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About Chew_Magna

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    On the Coast
  1. Chew_Magna

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    I think you'll be in the same boat as me if you upgrade only your video card. I just upgraded from two 7770's in Crossfire to a single GTX 760 and see no improvement in this game (a great improvement in other games though, almost double the improvement). I'm assuming it's because my cpu is limiting it, I'm running a Phenom II 965 oc'd to 4ghz with 16gb ram in a 990FX board. I get the best performance from just hitting "Default" in the settings panel. I can up the texture settings to max with no hit to my fps and I turn bloom almost off with HDR on low just because I think that looks best, and I keep the AA settings on "Normal". I also "fix" the resolution to run at my native 1080. In towns I'm getting mid 20's and out in the woods or a field it goes up to 40-50fps. Lowering the settings doesn't gain me anything and using any of the settings from the first page gain me nothing. This game reminds me of having to tweak Oblivion so it would run at it's full potential. In that game it worked though. <_<