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Everything posted by blunce

  1. blunce

    Desynch worse than experimental

    It's like butter - It''s like butter baby Not no Parkay, not no margarine Strictly butter, strictly butter baby (Tribe Called Quest lyrics)
  2. blunce

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    Dude, some games are in development for 3 to 5 or even more years before they're even publicized. They then continue to be developed for another 1 or 2 or so years. This is why it's called Early Access.
  3. blunce

    Dayz SA Is Boring. :-(

    Don't worry about it man we all go through it. You should have seen how much flame I got on my first post lol EDIT: For what it's worth, I have 290 hours on record & am still having a blast. Can't wait to play tonight :D
  4. blunce

    CZ 527

    Yeah you can kill those things flawlessly with virtually any gun. & there aren't exactly any gun-restricting hunting laws in a post-apocolyptic world :P
  5. blunce

    New pvp hot spot?

    New spot is Chernaraus
  6. blunce

    New patch kinda broken

    Dude, he was trying to help by simply suggesting that the issue may have been on his side. He wasn't trying to "convince" him anything. Things such as reconfiguring internet & rebooting the PC are legitimate troubleshooting fixes. What do you get from bashing people that are trying to help? Just because someone isn't experiencing the same issue, doesn't mean they're not knowledgable about the matter. Don't be so ignorant. How hard is that?
  7. blunce

    My Best DayZ Experience

    People are seeming to be much more social with the new update. Check out this video, this is the DayZ community I like to see :) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/199480-12-strangers-unite-for-camping-and-stories/
  8. blunce

    M4 Mags/Attachments Spawns

    Yeah mean I plan to go on an expedition very soon. I've only had one play session so far & spent most of it hanging out in Novo. There's so much to do with this new update it's awesome! All in good time.
  9. blunce

    M4 Mags/Attachments Spawns

    I'm sorry I misunderstood .. The mag that you found had no ammo in it? Because if so, someone most likely had left it there. Or you mean that you found no ammo aside from the full mag?
  10. blunce

    How effective are the notes/paper?

    I've suggested this as well. I'm extremely confident that this would give notes new life. & as you mentioned, players would be much more inclined to read them.
  11. Hooray! :D The rarer the better
  12. blunce

    Weird weapon shaking in 0.45

    My previous post was before playing the current stable build, & as of now I had a 3hour session on it last night. What I've gathered is that yes, weapon sway has been added & only effects you when you come to a complete stop after running or jogging for an extended amount of time. Otherwise, if you're not out of breathe, & have remained perfectly still, no sway at all. & I actually LOVE this feature. Players will actually need to start conserving energy, & will think twice before running a marathon through Chernaraus, given that any moment can turn into a combat scenario. For what it's worth, I wasn't incorrect. It just may have not pertained to your situation.
  13. blunce

    Weird weapon shaking in 0.45

    Yeah sometimes it's hard to tell. But in my experience, more often than not, a splint or morphine will do the trick.
  14. blunce

    Weird weapon shaking in 0.45

    You may have a fractured arm my friend, even if there is no indicator. Might be a hairline fracture. You could always adjust your FOV.
  15. blunce

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Can anyone confirm if the mil. base jailhouse wall glitch has been fixed? I saw speculation that a fix was suppose to be rolled out with this patch but aren't seeing anything in the changelog.
  16. blunce

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Well the new town "Novo" is huge. Just as big as, if not bigger than Cherno. Then there's the other new town Karmanovka. Not sure how many objects that one holds. I wanna say ~3700 IIRC.
  17. blunce

    It's getting lonely and barren in NWAF

    Essentially, yes. It's just that NWAF is just so much larger & offers more loot in general. Theres enough loot there to fully gear up a squad of 4.
  18. blunce

    Realistic Animal Behavior, More animals

    I want to fend myself from vicious packs of wolves damnit >:(
  19. blunce

    No more server list shown

    This should just about sum it up http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/196897-experimental-branch-04512499-discussion/
  20. blunce

    No more server list shown

    You mods get all the action B)
  21. blunce

    Long range scopes out the wazoo!

    This worries me.
  22. blunce

    I won't lie, I'm quite excited

    I'm REALLY hoping that we get to see the new navmesh, but I wouldn't put it past the devs to continue to add on to what we've seen in .45. Things like new animal/fish models, upgraded fireplaces, things like that. Basically just taking everything to the next step. Maybe improved crashed-heli sites (more random & not so many fixed coordinates). All-in-all any progress is progress. Only time will tell.
  23. blunce

    It's getting lonely and barren in NWAF

    I live & die by the westside like Eazy & Pac
  24. blunce

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    I still prefer an axe as my melee weapon even with the current build. A lot of the time I can still one shot a zombie to the head with an axe. 99% of the time I can one shot a zombie if I hit them in the back of the head. Otherwise, I find myself taking them down in no more than 3-4 swings to the head. Moral: aim for the head.