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Outlawed Psycho

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Everything posted by Outlawed Psycho

  1. My nephew a few months ago managed to Globally ban my game key, and I want to start playing the Mod again and my question is that do I need to buy just a new "Arma 2: OA" in order to start playing again, or both "Arma 2" and "Arma 2: OA"?
  2. Outlawed Psycho

    When will SA allow Custom Scripts?

    Basically what's said in the title. I mean the game seems like it has been through much improvement since I started playing it again recently! When do you think they (Dev's) will allow people to own servers with custom scripts just like in the mod?
  3. Outlawed Psycho

    When will SA allow Custom Scripts?

    I wasn't referring to any of the Non-DayZ "DayZ" Custom Servers like epoch or such... I was thinking something more like Custom spawn control, opening text, or anything else that makes private/custom DayZ SA servers more unique or different. I also believe that if people want their own setup like Epoch, let em' have it. Just don't integrate the abuse into the actual SA.
  4. Outlawed Psycho

    Periodic Mod Features

    Everyone loves to play the standalone although its still Early Access, so why not just periodically overlay mod features that people want into SA until the actual feature intended for SA are completed and ready to be patched in? I mean it sounds like a bit of an hassle just to work around with the new UI and such to get the Pre-Existing mod features to run correctly on SA, but it would get some Heat off the Developers back while they build the actual stuff. Also, it probably would encourage more purchases!