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Everything posted by ActionKlaus

  1. ActionKlaus

    "You are dead" Wont allow Respawn

    Nevermind, I got out of the water and it appears that I didn´t have the same bug. When I was out of the water, the "you are dead" Screen didn´t appear anymore. I crawled to a Zombie, got killed and finally the restart button was active again. Thanks for the hint anyway!!
  2. ActionKlaus

    "You are dead" Wont allow Respawn

    I finally found out where I am... I´m in Svetlojarsk. In the harbour basin at the edge of southern part of the harbour buildings. I can´t crawl out becaue there are piers and no natural coast. I will try to reach the natural part of the coast without pier but its going really slow underwater and I don´t know If can even crawl at the coast... If you could come an kill me it would be great!! :) Thank you very much for your help!!
  3. ActionKlaus

    "You are dead" Wont allow Respawn

    You are lucky. I am stuck underwater and can´t get anywhere :( So that´s it for me? Any ideas? Thanks!