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Everything posted by holiday916@gmail.com

  1. holiday916@gmail.com

    Come get some! Kill on Sight expected and encouraged!

    A lot of whining going on in this post, but as a bandit, I believe I can safely make this statement for the rest of us banditos: Making your game experience enjoyable is not my responsibility. It's yours. For my own part, I enjoy the firefights much more than I enjoy anything else in this game - even if I'm the one dying. It really doesn't bother me very much if I die in this game; as much as I can't stand the nonstop "you're ruining my experience!" whining, it's nice to have a healthy population of players that allow me to shoot them first (heroes) so I can re-equip quickly and get back to shooting people. I don't really think it takes more balls to be a hero or a bandit. It's a video game. If you like parting with your gear often because you decided to let a player like me get close to you and put a fireaxe in the back of your head, be a hero. If you enjoy the salty taste of bambi tears and you enjoy not having to worry about the player you just let run by you come back to shoot you in the face, be a bandit. People complain about the guys on the other side of the fence constantly, but without a healthy balance of bandits and people who enjoy losing their shit all the time, this game wouldn't be nearly as fun.