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Everything posted by Snooopie

  1. Hello everyone ! We are still a new server, but with growing popularity. The server is US based but players that are currently on are from all different time-zones, so you'll rarely see an empty server. Server is mostly daytime only, but we do "switch it up a little bit" every 2-3 days to add a few restarts of dusk-dawn-night. Us admins are also from different time-zones and at least one of us is on at any given time (if not in server, then in TeamSpeak). MAP ADDONS Ghost of Chernarus custom map Selfbloodbag Autorefuel | Repair | Rearm WAI Mission system (main and side) DZMS Main missions Several Map Updates Custom Traders Traders Safezone Wrecks with Loot Snap Building Indestructible Cinder Extra Vehicles Tow & Lift with modified vehicle/heli list No Tow on locked vehicles Take Clothes EVR Blowouts and more... As you can see it has plenty of addons, there's a couple more of them, but you can check that out for yourself We definitely do have more hero players than bandits(better prices at hero traders ), but it balances out nicely. PVP is of course allowed, PVE is encouraged . We "listen" to our players and then see if we can implement the things they ask for / need. Come and join our happy community SERVER IP : TeamSpeak3 IP : vs20.tserverhq.com:9159 Website / Forums : http://gamebastion.enjin.com
  2. We have made a switch to a new dedicated server and we've transfered the database from the old one (so if you've played there, your stuff is gonna be in the new one as well). The result is a much smoother gameplay and a great increase in FPS + we've added some new stuff into the server cheers!