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Everything posted by Forrelist

  1. Forrelist

    Tent Loot

    Took a trip up to the tents and found nothing, still broken it seems
  2. Forrelist

    Food and drink system needs to change!

    I wouldn't mind spawning in at a 'halfway' level with hunger - not barely above starvation. Aside from that I think it's fine.
  3. Forrelist


    Your avatar signature: "Tired of the Whiners on the Forums"
  4. Forrelist

    [Recipe] Steamed Stuffed Peppers

    Lighten up.
  5. Forrelist

    [Recipe] Steamed Stuffed Peppers

    God Damnit I'm hungry now :(
  6. "Stable Branch servers will be performing some rolling reboots for some small hotfix changes. FYI" woo hoo :D Edit: Restart your steam clients: I'm seeing a 162MB update
  7. It's been pretty good for me so far, no complaints here.
  8. I was approaching the northeast town, and I could just see four zombies sprinting towards me through the field. Add some stealth possibility and THAT is the game I want to play.
  9. Forrelist

    Emergency Stable Patch Feedback

    Things are running nicely for me. Spawned in , got a fight almost instantly and it seemed fairly stable and without lag.
  10. Forrelist

    How to get out of a wall

    try to run into the thinnest looking spots of the wall, use crouch, prone and lean. It might ping you back out. Failing that, I'm afraid you don't have a paddle.
  11. let the games begin..
  12. Forrelist

    Session Lost... DayZ in a Nutshell

    AFAIK, Session lost literally just got fixed.
  13. Forrelist

    Join server alert?

    Eep, I can already predict the responses that you are going to get, so i'll just say, I don't think that is currently an option - any rented servers come in "stock" where you can't change many variables or attach add-ons.
  14. Forrelist

    10000 Posts

    "The new zombies are.." "ALPHA" "No I was going to say.." "It's in Alpha omfg" "But I-" "Alpha."
  15. Forrelist

    Food and drink system needs to change!

    You just reminded me of when players used to spawn with the makarov on the mod. Good times :)
  16. Forrelist

    Why you should be playing on Experimental.

    "Mostly Sucks"? That's your opinion :/ I for one find it much more enjoyable.
  17. Must be. Reddit users are reporting less server loss and better framerates already.
  18. Hicks also announced an hour ago that they were putting all experimental servers live (60 of them) sit tight.
  19. I wouldn't really bother though, it's just sub-par. No point taking it unless you have literally nothing else. It sounds quiet, and yet it aggro's an entire town, without the power to kill them efficiently.
  20. The banana magazine I have only found on beds in the green military houses. 1911 magazines, never even found one, sorry.
  21. more on topic though, I have mostly found that .22 Sporter in the Police station buildings , in the rooms with the metal racks.
  22. Forrelist

    And again.

    The community on reddit is rotten though. Anything that the hivemind disagrees with is buried in downvotes. At least on here everyone gets their say about things.
  23. I see you have two bibles, I too like to live dangerously.
  24. Forrelist

    DayZ standalone set password?

    Throw it at them!
  25. Forrelist

    Why you should be playing on Experimental.

    Yeah been getting it too, I don't want to risk the char I have who is hiding in Guglovo. At least I'm not getting 'SESSION LOST' anymore though.