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About rookie101

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. rookie101

    Hackers in DAYZ

    There is no point to keep repyling to the post, is there?
  2. rookie101

    Hackers in DAYZ

    Yhea. And how do we know who they are? We cant see their in-game name. But they knew mine.
  3. rookie101

    Hackers in DAYZ

    Okay. I was sniping and shooting guys with gear. Bambi's we didn't shoot. Or if they got up to us trying to knock us out. We didn't kill any freshspawns. We killed guys with guns.
  4. rookie101

    Hackers in DAYZ

    Sniping is a part of the game. Is it not?
  5. rookie101

    Hackers in DAYZ

    So i haven't seen any hackers in my 220 hours playtime. But yesterday me and 2 friends got killed by a hacker. We were sniping on a roof in elektro. Then suddenly we heard someone in direct chat saying : DO SOMETHING DO SOMETHING 3....2....1..... And all of the sudden he was flying around us and spraying his M4 on us. And when we spawned as fresh spawns they came after us and killed us again. ( happend 4 times) I couldnt record this but my friend made a screenshot. When does DAYZ do something about this. http://steamcommunity.com//sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=232788326 GAME=RUINED ( for now )