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Everything posted by blunce

  1. blunce

    AK-101, anyone got it already?

    Let the flaming begin.. lol
  2. blunce

    You have turned.

    I hate to rain on your parade, but this has already been suggested several times before. The devs won't implement this because we (the survivors) are immune to the infection according to the backstory of DayZ. Now if the devs completely trashed that backstory, & did actually implement this, then I would support it. If we never see it in game, I'll be just as content.
  3. blunce

    To whoever's named " What? "

    Yes it can. 5 or 6 vertical slots I believe.
  4. blunce

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Boneboys should give me my own thread for every time I want to thank the devs for their work so I don't spam the general discussion with "I Just Wanted To Thank.." every patch. :P
  5. blunce

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Considering that persistent loot is disabled, this makes tents virtually useless, right?
  6. blunce

    A short guide to tents in DayZ Exp. 0.47

    I assume you cannot pick up the tent while items are inside of it, right?
  7. blunce

    Strength System

    :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: Just take them.
  8. For me, they always fall to the side that I'm standing on.
  9. Ohh ok I get what you're saying now. I remember seeing somewhere, Rocket had commented on how barricading would work, & that they were toying with having the barricading objects "float" freely in front of your character until you set them down. Hopefully a similar or even the same mechanic will be applied to tents. & I'm sure collision detection will be much more precise. Take all of that with a grain of salt. :)
  10. Ahh ok. I've personally never played the mod or the latest exp. patch, so I have absolutely no experience of how they function. :(
  11. The only way to insure that my tent will never be found is to simply never pitch one in the first place. That's a double-edged sword, my friend. I hope you've got a damn good hiding spot. ;) I generally agree with everything here. Just to clarify, who is they? The devs or players?
  12. I kind of like how they're easily visible - Will force players to hide tents more strategically. I know I will ;)
  13. blunce

    It seemed like a good idea at the time.....

    Haha that's too funny dude! :lol: We actually did hear you at the time! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your story to find out what had caused the explosion lol :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  14. blunce

    Should zombies fear fire?

    As others have said it should do quite the opposite. Fire should attract them.
  15. :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: That just got me so horny
  16. I spend a lot of time at my local Army/Navy barracks & they have TONS of gasmasks. So I've definitely seen a handful of the potential variety. ;) Like yourself I'd like to see more variety. That goes for any apparel really. All in good time!
  17. blunce

    suicide for profit

    Phase 1 - Collect underpants Phase 2 - ? Phase 3 - Profit On topic.. I agree that people SHOULD try to replicate the glitch so that people can effectively help the devs patch it.
  18. Rather ignorant to speak for every other DayZ player don't you think?
  19. I voted yes, but honestly I'm fairly confident they'll reintroduce it at some point regardless of the communities input. The combo was removed temporarily to my understanding, & it really is low priority.
  20. Rain has no effect on neither you nor your gear. You won't get sick or damage anything, so go jump in some puddles :)
  21. Thank you to all that came <3 A small clip: List of invitees: SAKIrishMadWookieGrappleX trev186dricht1kichilronOrlokdaringdMisterGoldNinjaTurkeyarchone88JudeSaintangel_eyes42Act IIIhaknslashDayZmikeGrimey RickblowurselfupdrewfleurysaamohodAimbotFrostDonDiddyMetisCapnMikeeAxeBoySwiftAidenScrubzillaArtsyBoiiJok3rDingledongNovaLaunchTheFarmPeanutbutter60Loot&LiveCaboose187AsOiXVex_Vehix
  22. blunce

    Cars in Dayz Standalone

    This^. According to devs, we're running at ~30km/h right now. I cannot wait for these new features. :) Love it. seriously