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kalev (DayZ)

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Everything posted by kalev (DayZ)

  1. kalev (DayZ)

    The one thing that stops me from playing atm...

    Long distances and all the travelling wouldn't be a problem if all of the villages would have something to offer, but since most of the buildings in this mod are non-accessible it gets dull really fast.
  2. kalev (DayZ)

    Still running across the map ?

    Wouldn't be boring running around if most of the buildings would be accessible. Kinda pisses me off to pass through a village with 10 buildings non accessible.
  3. kalev (DayZ)

    Killed by a hacker on US 1329 :(

    Yeah. Same exact thing has happened to me couple of times. Sux. Don't really feel like playing anymore, mainly because of hacking.
  4. kalev (DayZ)

    Hmm, dearstands

    Have you guys noticed that there are plenty of deerstands but no deers around O_O
  5. kalev (DayZ)

    Assassination moves?

    Battlefield < that way. In all seriousness though I wouldn't want that shit in this mod. Maybe in 1000 years when the engine would work nice and dandy.. maybe then...
  6. kalev (DayZ)

    Hostile animals in the woods/forest?

    If not animals then something in the forest atleat. They are boring as hell.
  7. What if the outpost would be in the center of cherno or electro? There are people wanting to kill everyone camping nearby all the time anyway.
  8. kalev (DayZ)

    more vehicles

    GTA Z
  9. kalev (DayZ)

    Needed "Scare Factor"

    Well the thing is that you'll get used to anything. No matter how scary something is at first, when you experience it again and again it just gets less scary. But yeah I agree that this mod needs more spice. And you know what would work? A slender man type of a creature that would spawn in big forests. Something that you know it's there and you most likely die if you get it after you.
  10. kalev (DayZ)

    Far Cry 2 idea - YOU WILL HATE ME

    I like this idea. There should be conditions for weapons in this game. Worse the condition, easier it jams.
  11. kalev (DayZ)

    CPU survivors

    Maybe in few safe-heavens around Chernarus, but not all over the place. Shooting bandits on sight and keeping survivors for killing eachother? I'm in.
  12. Just an idea that came to my head watching DayZ: IRL. I think the reason for some people to kill other players without any purpose is to collect kills just to show off to their friends or post a screenshot to a forum etc. to brag about it. The counter doesn't serve any real purpose IMO and only feels doing more harm than good but then again I don't have any idea where the devs are going with that either. Peace! B)
  13. kalev (DayZ)

    Death needs penalties. Suggestions welcome

    If you die you can't play ever again. The game should have some DNA based identification method.
  14. kalev (DayZ)

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    Glitchdogs.. can't wait.
  15. kalev (DayZ)

    I laugh at your complaints.

    We wait... For this mod to get better or the next zombie survival(or what ever DayZ is described) to emerge =)
  16. kalev (DayZ)

    Poll: should DayZ have classes?

    I call paladin! No, but seriously I don't think DayZ should have classes. One of the charms in this game is the fact that you start from nothing and work your way up to be whatever you want.
  17. kalev (DayZ)

    Which map would you like to see for dayz?

    Something Big and versatile. Chernarus is big, I'll give it that, but the terrain looks the same all over the map.
  18. kalev (DayZ)

    What's your ideal server?

    3rdP ON, because in first person the vision shakes unrealistic when you run (Inb4 zombiegame etc etc), don't know about u guys but when I run in real life my vision stays pretty even, even with a backpack on my back and rifle in my hand. Otherwise I would prefer first person. Crosshair On or Off I don't really care. Nametags On, because I like to know who I shoot. In real life maybe I don't know what my enemies look like but I would know what my friends look like. In dayz everybody looks like the same.
  19. kalev (DayZ)

    Infection and the cure?

    If you get injured by a zombie, there would be a change of getting infected by the zombie virus. Maybe you would slowly loose blood, your vision would decrease, you would get slower etc. etc. you get my idea... And also there would be a cure for this infection. Usually in zombie fiction there is some sorf of an infection behind the infection and many times there is a cure. Just what I think they should add to this mod at some point.
  20. kalev (DayZ)

    More accessible houses...

    I've seen DE 69... Also RU#3 is pretty close to EU server. Good ping and english is widely used =)
  21. kalev (DayZ)

    NPC Bandits / Sasquatch?

    Why add NPC bandits when we have player bandits roaming the place. Many times norther you go better geared they are. Anyway, maybe not a sasquatch but I like idea of something dangerous and scary spawning around the map at nights..
  22. kalev (DayZ)

    Infection and the cure?

    I'll read them! =)
  23. kalev (DayZ)

    More accessible houses...

    Not too many server atm but there will be more when people find out how much more fun Lingor Island can be compared to Chernarus, which itself is not bad at all.
  24. kalev (DayZ)

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Much nicer map than chernarus. Most buildings are accessible. Smaller map>you bumb in to people more often(it's a good and a bad thing at the same time, but maybe Chernarus is too big for my skin for "only" have like ~50 players). Really easy to gear up though. But I rather get shot by others while having something to defense myself than be shot by others while having nothing at all.