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The Omega Man (DayZ)

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Everything posted by The Omega Man (DayZ)

  1. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    Recourse For Death By Glitch?

    Recourse For Death By Glitch? Is there one? Zombie came through wall, was shot to no effect. Suddenly start bleeding, and then seemingly getting "hit" by invisible zombie. Could not exit building b/c zombie was blockin corridow. Inventory locked up, so of course, no bandage could be applied. Three week old kitted character now dead. Not whining, just asking.
  2. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    Recourse For Death By Glitch?

    No, I deal with the zombies w/o problems. Except for here which has never happened. I could not get through, or around the zombie, who was locked in place-and not allowed to bandage myself. And again, I am tremendously well aware of the "alpha" game status. Just wanted to ask the question.
  3. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    Is anyone tired of this game because of KOS?

    As a result of the KOS folks, bandits, and torture, you have my group (currently very small) and others to try and counter that. Snipers are a real problem in the game, and we are working on our countersniper program :thumbsup:
  4. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    What music hits you when you play?

  5. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    What music hits you when you play?

  6. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    What music hits you when you play?

  7. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    Some people go to hunt the hunters...
  8. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    Chernarus Sheriff's Office Contacts

    The weekend was a banner day for contacts with some of the finer citizens of Chernarus. Some have been so battered that even our mere presence unfortunately makes them log out immediately. Physically, we are an intimidating bunch as we are always fully kitted, and very heavily armed with the latest high end weapons and gear. It is pretty sad to watch some terrified citizen sit down, stare blankly, and then lie face down and disappear...we found some poor woman who was such a mess...well, maybe she thought we were "the other guys" who only seek to hurt and maim. Or worse... One citizen had overheard a conversation between Lt. Dan and myself, and when I caught him peeking behind a corner...I began giving him orders to not approach. He did appear to be hiding, and acting nefarious. After a brief discussion as to his intentions, we ordered him forward with his hands up, and after he removed his weapons, he was handcuffed and searched for officer safety. We inquired as to his health, and we found him to be in poor condition. Low on blood, hungry, and a bit dehydrated. He had also recently been the victim of an assault, but had survived. We had asked where the villain was to perform a field interview, but apparently he had been on another server prior. For being an overall good citizen, we provided him some items to help him sustain himself in the cruel (currently) world of Chernarus: saline injection, sodas, powdered milk, loaded .45 magazine, and an Aimpoint red dot optic in good condition. He thanked us heartily, and was of course allowed him to pick up his weapons, and safely be on his way. It is a good feeling to be able to help people directly in this line of work. It can be tedious, the long hours of patrolling and watching-but in the end, the payoff is the feeling one gets from helping a stranger in need. Off to patrol :thumbsup: Sheriff of Chernarus
  9. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    Chernarus Sheriff's Office Contacts

    Obviously as long as you follow our doctrines, please feel free to join up on this website and we will work out the friending details later. And must have teamspeak. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/sheriffsoffice/
  10. The Omega Man (DayZ)

    Taster DayZ Video

    How do you create videos? Thank you-