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Everything posted by kakysas666

  1. kakysas666

    M4 Stanag mags spawn? Dunno

    welcome to game. Obviously you bought it yesterday and know nothing about. I understand. Enjoy. Rocket said he removed m4 completely because it was hacker's weapon and they couldn't find the way to make infinity mags disappear so just removed a gun altogether. Source: "I remove m4 because of hackers" - Rocket.
  2. kakysas666


    mosin if you are camping, m4 (or poor man's m4 called AKM) if you are active. That's it. Also SKS is decent if you have infinite clip for it.
  3. kakysas666

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I liked when someone in this thread said: "So I am white hat hacker, I kill only bandits with my hacks".
  4. kakysas666


  5. kakysas666

    The state of M4A1's

    because it was easier to copy than make an original? Map is the only similarity to mod.
  6. kakysas666

    The state of M4A1's

    I guess you forgot that this isn't arma 2 mod. It is STAND ALONE. Standing alone.
  7. kakysas666

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    All chinese people stole our loot :( Yeah, I noticed myself no loot thing and been saying it for ages for children in reddit but they keep whining how loot is respawning amazingly, when it is not even spawning.
  8. kakysas666

    The state of M4A1's

    Even though I like m4 as I think it is 10 times better than AKM, but I would't cry if they removed it seriously. But they won't because le americans would be upset.
  9. kakysas666

    Should zombies fear fire?

    They are not vampires. They should fear my nugget though.
  10. kakysas666

    The state of M4A1's

    "M4 was removed from DayZ" - rocket. So I think this is it. No more m4.
  11. kakysas666

    Bipod not accepted by Mosin

    Yeah it is a known bug and devs are working on it to fix it. It's pain in the ass, mosin is so much accurate with a bipod.
  12. Loot isn't respawning, it actually isn't even spawning properly, as I entered a village and not a single house had loot, but server was fresh. Fuck this patch. Everytime they break something.
  13. I found a first tent! Can't post a screenshot at the moment, because reasons, but you can believe me, it is there!!!
  14. kakysas666

    New camo backpack in EXP build

    New backpack for 3pp shitters, that's what OP wanted to say? :) Because you gotta be super retarded to use such backpack in hardcore mode.
  15. kakysas666

    Message to UN Clan

    Hi, I am from UN clan and I am suing author for slander.
  16. kakysas666

    Am I the only one...

    The old one was horrible and out of place. Not saying this one is perfect, but it is 10 times better.
  17. Another dayz newbie got rekt. Lesson learned, I guess. This game isn't about trusting strangers. It is about paranoia and surviving when someone tries to act friendly, you blow his head off.
  18. kakysas666

    any point in having a sidearm?

    It will be the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ..
  19. kakysas666

    Where is this bad framerate coming from and how do i fix it.

    It is coming straight from Bohemia. Your PC is good, just turn-off anti-aliasing and all post-processing/blur bullshit.
  20. kakysas666

    Lets talk about sniping.

    can confirm.Longhorn is indead useless. It's effective range is 100 meters, better than any pistol however, 1 bullet only. I found it, I dropped it. Blaze is more useful with no scope because it can actually hit target at 300 meters.
  21. kakysas666

    Ballistic Vest - What Should It Do?

    When will you americans learn that Rasputin isn't BEER, it is KVAS. Should I google you the difference? One is alcoholic, the other is not. It is like calling Pipsi a Tequila.
  22. kakysas666

    Hacker squad

    To me it looks like a major server desync and bad aiming at your end. If hacker bleeds, he doesn't have god mode. You are probably spent those 300 hours on a broke back mountain with your friend, not playing the game.
  23. Yeah, this new sound appeared like a week ago, and I noticed it only in Chapaevsk and it always come from same direction even. At first I thought it was just some distant sound of mp5k, but it is not. Always same sound, always same location.
  24. kakysas666

    Sawed-off shotgun - range?

    lemme guess, you used 3pp for aiming, right? :) it's all the same with casual shitters, I saw one streamer wasting 20 sks bullets for a person who was 1 meter in front of him running in circles. Guess what? He used 3pp mode to shoot but even that doesn't show how bad he was with aiming.
  25. Has anyone noticed this new sound glitch in Chapaevsk on experimental? Like really weird sound, don't know how to explain.