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Everything posted by blunce

  1. blunce

    Trading Post

    Hardcore; Stable Looking for: -x2 AKM 30rnd mags, but am interested if you have at least 1. -Not interested in 75rnd drum mag Offering: -Pristine PSO-1 scope -Pristine AK wooden buttstock PM if interested.
  2. blunce

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    I'm honestly impressed with the popularity that this thread has received.
  3. blunce

    any point in having a sidearm?

    The FNX has saved my life on countless occasions regardless of what primary I'm using. It's my favorite sidearm by far, hands down. Personally, when I pick it up, I like to have at least 3 mags on me. & not to mention each mag holds 15 ROUNDS! Consider the ammo capacity of each, the stopping power of the .45 rounds, & if you happen to come across a pristine FNX RDS it's a deadly combination. If I'm privileged enough to have my FNX set up the way I please, my enemy is looking at 45 powerful rounds coming his way in quick succession. love it<3
  4. blunce

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    Maybe I like the mist ;)
  5. blunce

    when is coming the note to stay?

    Imagine what this guy's notes look like in game.
  6. blunce

    The lone wolf

    Only because you said "thanks". :beans:
  7. blunce

    The lone wolf

    I wouldn't say they're trying to "enforce" it, but more so encourage it. & I wasn't saying that people will "HAVE" to team up in order to survive. I was simply implying that there ARE benefits to doing so. Just as their are benefits to lone-wolfing it. & for what it's worth I only listed the zombie threat first. It has no reflection of what I see being the biggest obstacle to the common player.
  8. blunce

    The lone wolf

    Your vision may change come time of the game's finished state. ;) -Bigger, stronger Zed hordes located especially in high-loot areas. -You'll need some friends to get those cars running in a reasonable manner. -You won't be able to fit all that medical supplies that will be needed in your backpack considering everything else you'll need. There's power in numbers man!
  9. blunce

    Dumb Question

    The DayZ mod is what jumpstarted the DayZ standalone (What you're playing now. Or as you said, the "regular" DayZ). The DayZ mod is essentially what the DayZ SA will become, but much more polished & optimized, & then some.
  10. blunce

    Were Gorka camo jackets ever implemented?

    This is where I come across most Gorka jackets. For what it's worth, the Gorka attire has become my favorite outfit. :D VERY efficient camouflage as well. The color & tones are perfect for Chernaraus.
  11. blunce

    When do we get Tents

    I'm already pitching a tent just thinking about it. ;)
  12. Irish you gotta teach me how to capture the Teamspeak audio while recording lol
  13. We've learned from our mistakes, & will adjust accordingly come the next meeting. ;)
  14. Some laughs to be had:
  15. There was some trading & laughs going on in the beginning, but yes, not the outcome everyone had hoped. It's not easy rallying up 40 strangers with guns. lol I ended up dying, but oh well. Was fun while it lasted :)
  16. Teamspeak will be your quickest source.
  17. Must've missed you man. Honest mistake, I'll put you on now. :)
  18. Thank you :) I say we have a party around 1pm tomorrow in celebration. ;)