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Everything posted by Forrelist

  1. Forrelist

    questions about maps

    2. I find most map parts in those generic civillian houses that are two storeys high.
  2. Forrelist

    Frams Per Second since the last patch +Poll.

    Experimental has certainly been a big improvement for me atleast.
  3. Forrelist

    Prison floor glitcher...

    Good lord this makes my blood boil.
  4. Forrelist

    Who needs a cramped middle "w" finger?

    It's for people that need to reach for their extra-large sized mcDonalds banana milkshake while their character runs
  5. Forrelist

    Who needs a cramped middle "w" finger?

    I just use a stack of pound coins. :D
  6. Your not allowed to lock servers, or randomly kick people. They don't want people to create an 'artificial' experience , where they are never under threat.
  7. Forrelist

    Can I play DayZ with this setup for now.

    Doesn't seem that bad. You won't get loads of frames but it should be playable enough.
  8. Forrelist

    Someone is very happy right now

    We encountered a guy in the the northeast most town on a server that had just restarted and had three people. It's shit like this that keeps me paranoid all the time.
  9. Forrelist

    The impact of finding a body.

    Interesting story , oh and : Has to be the best description of Elektro I've seen
  10. They are paying for the right to RENT a server that runs DayZ. They can't 'do what they want' because there are rules in place to stop people being C*nts, farming on their own server and joining a busy one with the their full gear. I would only accept this behaviour if the server was on a private hive.
  11. Forrelist

    Time to head back South?

    I find the majority of players at Berezino or the new city north of berezino and NEAF these days.
  12. Forrelist

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    I just go with the default character, not too bothered to change it.
  13. Gotta be Piano house. Failing that the School/office, or the red-coloured brickhouse.
  14. Forrelist

    Frams Per Second since the last patch +Poll.

    I play on a Laptop more than my desktop and was never expecting much, but I average 30-40 on experimental
  15. China called, it wants its wall back!
  16. Forrelist

    The UI

  17. Forrelist

    Not enough experimental servers...

    I too only see four. :(
  18. What you guys are doing is awesome, but I'm afraid that if you actually do the above, you are setting yourselves up for a lot of deaths. Most people won't wait for you to warn them, they're just going to straight up start attacking and try onehit you if they have a gun.
  19. Forrelist

    How do you deal with zombies?

    Melee to the face in first person. Usually kills them in one or two hits with a weapon.
  20. Forrelist

    Resetting of character

    Only had it a couple times for me now.
  21. Forrelist

    What is the playstyle people would give you.

    Probably bandit. But then again I get a lot of 'friendlies' who try to punch me unconscious when I go stationary
  22. Forrelist

    where are you finding .22 magazines?

    I found the large .22 mag in one of those Green military buildings at NWAF
  23. Forrelist

    Missing gun: Found :)

    I found a multicamo Mosin with the LRS in one of the Elektro flats recently. I guess this explains it.
  24. Oh they should definately change them, but keep that one particular noise in.