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Everything posted by blunce

  1. This is actually a very good point, Roy. I think it would make perfect sense to remove the LRS from the Mosin (for both gameplay & "realism" purposes), & then add the LRS to the Blaze rifle. Especially considering that they both take the same ammo. This way, when players are deciding which gun to roll with (between the Mosin & Blaze), they'll need to consider which caters to their play style more effectively. Would the player rather have the higher-capacity, less dispersive Mosin in sacrifice for not being able to use a LRS? Or would the player favor the LRS on the Blaze rifle although it is has more dispersion, & holds fewer rounds? I think it would be a great change for the game. Weapons overall IMO would be more "balanced". We would see the Blaze getting much more use in-game, & the Mosin a bit less. Now I'm no weapons expert, but I did see some forum members on here mention that you CAN mount a LRS to a Mosin with the proper modification. To my understanding, a custom scope mount is needed in order to accomplish this? So why not add such an attachment in game? & maybe the tools needed to mount said scope mount? This would make players need to go through that many more steps to get the LRS onto their Mosin. If I'm wrong, someone who is more knowledgeable please correct me. Same goes with the dispersion of both the Blaze rifle & Mosin. To my understanding the Mosin is a bit more accurate? But again, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. blunce

    Will tents last through 0.49?

    Why does OP have 3 Olive High Cap. Vests lol. & to my understanding, everything is getting wiped including the tents themselves, so Chernaraus won't look like this after .49:
  3. blunce

    There Are no Vegetables in DayZ.

    I shot a guy & he became a vegetable. Didn't eat him though. We need cannibalism.
  4. Who gives a s***? The patch will be ready when it's ready.
  5. blunce

    Climbing out of larger windows

    For what it's worth, you can jump out the window of the small cabin building. Go in through the front door, take a left into the bedroom, & climb out the big window right above the bed in there. It's great if you're ever being chased. Let your pursuers follow you in there, hop out the window & leave them in a "da fuq just happen¿" state of mind :)
  6. Go out like a boss! Time to start looking for some trouble ;)
  7. blunce

    R.I.P Tent City.

    Can I have the blue one?
  8. blunce

    DayZ seasonal weather changes?

    Sadly, we'll likely never see snow accumulate on the ground.
  9. blunce

    Entered Wrong Birthday

    So I went to check out the dev hub, & entered my birthday incorrectly (Oct. 11, 2014). That date hasn't even happened yet lol Anyway, I can't access the content now. Anyone know how I can correct this?
  10. blunce

    Entered Wrong Birthday

    Thank you everyone.. Yeah I know, dumbass move lol
  11. blunce

    CZ527 5 shot magazine

    Known issue. Search function ;) EDIT: I did search after seeing this post, & it actually turned up nothing. I swear I saw on a post on this recently :huh:
  12. blunce

    Changelogs for pussies

    This thread is funny
  13. blunce

    Never start a firefight

    Beat me to it.
  14. blunce

    A Real Hardcore Mode wishlist

    I'll just go ahead & leave this right here.. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/200355-the-future-of-hardcore-vs-regular/
  15. blunce

    Does the game become worse every update?

    Well my friend, if I were to provide one, there's no telling how inaccurate or subjective it may be.
  16. Idk man, you're asking the wrong guy lol
  17. blunce

    Does the game become worse every update?

    The short answer: The more that content is added, the more we will see new bugs.
  18. http://www.incgamers.com/2014/08/dayz-0-48-hot-fix-due-13-august-0-49-may-add-gardening
  19. blunce

    No more Towns

    Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of walking to the edge of the map & loading into a new server. People could just camp these positions & exploit unsuspecting survivors. I had another discussion about this same topic a while back (one that I can't find in my content for the life of me), but my point really was that it would be somewhat immersion breaking (for me personally), & if the idea is to both expand the map, but also limit player capacity, what's preventing all of those player from going to the same part of the map? I would rather have 1 map with 100 people than 4 maps with 400 people. But, like yourself, all of the information I'm providing is just recollections of articles that I've seen over the months, & like you said, before the engine overhaul. I'm not sure how intensive shrubbery & trees are on the engine? If not very intensive, then I don't see why they couldn't expand north. Just like anything else, time will tell.
  20. blunce

    .45's with no ammo spawns?

    I've noticed an increase in rarity of .45 rounds as well. But, IMO I think it's great! The survivors of DayZ should be more commonly found with weapons such as shotguns & 9mm weapons & very low-tier civilian-esc weapons. Not that .45s are uncommon (here in America anyway), but overall I think we're starting to see good balance.
  21. blunce

    No more Towns

    I'm pretty confident that this is their intention. We should soon see more wilderness expand up north.
  22. blunce

    Where am I ? (The Official)

  23. blunce

    Trading Post
