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Everything posted by Xstar12

  1. So I just found the best find of my Day Z life - a DMR, M249 and a Ghillie suit. Ran off with them all like a giddy little school girl and logged out. Now I've already had the bug with a ghillie suit before, some weeks ago so I didn't equip it out of fear. I've been told that both staying in game for 20 minutes with it helps and that you need to run the beta patch to fix it. If I run Six Launcher, and join a game from it does it automatically run the game with the beta patch active? Thanks, as I'm tempted to just take my good luck and drop the suit if it's going to throw me into the ocean.
  2. Xstar12

    Ghillie suit and Six launcher

    Think I may take the fall and go ahead and try it. Would you all recommend staying on with it equipped for.. what, 10-30 minutes? Before logging.
  3. Xstar12

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Out of curiosity, I heard people speaking about the 5 second D/C timer as if it were currently in effect, but I had heard that it was reverted previously. Is it currently in effect?
  4. Out of curiosity, I heard people speaking about the 5 second D/C timer as if it were currently in effect, but I had heard that it was reverted previously. Is it currently in effect?
  5. So, recently have begun to try and update my files with the Worrom updater (1.5), and am running across an error with the new patch. Had been playing fine before, but am now running across this error. Error downloading files : dayz_sfx_v1.2.rar _______________________ Failed, try a force update and check settings! Getting errors with the new update, and that error is reached AFTER using a force update. Any ideas?
  6. Xstar12

    Line of sight

    Not able to play for a little while, but noticed that the new patch claims you can break line of sight with zeds and get away from them. I know it sounds simple, but I'm dubious that you could turn a corner from a chasing Zed and break line of sight for .5 seconds and he'd be de-aggroed. How does it work, precisely? Does one need to be a certain distance whilst breaking los or out of los for a given amount of time? Thanks.
  7. Xstar12

    Line of sight

    Ahh really? So they still can go through walls and whatnot, and the LoS cutting isn't working? -.-
  8. Xstar12

    Worrom's Updater Not Functioning

    Okay, updated it but now when I change the ArmA II folder line to my install it automatically defaults to MAIN REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Changing it does not work, automatically reverts for me.
  9. Xstar12

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.61

    For some reason there is no drop-down list for me; and when I try to put that mirror in manually, gives me Downloading dayz_anim_v0.2.rar...IO Error! Error downloading file : dayz_anim_v0.2.rar __________________ Failed, try a force update and check settings!
  10. Xstar12

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.61

    Error downloading files : dayz_sfx_v1.2.rar _______________________ Failed, try a force update and check settings! Getting errors with the new update, and that error is reached AFTER using a force update. Any ideas?
  11. Hello, Recently started a new character after a recent death. I spawned, made it to Stary, and got all the way to the camps with I think 3 zombies killed, and quite literally no damage whatsoever done to me. Am now spawning unconscious no matter what I do. Can someone explain this? Twice now I've spawned unconscious, even though I've taken NO damage.
  12. If we could set up a separate thread that'd be wonderful, but my original question still stands. Am I completely up the creek if I want a rollback of any sort? I know they can do it for debug ocean.
  13. Was playing on Dallas 51, had filled my entire inventory with goodies after 3 days. The entire server got killed, and I obviously don't have any of my anything. Is it possible to be rolled back? This is the second time this has happened.