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About DayZDaily

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  1. DayZDaily

    What should I upgrade ?

    I have a 500 watt
  2. DayZDaily

    What should I upgrade ?

    400$ budget
  3. Hey . Birthdays coming soon , so im gona upgrade .. Should I get a processor or a video card ? Heres my specs ; AMD 8300 @ 3.3gz GTX 650 1gb 8gb 1600 ram I only get around 30 frames on med - low on SA & im aiming for 60 + on med-high . What should I get ? & What one ? Thanks
  4. DayZDaily

    Game logic .

    mosin to head would hurt more
  5. DayZDaily

    Game logic .

    So me and my friend are in berizino getting ready to record .. and we get this guy with a axe . We did not shoot him , He ran away, we got to him and he 1 hit my friend with his axe . I shot him with a mosin in the head , he survived , grabbed my friends M4 and killed me .. How can someone with a axe kill someone wearing bullet proof armour ? ~ PLEASE FIX THE AXE. ITS OVER POWED
  6. DayZDaily

    [Reuploaded] DayZ SA : 400m+ Sniper kill w/loot

    We are going to upload more tonight :)
  7. DayZDaily

    [Reuploaded] DayZ SA : 400m+ Sniper kill w/loot

    He was moving at first :p possibly crashed
  8. DayZDaily

    Low fps

    gona try it out . il tell you soon :p
  9. DayZDaily

    Low fps

    Heh ;3 made this account since we started a youtube on SA;)
  10. DayZDaily

    Low fps

    i get 20-40 frames on SA & 10-20 on the mod ..
  11. DayZDaily

    Low fps

    My specs are Processor AMD FX-8300 Eight-Core Processor Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Memory 8.1 GB Operating System Microsoft Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit Not the best but .. why do I get only 20-30 fps on low ?
  12. DayZDaily

    [Reuploaded] DayZ SA : 400m+ Sniper kill w/loot

    Im not the one who shot :p the shot was not cheat zoom, i used it for recording
  13. DayZDaily

    Our first kill

    We died after :(
  14. DayZDaily

    Our first kill

    Yea we are hunting them ;) -Edit Miss read that .. aha.. Naw we looted the whole NE and then heard footsteps .. so we stayed up there any waited
  15. DayZDaily

    Our first kill

    Hey guys ! DayZDaily here with a video of our first kill . Sorry for the bad commentary, its our first time ever recording . Thanks for watching and please leave a comment on what you think. [video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk2L8huOtrE&feature=youtu.be[/video]