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Everything posted by battlefieldbully

  1. battlefieldbully

    Performance Tips

    Welcome to the world of RV engine. These performance problems have been persistent since the days of original OFP. Much respect for the Devs trying to fight these problems though. I hope those fixes find their way in ARMAIII!
  2. battlefieldbully


    I found nothing about the new VBS features so I thought i'd share this information since nobody else hasn't posted about it yet.
  3. battlefieldbully


    Could they implement new VBS snow features that were introduced not so long ago... That would be awesome! I bet Dayz devs are aware of this possibility. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoLZogUs4No
  4. battlefieldbully

    More diversity animals + plants

    I'm definitely backing the ideas shown here. There's currently many shacks in Chernarus that doesn't serve any purpose so how about turning some of them into abandoned moonshine distilleries or something like that where you could extract your own potions and poisons. Ability to craft poison tipped arrows would also come in handy when there's a need for stealth kills... just my 2 cents.