for example. But you don't see me claiming how m4 is more accurate than a mosin, do you?
  15. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    I never claimed AKM is bad in CQC or in similar situations, like berezino deathmatch. My only problem is with people claiming that ak101 is less accurate than AKM when they haven't even hold ak101 in their hands, let alone tested it. It is on contrary the most accurate weapon after mosin with compensator. Test it, then talk shit about 101. These kids nowdays only care about amounts of ammo (wow 75 rounds, such awesome) when usually in firefights they don't used even half of it because they all die miserably (can't hit shit). I can kill 3 people with 15rnd mag from FNX. Why would I want a rifle with 75 of innacure piece of shits? "Oh shit situations" usually end up very quickly and the amount of ammo in your mag won't help to avoid death if you are poor shooter. AKM with drum mag is a gun for kids who play one style - spray and pray with abundance of ammo. ak101 is a gun for those who concerned with being accurate and tactical. Whatever people prefer, I do not care. I'd rather see people with AKM's than 101's, because it will mean I am more safe.
  16. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    do you english even? It is useless past 500, but usually you won't hit shit passed 200 meters, especially if target is moving. Stay butthurt with your AKM. I succesfully snipe with ak101 passed 800 meters.
  17. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    You can't either, but at least I TEST it myself and don't talk out of my ass. Wanna see some data? Look here http://i.imgur.com/Rlbyv3z.png?1 and tell me how akm is better than 101.
  18. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    problem is that you BELIEVE, you don't test. I can believe in gods and fairies, it own't make them real, just like with your claim "akm hits harder so must be better" circular logic. It is a damn automatic rifle, it doesn't matter how "hard" it hits as you won't be shooting just one bullet. But usually I see people with AKM miserably miss zombie at 40 meters, let alone they waste 4-5 shots to kill them. Hits harder my ass. It is all about being accurate. and 5.56 ammo in DayZ is more accurate than 39mm. I don't know why, it is just my experience and personal tests.
  19. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    have you tried hipfire with 101? No? Then don't claim otherwise. I don't test hipfire as only noobs playing babycore use it. Ak101 is the most accurate automatic rifle so far. It is on par with a mosin. As expected, people who never tested 101 claim how bad it is, yet they cheer over AKM which is a piece of shit useful only up to 200 meters, just like sks (poor man's AKM).
  20. kakysas666

    Spawn Areas

    aren't people doing it now? The more spawn point there are the less chance to spawn near your body or military area. Also military areas should be excluded from spawn point, but spawning all around map should be a MUST. Berezino kids like you will never understand it.
  21. kakysas666

    101 vs AKM

    AK101 is almost ten times moe accurate than AKM and has much less recoil. I snipe with ak101 from 860 meters. Try doing this with AKM. AKM can't even hit shit passed 500 meters. Pick Ak101, ammo is abundant in heli crashes. I tested ak101 and AKM with the same, all pristine parts and same distance. Several times. ak101 >>>>>> AKM. Anyone who says otherwise haven't found ak101 and hasn't tested it and only prefers AKM because of 75 round drum mag because these people are usually bad at DayZ and can't hit shit. Ak101 is even more accurate than m4 (with right parts). Tested it too. PSO-1 scope is slighlty better than ACOG (zooms in better), but I still personally prefer acog and m4. Don't listen to noobs who say that m4 is more accurate than m4. It is their lack of knowledge of the game talking, not experience.
  22. kakysas666

    I found a suspicious M4

    It's not bugged, it is called Elite Version of m4a1. American soldiers used them in Iraq.
  23. This isn't a trade thread, but if mods decide to move/delete, so be it. Just wanted to give away pristine black m4a1 (magpull, acog, supressor, bipod) with attached 60 round magazine. Just a kind gesture to show that there are still m4's without hacked mags. If you are paranoid, I can drop it in empty server and log out myself or you can come with no loot (leave it in different server) and take m4 and then log out, doesn't matter actually. It's in regular/third person/babycore stable hive. Location: gas station near Gorka. PM. Offer is temporary, I may just drop it and move on where I need to be.
  24. kakysas666

    crash sites

    well the police cars randomly spawn now but yet again they fucked up that those cars are invisible. Probably the same with heli crashes. You won't see them but loot will be there. This is DayZ.
  25. We all been 14 and we all had these squeaky voices. No need to shame teens for that. Also we all acted stupid that after 5 or more years regretted. Again, just because they are too emotional, crazy and have a testosterone flying them all around doesn't mean you can insult them. Shame on you, OP. Source: former 14 year old.