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Everything posted by exciniscineris

  1. exciniscineris

    Suggestions for tents and teams

    Personally I think the tent idea is horrible, you should not be able to watch your tent constantly unless you leave someone to guard it.
  2. exciniscineris

    Weapon help

    I would take the M1014 and the M9SD personally, but the AK-74 is fine as well.
  3. exciniscineris

    Green plateau when game starts

    That's the debug forest.
  4. exciniscineris

    Ghillie suits & Camo clothing...

    I know that ghilli's are pretty messed up right now, you can equip them but when you log out and back in they disappear. I'm guessing that camo is bugged as well.
  5. exciniscineris

    This is akward

    HAHAHA another good video puppet.
  6. exciniscineris

    Damaged gear when killed

    This sounds really cool, it may make people think twice before unloading in people w/ M249s.
  7. exciniscineris

    You can take our bicycles but you can never take our ..FREEDOM

    Lol, nice puppet.
  8. Lol really? Rocket has been extremely good with taking community feedback and implementing it in game and he has already addressed disconnecting exploit, just because he Isn't fixing it right this second your going to go and start a protest? Let him fix it when he wants to, and if you can't deal with that wait till the game is actually released not in alpha state.
  9. exciniscineris

    Save character?

    Nope, everything is saved on a hive server.
  10. exciniscineris

    Canned food

    Simple and good suggestion. It would be nice if this gets added.
  11. exciniscineris

    Buddy Spawn System

    They do it constantly, and not just to get close to friends they also do it just to spawn in Cherno or Electro... My server always get spammed by mass respawning.
  12. exciniscineris

    Anyone else done this?

    Yup, I once ran up to a guy w/ no guns and yelled friendly and he said friendly as well. Got behind him and stole his Winchester from his pack and killed him with it.
  13. exciniscineris

    M249 SAW

    TBH, it may be hacked M249 then lol. I know there are some LMGs in arma that also take the backpack space.
  14. exciniscineris

    Buddy Spawn System

    I think he has already said he is going to stop the spam respawning, adding like one character every 2 minutes or something.
  15. exciniscineris

    Buddy Spawn System

    When he moves over to a stand alone game it would probably be possible but it would be finicky to put in atm.
  16. exciniscineris

    M249 SAW

    I've used plenty of M249s and its never taken my pack away but it may have changed in the most recent patch.
  17. exciniscineris

    Buddy Spawn System

    Nope, I don't agree with this at all. It doesn't really fit with the game being able to just spawn with someone.
  18. exciniscineris

    FN FAL Mag

    There only so posed to spawn on crashed heli sites, so someone probably droped that one. Also yes you can only find the mags at crashed heli sites.
  19. exciniscineris

    LOOKin fur Clan

    Reading that hurt my brain lol....
  20. exciniscineris

    A server that works in the UK and America

    All servers work for both.... there really isn't a way to make everyone have a good connection though...
  21. exciniscineris


    I usually keep an emergency one in my pack but, yah I've rarely ever used it besides maybe one or two times after a firefight.
  22. exciniscineris

    OMFG Rocket!!!

    I agree, this is his game he should make how he imagined it.
  23. exciniscineris

    In relation to blood bags.

    "Check pulse" usually shows up when your unconscious idk why it would show it if your conscious.
  24. I used one of my extras a few days ago, played for about an hour with it on then logged out. When i logged back on again I was rolled back about a half an hour and lost the ghilli. I would just wait till next patch.
  25. exciniscineris

    why do people wire everything?

    Because people are dicks, simple as that.