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Everything posted by Forrelist

  1. Forrelist

    WTF my character needs to poop! Help please!

    I got one "I feel like someone is watching me". I was creeped out until I realised I was being trolled.
  2. Oh please, If they keep any sound currently let it be that one noise that the zombies make sometimes. You all know which one i'm talking about.
  3. Forrelist

    When can we lock servers?

  4. Forrelist

    Missing gun: Found :)

    I Agree with this. Try heading northwest to find that the military camps haven't even been touched. Nobody seems to bother with Green mountain either.
  5. Forrelist

    Doors - anyone home?

    Sometimes you can bait people by closing the doors in Elektro. You can use this tactic to root out the people mowing down newspawns, make some noise and then they arrive, they notice a door closed that was open previously and that's your window.
  6. Forrelist

    DayZ Sound Design Test - Part 3 Final Added

    phwoaaar those sounds are amazing.
  7. A. Forrest or Forrell? one of the two. B. Broken legs C. Elektro, on the street with the mechanical shop D. Gasmask and boonie hat, green clothing. edit: I'm on Experimental. Servers are busy, but i'm willing to wait.
  8. Forrelist

    New sounds, anyone?

    Now it's just a strange 'UHHHHHN' whenever you are injured
  9. Forrelist

    New sounds, anyone?

    I believe that a lot of the current sounds are placeholders. I would like a door opening/closing sound though. :)
  10. Forrelist

    Really, devs?

    There have been more than Double the amount of AKM's ever been produced than the AK74, and the AKM has been replaced and is going into surplus. I would hardly say that it is unimportant, when it would be much more likely to be found in use in a post-Soviet (albeit fictional) state. At the end of the day you are still ending up with an AK , so what's the problem...?
  11. Forrelist

    [Issue] Experimental Servers

    Yeah I only see four UK servers online.
  12. Stop being a moron, the guy is just trying to help people.
  13. Forrelist

    How long before we get another map?

    bumping this thread to put in a vote for Namalsk , I loved that map on the mod.
  14. Forrelist

    For science!

    I tended to avoid this because they are too bright, but there's another reason I guess.
  15. Hi everyone. The following is a list of what I believe the biggest problems of DayZ are right now. Disclaimer: Yes I am aware the game is in Alpha. This list is hopefully constructive criticism for the developers . This isn't another whine-thread, I just hope to point out a few of the biggest issues. Hopefully others can provide feedback on this. I am also aware that this will probably result in some objections or arguments from the community itself. Please be polite atleast if you do not agree. So in no particular order The Spawn positions feel imbalanced. There are way too many up the northeast coast of the map now. I know this was to combat people trying to get a Balota spawn, but it has made the map very one-sided as a result. Cherno and the surrounding area is usually allways empty because of this. At least there should be some more kamenka/komorovo spawns for balance.Loot issues: There are many houses that do not spawn loot at all. The creates a problem, where on busy servers a newspawn can seriously struggle to get even food.Loot issues #2: because loot currently does not respawn it results in server hopping on a large scale. Everyone knows someone who does this, or does it themselves. You simply go to an airfield then jump servers until you have full gear. If loot respawned periodically, this would reduce the number that does this.Wall Glitching: With people able to use walls to spy the inside of a building, or even go inside the building to shoot people from anywhere, this is a really big game-breaking bug. Really frustrating to walk for a long time to an airfield, or go through Elektro to get onehit by an exploiter.Ruined backpacks and other storage still carry the same amount of gear without a problem. This means that there is more incentive for players to just shoot anyone without reprecussion of losing some gear, they know that the clothing/backpack will still work - ruined or not.Desync: I know that this is being worked on, but it is still currently a major issue. People can kill you while you are stationary on their game, even if you are running around on yours. It looks like you have been killed by an invisible player. This always ruins immersion.
  16. Forrelist

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    Good point. I'd rather see the spawns closer to how they are on the mod. Loot would also be best to be completely random, though I might add that the military stuff would be more likely to appear at the airfields.
  17. Forrelist

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    I know right :) Fuck trying to make any suggestions or criticisms about the game around here!
  18. Forrelist

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    haha I'm about ready to abandon ship on this one anyways :)
  19. Forrelist

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    And you believe that this is one of them? :S
  20. Forrelist

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    Oh so people who don't know how to play the game are at fault because there are many houses that do not spawn any loot! oh and also because wall glitching isn't a major issue that doesn't affect anyone.. <_<
  21. Forrelist

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    I'd rather be stupid than be a Rude arsehole. They all affect gameplay...
  22. Forrelist

    Delay when messing around with inventory?

    I also get these spikes sometimes.
  23. Forrelist

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    Hi, I appreciate the feedback. Would you atleast highlight which points you feel that I am wrong about, explaining why. If you feel that certain problems do not matter at the moment, that doesn't mean the problems suddenly cease to exist.
  24. Forrelist

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    It's not that. You are being offered the right to rent a server, that is to be played, the way that the DayZ team have intended the game to played. That means that there should always be a threat of losing gear, instead of being able to passively farm and do what you like without threat. It's a part of DayZ and it always will be. To use your own anology , you can't just go to a resteraunt, wave some money in their face and start asking for food that they do not offer. It is just not how it works.