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About Filozovs

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Filozovs

    Balanced background idea

    One of the things that makes DayZ great is the fact that everybody has his own story and you can play in any way you like. I didn't kill people at first, not if they didn't shoot first, but after a few days I was KOS'ing people, those damn russian servers... Before that I met some people and I'm still playing with one of them in a group. We have a guy who carries most of our medical supplies, we have a sniper. I love to shoot them pigs. We sorted out our roles without set ''character types''. I don't want to always be the guy who has to carry all the pain killers. I don't want to be spending my time farming meat. People want to be free
  2. Filozovs

    Balanced background idea

    Your still mising the point, classes force people to play in a certain way. Medic will always stay behind, so they could patch people up, mechanics would be forced to play in groups, because there is no point of being able to repair things if you don't have the parts, and in DayZ finding parts involves raids and farming, very hard to do alone. People would just pick the hunter, since they would spawn away from the coast, a bit up north, i.e where the the good stuff is.
  3. Filozovs

    Balanced background idea

    So I can't have my backstory? All the cops and military guys seem to be dead...Why should a medic have a better chance surviving then a guy with an M16 and body armor? I could understand the fact that hunters are alive, since many of them live in remote locations, but the rest is just forcing stuff on people.
  4. Filozovs

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    Requirements: ArmA II: CO DayZ Mod Files (Available on the downloads page) Balls
  5. Filozovs

    Bird Alarm

    Not sure if ARMA is built for that, but it sure would be cool and very useful. To be honest, this is one of the best ideas I have read in a long time.
  6. Filozovs

    Balanced background idea

    Books and teaching other people things could work, but it's a big no for "character types", what if I don't want to be a medic or mechanic in my past life? What if I was just random bloke who was working in, let's say, in a supermarket. I don't know anything about hunting, I know only basic first aid and I can't repair my own car? Why should I always be limited to these set classes?
  7. Filozovs

    Sanity aka going bonkers system

    So instead of people getting used to violence and zombies, they for some reason get more and more scared? Maybe my character happens to be an ex-military guy who's seen everything? Maybe he is an nutter to begin with? Why are you suggesting that a system would build my character instead of me? I already hear gunshots which aren't there
  8. Filozovs

    Balanced background idea

    Why should I be forced to take a role? I'm playing the mod as I want to play, I'm making my own character.This isn't an MMORPG, we don't need classes.
  9. Filozovs

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    @Glock 17 - MP-446 Viking Why would you replace the most widely used law enforcement pistol in the worldwide by a russian one which isnt even used outside Russia? @MP5A5 / MP5SD6 - PP2000 Same here, MP5 is used worldwide, PP-2000 isnt. It came out 2004, so it hasnt even been around for long too.
  10. you should try Berezino's Hospital on UK 7, always full of loot
  11. Filozovs

    Make bicycles MORE common

    +1 I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike....
  12. Filozovs

    Carbonated Trading

    @So let me know, what would you pay for an AR15 and a half dozen mags? The gun I was carrying at that moment, 1866 or an L. Enfield. Maybe some fresh meat and blood bags/morphine.
  13. Filozovs

    Carbonated Trading

    NVG's, everything else can be easily found or isn't worth the hassle
  14. yap, interesting idea +1
  15. Filozovs

    FLAGS! Wait Don't Shoot!

    OR you could just carry a flare