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About Replifice

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  1. Replifice

    Respawning randomly near city choice

    Oh and with 10 min walk i mean like between skyrim mountain and cherno if you choose cherno. Or if you choose Electro you respawn near for example topolka dam or Pusta. Not EXACTLY in the city offcourse, but near it, randomly in a 10 min walk distance.
  2. Replifice

    Respawning randomly near city choice

    It is ridiculous that everyone is pointing a finger to 'you want to spawn near high loot'. Do you really think there is much left in Cherno on a full pop 50 server? I don't think so. It is just the annoyance that everyone has constantly, all the streamers, all the players. People get lost easily (myself not included), people care more being with their friends then fucking loot ffs. Do you really honestly think that i made this suggestion for the loot? FFS. If that is the case they should balance the loot near coastal villages and towns to be the same everywhere so that the advantage is not there. Be reasonable and instead of immediatly poking the finger 'idiot' at me think it through first. People do NOT have weeks, days, hours to just get to their friends and play togheter. This game is making people loners which is bad in my opinion instead of working togheter. People should be able to start playing faster with other teammates, groups instead of running around constantly. How frustrated you are with this suggestion, you have to recognize that nobody can play this game forever!
  3. Replifice

    Respawning randomly near city choice

    Then all twitch gamers should stop streaming NOW :-) I am not doing this suggestion for the loot ffs, im doing this suggestion so people can play togheter.
  4. Replifice

    Respawning randomly near city choice

    Can you explain me then why i constantly have to watch respawning in 30 seconds on twitch? Please enlighten me the NO :-) Plus i said: far away from military spawns.
  5. Replifice

    Trading Post

    Have: 1x RDG grenade 1x FNX with red dot sight and magazine 1x 30 rnd mp5 mag Need: 1x Rangefinder PM if you want to trade
  6. So basicly i can understand the 2 main weapons that you need to hold one in your hands. But you should be able to basicly strap 2 weapons on your backpack with rope. Which means, if you need to run a large distance but want to keep your 2 main guns. You should be able to have the ability to strap the weapons with the rope on your back. The disadvantage would be if you like to use them again the 2 guns you have to unstrap them. So basicly you cannot use both weapons when you 'strap' them on your back but for example you can still use a handgun and sawed off shotgun inside your backpack. That way you can fast travel a large distance without problems. You cannot directly pick up both weapons after strapping them to your backpack but you need todo a 'unstrap' animation first before you can use them again. This is more realistic and gives a bit a realistic sence when you are carrying much stuff. I love to snipe, i love close combat. I want to be able to use both from time to time.
  7. Instead of COMPLETELY random respawns you should limit the range of random respawns. People tend to stick to each other but because everyone is like everywhere on the maps these days RUINS the fun. Please after you press the respawn button, give a list of cities to respawn in. Offcourse still random points near that city but at least in 10 min walking time of a city. So you can basicly rejoin your friends after you got killed. So when you press 'Respawn' you get a second menu with city names: For example: - Chernogorsk - Elektrozavodsk - Solnichniy - Berezino - Novodmitrovsk - Severograd - Vyshnoye - Svetlojarsk So basicly 'near' that city a RANDOM respawn within 10 min walk, instead of suiciding constantly to get back to your friends. (Guess what mental issue you are pushing to young people ffs!) This way the game will get more enjoyable. Offcourse i should not place it too close to military spots although i think putting in a complete NW village will also be nice like Sinistok and Toploniki.
  8. Replifice

    Attachments 0.49

    Loot equality, give everyone a chance to get all sorts of loot EVERYWHERE on the map. It is crazy that the developers are trying to prevent server hoppers. In fact what most people nowadays do is go to vybor or NW and server hop. The new problem: because loot is scarser, because everything gets looted directly after restart there is less fair chance to even find that 'scarser' loot. Developers before making it more a survival game, think first before you do. Loot EQUALITY, do not forget that word. And good job on encouraging server hopping more! sigh. Oh btw because hackers can do what they want people are forced to server hop to find their stolen loot by hacker again. Please THINK!
  9. Replifice

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I have been testing a lot with server settings, just to get the configuration right. No documentation of configuring loot respawn? Loot is hard to find near the coasts, which is sad. Loot equality <> player happyness <> persistance, please fix the balance and make loot more available for normal servers. What i suggest is to make a survival server type, less loot. Normal server type, more loot, more fun. Hardcore server type, less loot, 1st person.
  10. Replifice


    They are back, even worse. Spend 6 days, running the west in search for helicrashes. I knew it was not safe near the coast, hackers most times stay there. Friends asked me to come with my M4 to the coast to help them out. I was there 3 minutes. 6 people on the server, saw a new guy join. I was on top of a building. All for sudden death without a noise, another friend with no gear stood next me and could not pick up the loot. A second later other friend in Cherno town, we where at construction site killed. He was still in firestation, just got a shotgun. Also killed. I kept on watching the player list the guy that just logged in left. In other words: It took me 6 days to get all that loot togheter It took me 20 minutes to come from the west to Cherno It took the hacker 3 seconds to kill me, my friend and steal all my loot. Is this the definition of fun? Or are the developers going to hide again behind the 'alpha' cover? We didnt see him, hear him or could track him down. Please remove these pathetic low lifes from the game, thank you. (PS i luckely thought ahead and gathered extra stuff in the tent so basicly i did not lose nothing so bugger off hacker shit, it is called protecting myself from the game...)
  11. Replifice

    DayZ and Persistence

    Ok i have been experiencing what dynamic respawn is: Persistance off = you can find more high military loot Persistance on = you can find much less high military loot lootRespawnTimer = minutes it takes to loot to respawn when someone left the 100m radius around the spawned item (and only then) and another one comes back in the radius and it has taken 5 minutes since somebody came there to respawn a new item lootLoadLimit = really important for not having your server to crash when you turn off all respawn timers (or set to 0). This setting controls the amount of items across the map. Make it higher, more items. By default this is turned off and very low, causes the most frustration on the servers. lootCleanupTimer = Timeout like respawn but when to remove an existing item. Most of the times you set this the same of the lootRespawnTimer lootDefaultLifetime = Basicly if you set the lootDefaultLifeTime, means the time that loot stays on the ground, for example if someone drops a gun or tent. By default this is set to 8000, which of my understanding is 2 weeks or so. But if the server restarts that kind of loot is offcourse removed. I did not find any other information about this, but at this point the dynamic respawn system is not working well for military loot and more focussed towards food then anything else. Which makes me sad and a bit disappointed. Please DO correct me on any point if i am wrong. This is my current understanding and nothing more.
  12. Replifice

    The Problem

    I just wanna shout out first of all the game brings good suspence because you can lose everything and win everything, that is what i love about it. But let's face facts, people want to play with equal powers. Equal guns, equal changes. If they cannot, they will stop playing. It is called the 'fun' factor. The thing is, why do you want to make certain items 'rare' and some other items 'not so rare'? This game should not give players who find a AK gun all the power? My point is just, you should not make items rare or respawns that difficult to find. When you start you should be allowed to get ANY gun in ANY town. Fun = equal fun for everyone, equal weapons for everyone, equal loot opportunities for everyone. Not fun = constantly roaming the internet to find out where you exactly want to find THAT certain gun. It should be obvious from the start where you find such guns. Because the makers of this game make certain loot harder to find then others, people play LESS togheter. Oh and by the way, all for sudden in 0.47 it seems much harder to find a compass? You got to be kidding me. Eitherway, you remove all the fancy AK and automatic weapons, which makes it more fair. Or you just let those weapons respawn in EACH police station. Let's keep this game fair, let's keep the fun. Loot should never ever be rare and in fact be available in any recognizable places 'like police stations'. And because you made loot rare, there are a LOT of servers that constantly restart. Which offcourse is also a NOT FUN factor when you are playing. Please fix loot equality, stop making items rarer and rarer and rarer. Thank you!
  13. It was just slaughter, abuse. Nothing fun at all.
  14. What kills the game: I yesterday say a hunting of 6 guys fully equiped on newspawns. I was on the hill and watched 3 newspawns run around like crazy to avoid them. Offcourse complete silence, i went in there with a automatic weapon, all for sudden another guy knew exactly where i was heading. How unfair? How not a good thing? Why newspawns, they dont have anything to loot? Really voice should be turned against them in one way or another.
  15. No it just records voice levels, do not get me wrong. The advantage to chat outside the game is too big to have a good working game. That being said, volume levels should be used to 'give away' player locations as it is more fair for others.