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About GBlues

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    On the Coast
  1. Just my opinion and it's just that....I believe that kill on site isn't ever going to go away. Instead of being killed with a firearm you'll be killed with a bow and arrow, or a slingshot, or a fireman's axe....somebody's fist. Once someone does find a gun or makes one, whatever the case may be, they will still be killing on site. Yep, a bow and arrow is much quieter than a firearm...but we are talking about a zombie apocalypse, and I don't care what world you live in, you will want a firearm, and you will want one that is already at least together. As it stands now, you may think it's easy to get a firearm. An M4 or a shotgun, whatever. Log in to a server that has some people or has had some people and it's not all that easy. It can in fact take several days, I know from personal experience. Once you find an M4 it may take several more days to find undamaged attachments for it, like a pristine buttstock or a handguard. In my experience it's generally not easy. It's time consuming unless your server hopping and even then...who wants to wait that long to log in to a server because you've hopped 5 or 6 times? It's just not worth it to me. The problem isn't the guns, the problem is the infection, isn't 'real' if that makes any sense. Everyone is running around shooting other players because they are bored. They get geared up and then what? Fight off the zombie horde that isn't there? Yeah. There is no reason to team up with anyone other than your friends that already play. You don't need a large number of survivors and if you play the game cautiously you don't need anyone with you at all. As it stands now, there is no real reason to band together. You want less guns, but once the zombies start getting harder, and there start being more of them, you may be saying, "WE NEED MORE GUNS!!!" Which is probably what will happen. Be careful with what you want. We will probably get a whole host of ways to make makeshift weapons none of which are going to be as effective against a zombie horde as a good old auto-loader with lots of ammo and a village behind you with the same. As an aside, in the country where this game is placed, in reality you would see a lot of Ak's. A lot of Ak's. It's the region where they come from, and in most third world countries they are very, very plentiful. They are easy to make, and easy to maintain. It's why people use them in those countries. It's why the militias and militaries in that part of the world use them. In America we have a lot of AR's, WHY? Because our country uses that weapon platform. All the M16 is, is an AR that either has full auto functionality or three round burst as well as semi-auto capabilities. Whereas the civilian model has semi only. I think that instead of less guns, you should be seeing more area specific guns. Should an m4 be rare? That's not for me to say, but you probably wouldn't have as many available to you in Chernarous as you would in say....Chicago. IF you really had a zombie outbreak would the civilians that didn't get infected have been drafted into the military and thus issued battle rifles and side arms? If it got so bad that it basically was wiping out an entire country probably. So weapons would be plentiful, especially if you were able to find a site where a large battle took place. To me the crafting shouldn't be about making things, but more keeping the things you have maintained and running. More about crafting that campfire, crafting that base where you CAN band together and defend your lives and friends lives. It should be about finding a good place to make a cache so that you can stock pile it, in case you die. Then you could go to your cache and resupply, or make cache's for those longer trips. Perhaps in the future they will have large zombie scale battles and the event calls for people from one base to make a large movement across the map to help their neighbors, having to stop at there caches to resupply. It's a survival game, but it's also a Zombie Apocalypse game. Keep that in mind. DOn't short change yourself effective weapons that you may desperately need in the future, and not have access too or very rare access too. I don't know about you, but taking on several hundred zombies with a few guys and some baseball bats, just doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.