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Everything posted by blunce

  1. blunce

    dress to impress

    Yeah there's really no rhyme or reason. I always try to expect the unexpected with every encounter. If I see someone in full mil gear & weapon drawn, I'll try to engage in communication from a distance if at all. As for people that have minimal gear, I'll be a little more aggressive & not so cautious knowing that I have the upper hand. For the record, I only kill in self-defense.
  2. blunce

    How I know the game is behind schedule

    Your thoughts are incoherent
  3. blunce

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    Amen brother
  4. blunce

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    I truly (personally) think that the severity of the security leak is pretty minimal. There will always be hackers. Some better than others. Speaking in regards to the game's finished state, the players themselves will have the tools at hand to filter out any hackers that they may encounter (i.e. private hives).
  5. Hi all, Fairly simple question. As the title states, does a Blue Tactical Shirt exist in-game? I've just recently started looking for one because I've decided to change up my get-up a little bit (I use to roll in all black errrthang). I know Blue Cargos are in-game, & the only tac. shirts I can recall are black, olive, & tan off the top of my head. So if anyone can confirm, it would be much appreciated. Yes, I used the search function prior to posting & didn't turn up the results I was looking for. Thanks in advance :D
  6. blunce

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    How do you know that the group you killed weren't another group of "heroes"? You may have killed a group of people with the same "morals" as yourself. Also, if you're all about morality, & given that you had the jump on them from multiple angles, why did you not even atleast attempt to engage them verbally & simply disarm them?
  7. blunce

    Is There a Blue Tac. Shirt?

    This.^ Oh yeah! Completely forgot about this one. Not blue as I'd like, but could potentially work. Thanks :D Well I'm using the "in-game" definition of a "tactical shirt" here. But yes, I understand your point lol Overall I'd like to stray away from the blue check shirt. Not that I don't like them, but they just have a more "vibrant" blue as opposed to the navy blue you see on blue cargos. I'd stick out like a sore thumb.
  8. blunce

    Is There a Blue Tac. Shirt?

    But I need pockets!
  9. blunce

    Do we really NEED status messages anymore?

    The short answer; Yes. New content will be added that require status messages, which we, the community, will be testing.
  10. blunce

    Love How Everyone Is An Expert

    Wait .. people complain about this game?
  11. blunce

    you call that jumping?

    Agreed. I definitely don't want DayZ combat to turn into a button-mashing jumpfest - a la Halo.
  12. blunce

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    I don't wear them because I try to stay away from military gear. I generally try to go all black with black cargos & black tac. vest. As for head gear I always switch it up. Right now I'm rocking a black ushanka. Before that, black boonie. Before that, black radar. Even when I come across a black ballistic helmet I don't pick it up. Simply because I don't want to look "full military". Yeah I generally stick to the shadows.. EDIT: On a side note, maybe ballistic helmets should have a con such as making you turn your head slower? If not I'd just say make them much rarer. I seem to come across at least one every play session, which for me on average is 3-4 hours.
  13. blunce

    Anyone at the lighthouse at Komorovo?

    Beans for "Babymode" lol
  14. blunce

    Describe your dayz experience in 1 word

    What's DayZ?
  15. blunce

    Discussion on the "Hide body" option

    I think they should just make it so players simply can't access their OWN body & they should remove the feature all together. Now if you have a friend that wants to access your body, gather your gear, then hand it to you, sure. All fair game. Once dragging is implemented I think all bodies should be accessable by anyone. It's up to the person who killed said body to dispose of it properly by dragging it somewhere. Would also add for more strategic gameplay. Do you want to eliminate your target in a high traffic area? Or in the seclusion of a cabin? I like the idea of one of the previous posters^. If you have matches & fuel, you should be able to burn the body. Wouldn't seem very hard to implement given that we'll be seeing fireplaces in a fixed position soon. Same formula. Just my 2 cents.
  16. blunce


    No, but I also don't think the average Joe washed up on the shoreline of Cheraraus would do any better. I do agree that I do not want to see DayZ become another RPG character builder, but that's not the way I'm percieving it. I'm more so looking at it simply as another level of crafting to add more depth to it. Skills you build in game's such as Elder Scrolls are generally combat based, which is NOT what I want this idea to revolve around. Focus on crafting/base building.
  17. blunce


    I would have to respectfully disagree. DayZ does already have MMO elements, but it's still not an MMO. Skill books would just simply be one more piece to puzzle in crafting items & would give no benefit to things like combat scenarios. For example, instead of crafting an improvised backpack with just a burlap sack/rope/sticks (as if your newly washed up survivor coincidentally has the knowledge to do so), you would add a "skill book" as a requirement. You cannot craft said backpack until you've obtained a crafting book. The same example could be applied to building a car. Sure you have all of the necessary parts, but your character doesn't have the knowledge of a mechanic to put them together. That's where the skill book comes in. You "read" it once (as a right-click option) & your character now has the knowledge to build a car. When your character dies, the knowledge dies with you. & as a fresh spawn you now need to read what book pertains to what task you're trying to accomplish. If skill books became a reality, I would NOT support books that would give you advantages such as being faster, having better accuracy, being more resiliant to damage taken or anything that would give you a combat advantage over other players or the zombie threat. Books that I would support: -Crafting book (Needed to craft backpacks, splints, improvised bows, various smaller items. Could possibly be different tiers. Example: Tier 1: Courier Bag. Tier 2: Improvised backpack.) -Recipe Book (Needed to create various food recipes, & once the nutrition system is added, this could be needed to make "healthier", more "wholesome" or "filling" foods.) -Mechanics Book (Needed to make a fully-functional car) -Helipcopter Manual (Needed to make a fully-functional helicopter) -etc. -etc. That's general my take on the idea. For those who support it, feel free to add any other types of "skill books" that would be cool to see.
  18. blunce

    Bandits ruin this game

    Bandits are both a gift & a curse.
  19. blunce

    Two million units sold

    Congrats dev team! Know that all of your hard work doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. I know that the community here doesn't always let you know that. Keep up the good work! :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  20. Of course my friend, where's the sense in speaking on behalf of something that you're completely unknowledgable about ;) & also, I have absolutely no experience in coding/game development. So I could only imagine the headaches
  21. Dean commented on this I believe .. Apparently the zombies follow a "path" outside of buildings, so they need to implement the buildings first before they can draw in these "paths". & to my understanding each one needs to be done individually. Wouldn't make much sense to draw paths first & add buildings later.
  22. Hello to the DayZ community, Yesterday during my play session, I was on a rainy server, & I quickly became captivated by the rain, lighting, & thunder that surrounded me when it occurred to me that the weather such as that thunder storm could be used as an advantage rather than be taken as a disadvantage. One example I can think of, is using the sound of thunder to mask your shots. This would be especially effective when using a weapon such as a Mosin from a distance & you've yet to be detected. That being said, I know that the finished game will have synchronized weather conditions across the servers, but will it be as precise as all players being able to hear the crack of thunder at the same moment? If not, this would basically make my strategy useless. So if anyone has any information on how the devs plan to synchronize weather for all players, please let me know, it would be much appreciated. I'd also like to hear some opinions from the community about how important weather synchronization is, how accurate it will be, & other ways you could use weather conditions to your advantage. -blunce
  23. blunce

    Weather Sync, & Using it's Advantages

    Playing yesterday I heard a couple HUGE booms of thunder .. Sounded like the storm was right overhead :D