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Grandpa (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Grandpa (DayZ)

  1. Grandpa (DayZ)

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    ppl claim theres proof on lemonparty dot org.
  2. Grandpa (DayZ)

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    Same happened to me when i saw Ron Jeremy on top of what it looked.. something like a wookie near petrovka ... then i alt + tab to open fraps .. then i woke up. (with a hard one) and start jackin', then i went to take a shower and eat breakfast. some beans to feel i was in dayz. then i went to my pc that i stole from .. oh well that doesnt matter thats another story .. but i turn it on and then i came here and feel like posting this up too. yes BigFoot and Ron Jeremy are in DayZ... watch out Ron Jeremy has a BIG ONE !!! Yours: Me.
  3. :facepalm: What you think it will happen? i dont know and i dont care. ill prbly we will be watching porn. and you ... maybe the same. rocket ... the same. unless he working on a new patch. but when he finishes he will go straight to it.
  4. :facepalm: softiness ??? ... ok keep bitching.
  5. Grandpa (DayZ)

    Your Worst Betrayel Story

    I was in chernarus then i went to ... <_< oh well .. to make story short i met this guy .. we were friends for like 220 minutes .. then .. I Shot him in the face to take his beans. Thats the worst betrayel i been. :facepalm: Maybe not the best story.
  6. Grandpa (DayZ)


    No no dont leave ... :facepalm: Who am i kidding .... .!. SAYONARA .!. The more ppl that leave game .. the more :beans: for ME !!!
  7. Grandpa (DayZ)

    What is the point of being a alpha tester....

    LOGIN: you dont really believe someone is gonna waste all that time to read all that stuff you wrote or copy paste right? ... i prefer to focus all that time into watching porn. please put a synopsis, dont make me lose 10 or more minutes of my life reading all that garbage.
  8. Grandpa (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    If this was an actual game i would prefer it... MMO Style Free to play ... (Not wow style... WoW is Gei) ... more like Age of conan style. nothing to buy. no store. No need to make money, you already have enough. dont be so ambitious. Lucas Films Studio developed. (Free) i dont know what kickstarter means .. but sounds scary. so ... not kickstarted. Free download game style. or dvd sell on stores for 5 dlls. all of the above or .. pay 1 dollar per year (cash).... or 5 dlls per year with 12 easy monthly payments of 0.42 cents p/month. win - win situation. and please add porn magazines, everyone likes porn.
  9. Grandpa (DayZ)

    What is the point of being a alpha tester....

    the point is: I NOW CAN FEEL I MADE SOMETHING GOOD IN MY LIFE AND I'VE ACHIEVED SOMETHING. when i see saint peter i can tell him.... i was an alpha tester... now let me in.
  10. Grandpa (DayZ)

    AHHHH ArmA 2 OA Down for Maintenance!!

    Oh well .. time to go watch some porn
  11. Grandpa (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    DELTA SMOKE 01 if you can not help him or give him an answer to help SHUT THE TRUCK UP !! we all know we are testing so again SHUT THE TRUCK UP with the same song, he is putting that info there cause his information will help admins to fix it. so please again .. SHUT THE TRUCK UP !!! ohh and if you planning on answering this message ... SHUT THE TRUCK UP !!! .!.
  12. Grandpa (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Any admin around can let us know if it got fix the problem when a server disconect and we get the CONNECTION LOST message and we lose everything and start again in the beach? Thank you
  13. Grandpa (DayZ)


    ok this is the second day i play all day long ... doin amazing finding nice stuff ... then suddenly server CONNECTION LOST ... i tried to join other server and character back in the spawn area in the beach and all items lost. this happened yesterday and today. and im pretty sure many ppl getting that same thing
  14. CONNECTION LOST problem happend to me yesterday and today
  15. Grandpa (DayZ)

    36 murders....and counting....

    Evil will always Triumph, Because Good ... is Dumb !
  16. Grandpa (DayZ)

    Agree or Disagree? Why we kill...

    Evil will always truimph, Because Good is Dumb.
  17. Grandpa (DayZ)

    How long until You have to drink/eat ?

    Please go test this, im very interested in this matter, in fact last night i couldnt sleep thinking about it and making calculations i was so worried cause i only had 1 can of sardines and 1 coke didnt knew how long i could keep walking so i was all night thinking the choices i had... wonder why no one else though about it. Are you from Harvard?
  18. I invite you to chicago 11, we can discuss it in person in Elektro, We can share some ideas we have for the game, ill be behind the hospital. im the guy with the hat. (im a genius too)
  19. a guy named Sagacom3 was spawning chopper on server and putting message .. then someone killed SAGACOM3 in airfield ... then 1 minute later they shot him again which shows he was hacking he was back in airfield 30 seconds later and then he kill us all in the Server Time central 10:10PM more or less Server: DayZ US # 00 http://i.imgur.com/k33Md.jpg
  20. Grandpa (DayZ)

    Warning: Hacker on DayZ US #00

    it was a guy named SAGACOM3 the hacker putting choper on airfield he got killed 2 times in airfield in 30 seconds then he killed us all
  21. Grandpa (DayZ)

    Anyone else stuck on "Loading"

    TRY THIS . Launch game not from Six updater ... But from Six Launcher and that will fix it. Have a Nice day