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About Bossetti

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  1. Bossetti

    Petition to make Zombies harder.

    Nice hibernating Idea: YES Adds more to the fact that bodies could be actually just infected laying down. Also it is process efficient, and the mechanics could be the same, since infected have 2 main, states: roaming, and running towards u. Replacing the roaming animation with staying still, and the running with a waking and running animation is simple enough.
  2. Bossetti

    Make a fort/base

    awesome, actually sandbags are great, but what if you build a sandbag fort that's accessible only from a hill and zombies just bump into them, wouldn't that be an exploit?
  3. Bossetti

    Growing Food/Harvesting?

    Nice idea, besides, there are lots of fields , which could be already filled with wheat and such.
  4. Dear "ragist": You just criticized the way I reviewed his idea, and that's just as pointless as complaining about a community: doesn't make my review less true, as your complaint doesn't make a community any better. Also, check out the forum rules, you actually have to talk about the other guy's idea, which u also ignored. " Replies to suggestions are good! This is how an idea changes, grows, and improves. With the thoughts and suggestions made by others. But for it to belong here it needs to stay ON TOPIC. If you don't know what that means you probably shouldn't post. " As I review ideas, and take the necessary precaution to let him know I am not yelling at the screen while typing, I also post new ones, and try to expand those that I like as a recent member of the community. Any community gets better with each condescending member that rages out of the forum, so make yourself free of such bondage, but don't think I am (I pretty much think nobody) gonna miss you.- Yours truly, A 1-day old member of zday's community ----------------------------------------------------- About this guy's idea, I still think the same, I hope he keeps giving suggestions, as well as playing the game. My opinion about it is that it doesn't apply to this kind of game-, although, the suggestion is correctly made, and has a place in this time of the mod's dev. Good thing to say..... mhm, I kind of enjoyed Land of the Dead?
  5. Bossetti

    Previous profession

    So, I've searched for "previous profession" in the forum, please redirect me if you know a post that treats this subject. My idea: Before actually spawning, you can choose what did your character do before the apocalypsis struck.- That wouldn't modify your abilities, just your backpack contents and your skin(or just clothes if you don't like my idea that way) The reason: Gives a general distinction between ppl (not absolute, but its a start) Gives you the opportunity to start a new character ( something you do a lot) with items that help you with some aspect, but lacking items for other purpose. Makes roleplaying possible (since there's the "personality" factor added) and gets u closer to a real life experience (in a virtual environment) Just blabbing: Supermarket employee: you have an extra food or drink item, u lack a pistol magazine Medic: you have an extra bandage, but theres a random item you don't have (not the pistol though). Police officer: you start with 1 more ammo item, but you lack 1 food or drink item. Ranger: you start with binoculars, but u lack 2 random items (since u will be a survival profession, its only fair you should have more difficulty in a survival game) And so on, and so on.
  6. Bossetti

    Suggestions for zombies behaviour and design

    Most of those modifications comes with game further dev I think. Nice suggestion though, that's the kind that adds more to this section
  7. Sounds great for day z SP, whenever that comes out for good. However, not compatible for multiplayer.
  8. Bossetti

    Female Skins

    Shouldn't this be on the bug report area?
  9. I don't agree with a single one of your ideas, and please, as you ask for your post, "don't flame right away, just read". This is just reasoning, I'm not raging or anything. 1-Bandits not allowed(invis. wall): If I am actually playing as a bandit, and suddenly I find a safe zone ("you can't get in here, because you killed ppl") I wouldn't say "darn it" and turn around, I would camp ALL DAY LONG outside the place. Not only I could take ppl while they are running towards salvation hunted by a zombie horde, I could kill survivors that leave with their backpacks full of goodies. 2-NPC (guards, etc):There's no active scripting, that means that there are no "interact" or, npcs (zombies aren't chars), mainly because this is a sandbox game and that basically means "it is what it is in a place almost generic in its design". Goes against that concept to build ways that ppl SHOULD interact, and SHOULD play. 3-Beginner help(hospital, "safe" place to trade): This is a survival game, and that in fact should be enough to disregard that idea, if you create a "beginner" land, there's no reason pro's won't take advantage of that place, and since there are no lvls, there's no way to separate beginner from pro. So that would lower the game difficulty to ALL players, not just beginners (playing more than 1 hour doesn't make you a pro if you just crouch on the top of a tower, on the far side of the map) Also, this is an apocalyptic-game. How is it apocalyptic, if there's a milicia/guard system, and a hospital full of ppl interacting?where's the morality conflict there? where's the uncertainty of the guy next to you? And if it gets overrun, just spawns back on? that easy? the milicia/guard system just appears? Game looses realism if there's something like that, I mean, zombies respawn, but that's just to solve monster density along the map if some1 starts sistematically killing them. So, remaining criticism just takes this to an unreadable lvl. Its a nono, for me at least.
  10. Bossetti

    Make a fort/base

    Server junping could be dodged by making only specific zones build-able, and also making those places spawn-unable zones, so if u disconnect in that zone, u would reconnect like 20 meters away, but still near the place. Further more when trying to dc there the server would tell u that can't be done, that way avoiding that instant dc and alt+f4 methods. In case those methods are used, previous solution would be implemented. So, if u wanna barricade a position, u would be able to do it at windows and door positions, and if u wanna build a fort, the mechanic would be the same as the vehicles, u need to find remmnants of a previous usable structure, and fortify it. This way u also avoid the server being filled by 100 forts, and also avoid them being in impossible places, like on the side of an elevated terrain.- The idea is obvious, and there are no more disadvatages in it than vehicle mechanics cause its almost the same, only detail is that u won't be moving in it, you would be using to spend some safe time, o Still only a suggestion. Also, to avoid survivors over populating the zone, building or barricading would make near zombies converge on the position. That way survivors have more choices to make: join the construction team and risk total party kill, join it and loot all the materiales and create pandemia, or get the hell away from them.
  11. Bossetti

    Make a fort/base

    AWESOME idea, I can't believe more ppl isn't complaining about this feature, some barricades would make staying at a city even more complex of an experience.- The next step to barricades could be the fort u mentioned.