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Everything posted by acoastalhero

  1. I was just thinking about other ways to deter hackers and i started thinking about the price tag of this game. Don't you think it is time to increase the price now, i mean anyone with a moderate interest in the development of dayz has surely already bought the game and with over a million copies sold you already have enough alpha/beta testers. So why is this game still only 20/40 sterling/dollars, i think it should be put up to 30/60 pounds/dollars at least, this way anyone who gets banned is going to have to start forking out a lot more money for their cheap thrills and if they have another BI game like arma 3 it really is going to start having an impact on the cheaters in this game because of how expensive it's going to be to start again. So any devs if you happen to read this put the price up on this game already you have earned it. Also if anyone disagrees please tell me why as i can't think of single reason why this would have a negative impact on the future of this title.
  2. acoastalhero

    Accelerated time- whats the deal so far?

    Last reply. I am not talking about the meme so much but the actual song which we can play to the entire server while killing everyone in electro with 'magic' if you get my drift.
  3. acoastalhero

    Are abusive servers really being taken seriously?

    Short answer no they are not. I have seen a massive growth in the amount of them, but if people are paying for something why should they not be allowed to have it privately.
  4. acoastalhero

    Accelerated time- whats the deal so far?

    I meant in game, you obviously have quite a small mind yourself if you cant piece that together.
  5. acoastalhero

    Accelerated time- whats the deal so far?

    Or not. How else could i rick roll people like you
  6. acoastalhero

    DayZ errors (unable to play)

    Do not mess around with your game files next time. Cheating does not pay. Unless you play dayz of course.
  7. acoastalhero

    Post your Preferred Loadout

    If i see you on the coast i will slowly insert each banana into your rectum one at a time.
  8. acoastalhero

    Accelerated time- whats the deal so far?

    It's basically a load of rubbish just like this entire game. Something about making the day-night cycles faster but considering night time is broken and zombies run faster then ussain bolt it's not even worth worrying about.
  9. acoastalhero

    If dreams could come true

    Robbedz Because we stole your money and we lied to you. This game is terrible.
  10. acoastalhero

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    Why did you have to be rude at the start, what the fuck is with the people on this forum. Bunch of fucking negative idiots, i think i might start turning into pacific at this rate.
  11. acoastalhero

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Ah well its good to know you nearly got him, better luck next time. And the hacking situation at the moment is crazy i am soon going to compile a list of ways to avoid hackers which i have found work reall well so hang in there
  12. acoastalhero

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    You should have checked the pulse of the player to get his name and report him.
  13. acoastalhero

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    Pacific although i do agree with you it does not have much to do with the original post. If i was hacking and i got global banned from say dayz SA and arma 3 that would cost me about 80 pounds, i would not fork that money out willy nilly so i think the time is right to raise the price tag of the game. Anyone who is interested in helping with the development should already have the game by now so the only 'extra' copies it is selling now is to hackers imo.
  14. acoastalhero

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    What ??? It's called a discussion you buffoon if you don't want to have any without being rude you should probably not be on a FORUM. As someone has said earlier on who used to be a hacker that having to pay too much is what caused him to quit hacking, they have sold over a million copies so they have enough alpha.... Do you know what, read the OP because it is all in there and if you do not have anything to say to it then please don't.
  15. acoastalhero

    Dayz in five words or less

    The same fucking game. HACKERS (Some people are really having trouble with the five words part)
  16. acoastalhero

    da' Hell!

    Because zombies can't climb. I am perplexed as to why you think zombies hanging around on shed roofs is normal behaviour :lol:
  17. acoastalhero

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Ah so that is what the sa stands for, my bad. Stop trying to hold grudges you pathetic little man, I am still trying to decode your gibberish from last time we spoke. If it IS against the rules to post links to those websites a moderator will tell me and i will remove it.
  18. acoastalhero

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    Thanks for the input pacific. You are always so enlightening with your posts, why the hell have they not made you a moderator yet :P
  19. acoastalhero

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    You seem like a special case though, i am pretty sure the majority of these hackers do not have other cpu's lying around. I hope so anyway.
  20. acoastalhero

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    So to keep you interested in something you like, c++ you destroy the beauty, hard work and effort of other c++ coders and ruin other peoples enjoyment of their coding just to 'keep you interested'. That is not even close to an excuse and in fact makes me even more annoyed as you more then any other should appreciate it. Stop digging man.
  21. acoastalhero

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Mate i couldnt even read that, you might want to change your font.
  22. acoastalhero

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    We have quite a mix of views here, while i understand what weedz is saying you said you had to buy the standalone again which means your hacking must have been quite recent and to know that increasing the price did deter you and your friends kind of backs up my argument, that's good to know so thanks. But you're a hacking scumbag and i hope one day a new anti cheat is invented that bans entire computers by their serial number from playing certain games or even steam entirely, that would really be the only way to stamp out hacking for ever.
  23. acoastalhero

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    I had the same issue as you when i first started playing 3pp and the only reason i play them now is because it's much easier to get a full game. The way i resolved it was by hot keying the change of view to left ctrl so without even moving my left hand i can change between the two views simultaneously enabling me to adapt to any situation i am confronted with. I think if you really want to make a switch to 3pp you should try changing the hot key to change views to something you are comfortable with and once you get used to it it will become second nature when the situation arises.
  24. acoastalhero

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    I guess i know nothing about hackers, it really doesn't interest me that much so i haven't done much research, i thought you just downloaded them and popped them into your game folder or something. I can't believe people actually pay so much money for hacks and every month as well that is just crazy. Why would you buy a computer game and then buy something that lets the computer play the game for you, it bewilders me. Thanks for letting me know. I guess an extra 10 pounds really wont make much difference then in that case.