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Everything posted by exciniscineris

  1. They are not allowed to kick you just based on your name so hopefully the server will get punished.
  2. There you go, chances are he spotted you and followed.
  3. Well if its at the spawn that's why you died lol chances are he was watching you for a while.
  4. Did you ever consider it could have been a trap? Its not hard to move a car somewhere shoot out the wheels and wait for someone to try and repair it.
  5. Calling the game retarded and raging on the forums will not get you your car back.
  6. Next time don't be obvious?
  7. exciniscineris

    Server de72 is a no go

    Hackers can still join your server.
  8. exciniscineris

    maybe this would work to fix spawn

    This actually sounds quite fun but i don't think he would ever put it in lol.
  9. exciniscineris

    Server de72 is a no go

    I've seen hackers nuke and wipe entire servers killing everyone. So a hacker could easily kill 49 players.
  10. exciniscineris

    Server de72 is a no go

    Why do you assume it was the admin? There are hackers everywhere killing everyone.
  11. I like the way it currently is, its one of the few things in this game that encourages teamwork.
  12. exciniscineris

    Hacker gave me a Horn *honk honk*

    This, 1000x this!
  13. exciniscineris

    Starting a new clan/group

    The problem is they could log on when no one else is then steal, and no one would know who did it.
  14. exciniscineris

    Starting a new clan/group

    To be honest, I have no fucking clue lol. Making a big clan would be very hard to do.
  15. exciniscineris

    Starting a new clan/group

    I hope you don't just allow anyone into your clan lol, it only takes one person to steal everything.
  16. exciniscineris

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    O yah I found one like that hidden under a bridge south of Vybor.
  17. I'm pretty sure vote admin does not work in dayz. So chances are it was the actual server admin doing it.
  18. exciniscineris

    How do I set a Way-point with the map?

    Not sure, its always worked for me, The server you are on probably has it disabled.
  19. exciniscineris

    How do I set a Way-point with the map?

    Shift and left click on the map where you want to mark then it should show up on your hud.
  20. exciniscineris

    Global Ban Due To Item Chest Bug

    If you don't want to deal with hackers then you mite as well quit now, This mod is in alpha and there will be hackers for a while now. Don't get attached to your gear and don't take hacked loot -.-
  21. exciniscineris

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    That seems like a pretty horrible place for a camp lol.
  22. exciniscineris

    Playing music through the ingame voice chat?

    This. 1000x this.
  23. exciniscineris

    Tents and trees...feedback please

    You can only carry so much, and if it had heli loot they may have not needed the other loot.
  24. exciniscineris

    heli crash sites

    No i don't think heli loot respawns over time, just after server restarts. Also when the server restarts it resets where the helis are, they have a lot of spawn locations all over the map
  25. exciniscineris

    Zombie virus

    I don't think its the zombie virus, its just an infection. You get it from being under 33 C for extended periods of time.