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About jwapiennik

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jwapiennik

    Recommend Settings For DayZ

    You only need 5-10 FPS to get betrayed. You're computer is overkill.
  2. jwapiennik

    My first KOS

    You should play the lotto this week.
  3. jwapiennik

    My first KOS

    Sorry bro, HRKIGV is correct. I am new here; thanks for noticing the obvious. Unfortunately, I've been executed at nearly every encounter that began with the words, "Friendly, don't shoot man." The only people who haven't killed me yet didn't have a rifle. One guy defied this as well by waiting for me to pick up a gesture of good faith (Ammo) and clubbing me in the head with a pipe wrench. Ya... Kill on sight.
  4. jwapiennik

    I ducking hate you bandits

    Amen. Kill on sight.
  5. jwapiennik

    I ducking hate you bandits

    I agree. All players must be killed on sight. If you don't have a weapon, go find one and come back to kill them for being dumb enough to trust you. Kill everyone on sight my friend.
  6. jwapiennik

    My first KOS

    Not going to read your story, but wanted to encourage you to always kill on sight. Don't trust friendly players, it's all a trap. Kill on sight.
  7. Kill on sight - Everyone. Friendly? Sure. Kill on sight.
  8. jwapiennik

    someone please teach me the basics

    I've logged a couple days in so far. Here's mine: 1. Don't trust anyone, ever. If you have a gun, shoot on sight - Always - No exceptions. 2. If you don't have a gun, keep your distance. If you find a gun, go back to the person you talked to and shoot them dead - No exceptions.