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About zevenstorms

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. zevenstorms

    Ideas concerning tents

  2. zevenstorms

    Craftable Tents

  3. zevenstorms

    Stuck in a non enterable room

    Donavyn's tip works like a charm! Thanks a lot man!
  4. zevenstorms

    Gameplay vs Realism

    I can't say I didn't quite get that part. I apologize, but English isn't my native language so can you please help me on this one :)
  5. zevenstorms

    Gameplay vs Realism

    Guess it cant be argued. Very well then, carry on.
  6. zevenstorms

    Gameplay vs Realism

    I have played arma2: dayz, which is a lot more exciting because danger could be lurking from every bush, because rifles are a bit more common. Giving critique to a game doesn't mean you should directly step to another game, even if you guys meant that in a friendly way. I understand that the weapon part is arguable, but does anyone enjoy the broken legs part? I mean there is so less stuff in a town to fix your legs you have to crawl from 1 town to a next and be lucky enough to fix your legs. You are better of to suicide.
  7. zevenstorms

    Gameplay vs Realism

    Hello dear ladies and gentlemen of Dayz SA, I have a request that involves the gameplay of Dayz and some critique in the way it is evolving. First of I have lots of fun while playing Dayz so this is not some hate rambling out of frustration but I think the game lately aims to much on the realism of an actual zombie apocalypse and to less on the actual gameplay of playing and enjoying a game. In which I have some small points. First of there are quite few range weapons in Dayz and ammo is just as rare. While in a real zombie apocalypse this is true, in game it is a lot less fun to play a game of 'run for the zombies' in stead of being able to combat them. I understand that we have enough melee weapons to really combat the zombies but this brings me to a second problem where people who, after long searching, found a range weapon immediately have an unfair advantage over people who don't. And are able to make a monopoly in these ranged weapons because they can camp the very few places that spawn them. Making the game quite predictable in finding other players (mostly around the military bases) and not being able to combat them because of your lack of weapon. I noticed in your update video you are going to aim on hunting, which will probably never happen with rifles because they are far to rare and no one would want to waist a bullet on some food if you can find food more commonly than you can find ammo. Don't get me wrong, I don't think dayz should turn in to a CoD but this will probably never happen because of the vast amount of space. I also noticed you are able to break your legs, while this sounds realistic. The chance of finding the materials to fix your legs in 1 town is quite rare, and the fun of crawling to another city is as entertaining as fishing in my own bathtub. Resulting almost always in a finding a suicide spot. Which is not always find able in a town. All in all I think there is basically to less stuff to for fill the pleasure your designing team is aiming at with features like 'hunting' and 'broken legs'. Adding features like cars will probably have the same problem: scouting hours and hours for parts in different towns just to make 1 vehicle and get shot in the head before entering it. tl;dr - I think the design team needs to refocus on gameplay and fun instead of realism.