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Everything posted by kakysas666

  1. kakysas666

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Misunderstanding which lasted 2 years...
  2. I kinda miss that thing where 90 percent of the servers where night time, everyone was in Balota, strange global sounds, lack of food, everything rotten, many m4 etc. I would love to experience 0.26 patch, as I officially started playing dayz in 0.32 patch but playd a pirate version of 0.28 or 0.30 for a couple of weeks too. I think even the gameplay was much more fluent, no?
  3. kakysas666

    Most versatile weapon combination?

    m4 *shots fired* *rekt* *wow*
  4. kakysas666

    1st person cameraview is to low

    Yeah shooting from windows is insanely hard. Only if a target is like 100 meters away. Anything closer and you will hit the dam windows or a wall whatever.
  5. kakysas666

    Megaloot Cleanup Tomorrow

    Few servers that I know with mega loot already been wiped yesterday out of the blue. All stuff that I put in backpacks or guns etc disappeared.
  6. kakysas666

    MELEE! grrrrrrRRRRR!

    Yep melee have been broken for the past 12 months now and never fixed, just patched a little sometimes it is made worse, sometimes even more worse. For now I got used to it almost unless I am using a shovel or other item against zombies.
  7. kakysas666

    Laser range finder not magnified?

    Range finder is terrible. It is like composed of lego.
  8. kakysas666

    To The Man I Killed In Vybor....

  9. kakysas666

    What happened here? Duping or bug?

    It isn't duping. Why would anyway dupe shotgun or a sks?
  10. kakysas666

    duping is out of control

    It is easy to dupe, but also the loot system is broken so you can get FREE guns and other stuff in any military base practically or town, because it is laying around in regular place where the loot spawns, and thing is - there are tons of it. Not all servers, of course. But I know a few. Anyway, why go loot a shitty town when you can exit the server and come back without time-out seconds, kill your clone which is logging out and take its stuff. That's how people dupe entire characters right now. The only problem is to find a server without time-out seconds. I found one, but it gives me 30 sec time out most of the time. Technically it should be possible to log out in any server and quickly join another one, while your friend kills your logging out body. You are still alive next time you join a server (don't know why, it was fixed before) and still have your stuff. Long story short, I will just play arma 3 for a while.
  11. kakysas666

    What to do with the edges of the map?

    There should be invisible (or slightly visible) wall which crossed instantly kills you. So that nobody would put a tent here etc. Yeah, I think it would work :)
  12. kakysas666

    About BattleEye and evil intentions

    I will believe devs are making progress against hacking when I see countless people getting banned once I join a full server. Now it is hard to distinguish people use hacks or is it just poor server performance and I am just standing still instead of laying down in some other location.
  13. kakysas666

    BattleEye going way too far

    You never know what kind of person does anything when you are dealing with goverment, police, farmacy, banks etc. At least you can opt out of using private companies, such as Bugemia and BE and stop paying them money. Can you do this with the police, courts etc? Just wanted to put your assertion in perspective and make you realize that you already trust something without putting much thought into it.
  14. kakysas666

    BattleEye going way too far

    Well, I was telling long ago to use a damn fucking rootkit to scan for hacks (well, not in these words but same idea). I don't care about BE, you have a rootkit when you enter your name in Facebook or just use google etc. Every site wants your private information and every software can pottentially become a rootkit (firefox, CHROME etc.) It is not just "you have nothing to hide" issue. I have a lot to hide, however, I can choose to accept the EULA or not. The problem is that some people do not understand what is choice. What BE does it is openly INFORMS you that it can scan your PC etc. I would be worried about software that does not warn you and you can not make an informed decision. Won't bother with examples of course. So yeah, people should decide they wanna play a game with a rootkit or not. I personally do not care as long as it bans all those cheating kids spending their parent's money on copies of DayZ.
  15. kakysas666

    LRS messed up?

    you can paint a vertical on your monitor screen. There is absolutely non-issue. Developers have better things to do.
  16. kakysas666

    Any update on magic leg breaking?

    Police stations are confirmed kill. They killed me once in Zeleno and broke my legs once or twice. There are NO safe buildings. It is related to how often people go to certain building and how much time spend in it. But there is seriously something wrong with firestations....they have a chance of 8/10 of breaking your legs or killing you.
  17. Problem is, when you LOOK for people you only find hackers. How many of them are you can understand by googling popular forum (which is censored here, wow) and reading the stuff. I now found out a hacker through google and know his two steam accounts. Which I reported of course. If devs gave a shit, if would be easy to ban people by just browsing that forum, finding out their IP (through skype) and voila, another murican/english kid banned. I don't mind people exploiting bugs, I do it myself and I like finding out new ones and then I report those bugs (most of the times). But I really feel sorry for those underage people who are so much abused at school and by their parents that the only way they can achieve happiness is by abusing other people with their hacks in game.
  18. kakysas666

    Hoping for character resets!

    It is not that people have too much stuff. Problem is that devs didn't fixed DUPING as promised. Why? What prevents that? I would prefer character wipes every patch or at least every month at least until game release. Unless of course they fix duping once and for all. It is too easy now. And this bugged loot. There were certain server where in Pavlovo military base you could find TONS of press vests, guns, other stuff too. At first I thought maybe someone was duping here too but then realized that loot system now is bugged like never before. Items either do not respawn or respawn on top of already existing items making servers crash eventually.
  19. kakysas666

    AKM vs AK101 performance

    AKM does more damage per bullet, but it lacks accuracy and has huge recoil. Just yesterday I dropped a guy with 4 shots from AK101. 1 shot would have been enough if it was a headshot (same with AKM) and somehow I only ruined his pants even though I was aiming at his backpack, but 101 has very little recoil compared to AKM and it is easier to use. The only downside may be magazine size for some people. That's why m4 for example with 60 rnd mag is a good middle ground between accuracy and recoil and a mag size. Furthermore, AK101 used to be my go-to weapon when holding-breath function used to work, now all weapons are the same. And even more, WTF with this insance weapon shaking when you run 100 meters? You have to wait like 3 minutes to be able to aim properly (without damn holding breath function). DayZ goes into wrong direction unless they fix it asap. inb4 hurr durr no more COD kids sniping etc. Never played COD or BF4 shitfest.
  20. kakysas666

    Is duping back? 0.50

    Yeah duping is back. It is so easier than before even.
  21. So it is kind of a rant kind of a heads up to developers or those interested. BAD: New bugs, like nearly impossible to locate a context menu to climb the ladder of the school building, especially in hardcore mode. BAD: Wells do not work BAD: Random weapon disappearance when you carry two guns (one behind back, one in hands) happened to me 3 times, but could not reproduce it on purpose. You simply start running with two guns and after a while you see that your hands are empty and you are holding an air. Backtracking didn't seem to help BAD: Zombie sound direction, you hear zombie scream from the left side, zombie runs to you from the right side. GOOD: There are certain servers with fucked up loot respawn system, and actually I found 5 (I repeat, five) press vests in a single building. Won't say where but I am sure some people already know it. Also loot seems to respawn 2-3 times more than it should (or was in previous patch after each restart). GOOD: All items spawning are pristine. And zombies seem to be weaker or something as they didn't ruin me a single item. GOOD: Tents finally spawn normal loot. Actually too much loot one can carry away.
  22. kakysas666

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    Yes. They spawn.
  23. So in 49 patch I had loot stash in some persistent server, which lasted for several months until it got completely wiped in 50 patch. So my question is, does persistent still work in this current patch and is it possible to leave stuff in a backpack and drop that backpack somewhere and the stuff inside won't disappear after server restart, or it does not work? Somebody tested it already maybe? I am trying to make another stash with backpacks and guns on a persistent server so not sure if I should continue doing it, haven't seen a restart yet on that server.
  24. kakysas666

    Current persistence in 0.50 patch

    His reply was what the usual dayz player who never played on persistent servers and never kept a stash here would say. That is why I said he didn't understand my question. In 49 patch servers with persistence enabled were persistent (somewhat) and my loot did not disappear for weeks even after restarts. Now it seems that servers get a major reset once in a while because persistence still crash them after several restarts. At least that's what I have read so far. I could not test it myself, because the server I put my stuff on usually restarts once in 24 hours.
  25. kakysas666

    Current persistence in 0.50 patch

    In 49 patch it worked (somewhat) that's why I am asking about 50 patch. You probably don't understand my question.