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Everything posted by kakysas666

  1. kakysas666

    A little tip in regards to logging

    Yeah I know all of it. However, moaning sound while logging in is a glitch, sometimes I have this sound everytime I log in doesn't matter where. Sometimes it disappears, but you just can not get rid of it as it happens by chance.
  2. Yeah because removing .pbo files is totally the same as using in game settings which developers INTENDED there to be and other people to use to run their SHITY unoptimized game. People are forced to tweak in game settings. Get a life, kid. You can either have a beautiful game with 10 FPS, or shitty CS graphics with 60 FPS. Players choose according to their needs, and since this game is all about PvP I don't see personally a reason not to tweak my own settings to get as much fps as possible and to spot other players faster. This isn't survival zombie game (at least yet), it is survival elektro game.
  3. kakysas666

    10 hours played havent seen a gun or food

    10 hours in DayZ is like 10 minutes in any other game. Git guud. When you have at least 50 hours, then we can talk about how there is no food or guns.
  4. kakysas666

    Casuals and DayZ

    Maybe it is the OP who is casual. Casual bf4 and cow a dooty player who wants DayZ SA to be exactly the same shithole as Arma MOD. Game doesn't need any high-grade sniper rifles. It doesn't need helicopters, as the map is small already and I'd say it doesn't need cars, though they will be introduced eventually, which is sad. If OP wants a military simulator, better stick to ARMA and similar games. DAYZ is about survival, not multi-play shooter with military payday mask kids running around with m4's and serverhoppping in military buildings. You are the cancer of DayZ, OP.
  5. kakysas666

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    I really hope they won't add helicopters. Actually even vehicles are problematic since the map looks already small to anyone who played more than 50 hours in this game. Bicycles is a good thing but I wouldn't want to see any vehicles and especialy helicopters in this tiny map. There is no such thing as end gear when you die from one or two shots and lose everything. The only thing that matters is probably persistent backpacks/tents. That's it.
  6. kakysas666

    Editing DayZ cfg file

    Hi, so I read about this cfg edit somewhere, like changing GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; to give me a better frame rate. So should I make this cfg file read only or not, because it's not mentioned? When I don't change it to read only, GPU_DetectedFramesAhead changes to 0 for me. Also, is there any tweaks for CPU usage, beside disabling anyhting in rendering settings? Pretty much everything is disabled and HDR is set on low (very low makes little difference).
  7. kakysas666

    Editing DayZ cfg file

    I think you are right, but even 5 FPS increase would make a difference for me. My CPU is i5 2430, which, I think, is the only thing that matters in this game since it is cpu intenssive. I just ran out of things I could disable, also, don't know which things consume cpu power, which gpu.
  8. kakysas666

    Best loot route(personally+map route)

    I hate all the casual players who just want to find m4 asap aand go shoot bambis in elektro instead of looking for food and pipsi to get that healthy energized hydrated status first. I usually spawn in East coast, more often than not, in Three Valleys and have my proven route which disappointed only one time, and it was in experimental, where server restarts are rare and there are more people looting. Thanks to casual shitters who only go to elektro, my routine was proven to work dozens of times. So three valleys. Go straight west to the first long barn for a mosin (if you are lucky). Then you find this three story shed, get pipsi, clothes and maybe some ammo and infinite supply of water. Become hydrated, then go a little bit farther, like 200 meters and see a kitchen house (which is almost always unlooted). Find a gun there, if not, just enjoy free food, which has tons and almost reach energized status. Then, if I am still not high on food, I go to MSTA. Find more food, casuals don't go there anyway, they know only NWAF and NEAF. Since I am able to navigate without compass in certain areas, I head straight North to Dolina, which has Police Station, yet again, rarely looted. After that, if I am still without backpack, I head yet again straight north to Factory (aka construction site) and find maybe some ammo too. From there, I am practically healthy but go by the road to Polana. After that, Gorka, aaaaaand I am fully geared. I can travel whenever I want. No need to risk being shot by cow a dooty kids in airfields or elektro.